Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment refers to any sexual conduct or advance to a person whether a man or a woman that is unwelcome. This form of harassment creates an offensive, hostile and intimidating working environment. It is a wide spread problem which in most cases has the effect of causing low morale among the workers especially those that are frequently sexually harassed. It leads to low productivity and thus low output for unions and employers and also introduces an expense to the management in terms of the law suits filed by the workers who have been sexually harassed.Therefore less sexual harassment will lead to increased productivity at the work place and in addition reduce the legal costs incurred as a result of the cases that have been filed by the sexually harassed workers (Roberts, & Mann, n. d. ). Effects of sexual harassment at work place Sexual harassment creates a hostile working environment for the workers and especially the ones facing sexual harassment. For any worker to be prod uctive, academic achievements and experience alone are not enough to ensure optimal productivity. The working environment for the worker is a very important factor maximum productivity among the workers.The workers who are frequently harassed either sexually or through any other form of harassment usually have a negative attitude towards their work in the organization and in fact hate the organization they are working for and will in most cases remain in such organizations simply because they cannot secure another job with another company, otherwise they will quit their work in the organization from which they are being sexually harassed at the earliest opportunity. Sexually harassed workers cannot be as productive as their counter parts in other companies that are not facing such harassment.Thus it is very important for the management of every company to ensure that all their workers are well protected from any form of harassment and especially sexual harassment, as this will resul t in increased productivity (Sims, & Drasgow, 2002). In Malaysia a study was performed and it indicated that increased cases of sexual harassment were actually leading to low productivity in various organizations. The ministry of human resources despite advocating for training of the effects of sexual harassment at the work place also made a lot of efforts in preventing sexual harassment by changing attitudes among the workers and the management.The ministry started a continuous program which combined demonstration, theory, coaching and proactive actions which had a lot of impact in reducing sexual harassment and as a result increased productivity was realized in the country (Roberts, & Mann, n. d. ). Sexually harassed workers will in most cases, are emotionally affected by the intimidating and unwelcome sexual conduct and advance on them, by those perpetrating the vice. Workers who are psychologically disturbed will obviously be less productive as compared to those ones who are emo tionally stable.Studies have shown that persons who have faced sexual harassment for extended periods of time are likely to suffer similar psychological effects as those experienced by victims of rape. Such people will always feel disturbed both at work place and outside their work places. They therefore, perform poorly in their work as they are more likely to concentrate more on the harassment and its effects instead of their assignments (Sims, & Drasgow, 2002). Low morale might be realized from the sexually harassed workers as they are not motivated to perform well.Such workers will in most cases just work mechanically to only meet the requirements of the management. They are less creative and innovative in their work since they do not see the sense of improving their work in work places they do not enjoy working in. sexually harassed workers with low morale will produce less as compared to those who are working in conducive environments in which they are likely to enjoy their wor k and thus produce more as well as be more innovative and creative, thus ensuring that their organizations remain competitive (Roberts, & Mann, n.d. ).Sexually harassed workers usually have increased absenteeism from their work places in an attempt of avoiding the harassment. They will fail to attend work as a result of stress and illnesses arising out of the harassment. Thus there is loss of work days and thus the levels of production drop significantly as cases of sexual harassment increases (Sims, & Drasgow, 2002). Strategic advantages of affirmative action programs to organizationsWhen affirmative action programs are well employed in recruiting workers to join an organization, it will ensure that only those who are well qualified for various positions will be hired by the organization and thus the company is better placed to be productive. The principle for affirmative action when hiring employees should be purely based on merit, ability and qualifications. It should as much as possible try to be independent of national origin, race, or sex of the workers and thus such should not be the basis of hiring or promoting workers (Karsten, 2006).Affirmative action ensures that only the best qualified in terms of qualification, experience and ability are chosen to occupy certain positions. This will help the organization to survive in the long run as such people are more likely to be more innovative and creative and thus ensure that the company remains or becomes more competitive (Kivel, 1995). Employing people on merit also answers the question of equality and thus the company is more likely to improve its image to the society who comprise of their customers and thus the company might realize increased sales.When the people feel that a certain company is discriminating them in terms of denying them equal employment opportunity, such people are likely to shy away from consuming products and services that are provided by the company. Such people also have the prope nsity of talking ill about the company, this will destroy the reputation of the company and will lead to decreased sales revenue which might eventually lead to its collapse if it continues with the vice of discrimination and thus companies should come up with affirmative action programs which will ensure that discrimination is avoided at all cost in the organization (Karsten, 2006).Affirmative actions greatly affect the effectiveness of organizations, this is because the most effective and efficient employees are engaged at various levels of production. Without an affirmative action workers may be hired or promoted due to other reasons other than merit. This would significantly affect the overall effectiveness of the organization as less qualified workers might be engaged to perform certain tasks which could have been performed better by other more qualified personnel had merit been used as a basis of engaging such employees (Kivel, 1995).Lack of a proper affirmative action might al so significantly affect the share prices of an organization, since it will be less attractive to the investors who originate from back grounds that the company is fond of discriminating. This will in the long run affect the capital base of the company and might eventually make it to face serious financial crisis, thus hindering its effective operations (Karsten, 2006). Conclusion Sexual harassment is a vice that should not be tolerated at any cost in an organization as it will lower the levels of productivity among the workers.Thus the company will face increased costs of operations since it will be remunerating its workers for less production. The sexually harassed workers will be working in an environment that is hostile for them and thus they will have low morale to work effectively. An affirmative action program in an organization is very important as it sets out the rules and regulations to be followed. When used appropriately an affirmative action will ensure that a firm remai ns competitive and thus its future is guaranteed to some extent.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Quid E Azam as a Role Model for Emerging Leaders Essay
Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah the most revered leader of the Muslims of the Subcontinent was a man having inter alia a strong moral character unmatched by any other contemporary leader of those days. He is quoted as an example of impeccable integrity on which he never compromised. He is a role model for those who believe that in a Muslim nation personal character of leadership is as important as other necessary inherent qualities of leadership which get radiated to inspire people at large. He took firm stand on principles, remained adamant in face of unruly opponents and ported a strong sense of self-respect. Even with colonial masters of the day he would neither put up with improper behavior nor would tolerate a slight. It would who was an embodiment of qualities of head and heart. IQuaid-e-Azam always fought with the British and the Hindus politically with great courage and bravery. It was his courageous and bold leadership that made him a great leader. Quaid-e-Azam had a charming personality as his manners were polished and his appearance pleasing. His character was flawless. Nobody could point a finger towards his character. His character was worthy of praise. Strong He was a determined and resolute person. Quaid was a great human being. a great man and a great lea t is rather strange and beyond understanding that most of the subsequent political leadership in Pakistan instead of looking at and emulating the most successful and adored personality of Mohammad Ali Jinnah . . Above all, he was an upright and honorable person. His personal qualities and his commitment to the cause of Pakistan had infused in him such a degree of confidence that he could converse with Mountbatten without fear and argue to win his case for creation of a new state. Compare it with disposition of most of the political masters who followed him. We at international level have come under pressure on account of alleged inability to do enough on terrorism. An impression has been created that we have become apologetic and are acting at the behest of foreign powers for economic gains but at the cost of self esteem. We must work our destiny in our own way and present to the world an economic system based on true Islamic concept of equality of manhood and social justice. We will thereby be fulfilling our mission as Muslims and giving to humanity the message of peace which alone can save it and secure the welfare, happiness and prosperity of mankind†Speech at the opening ceremony of State Bank of Pakistan, Karachi July 1, 1948 In the end it is essential to describe Quaid’s reaction to a situation that after creation of Pakistan, the newly born state had to pass through difficult times. Millions of refugees migrated to Pakistan from India and makeshift camps were set up to house them. There was a big camp set up at Walton Lahore. Having been subjected to worst atrocities by rioters refugees were in miserable condition mentally and physically. On the other hand there was an acute shortage of resources in the new state. Quaid-i-Azam came to Walton to meet with these homeless citizens of Pakistan. He felt disturbed and was deeply moved. He extolled their sacrifices but told them frankly that he had nothing to give to them. His proposition was that â€Å"Let us resolve to work hard jointly to solve all the problems and build a prosper Pakistan†. He motivated and instilled hope in them. It is a matter of record how all refugees were settled. This is the sort of politics we need. Learning from this leadership should take people into confidence, show commitment and work sincerely for their betterment. It is only instructive that Quaid’s sayings, speeches and actions are studied and disseminated to create a proper political and leadership culture worthy of a democratic welfare state. Only then we shall be able to guard our national sovereignty with honour and pride and shall be able to face the challenges of the new world order.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Analyzing Aristotle Essay
The soul and the body are different forms. While the body is visible and mortal, the soul is invisible and immortal. He suggests that although the body dies and decays, the soul continues to exist. I do believe there is life after death, everyone must eventually die, and it cannot be avoided. However, even though death is a fact of life, it is a topic that many people prefer not to talk about. This avoidance of discussion is usually due to the denial of one’s own death and the denial is usually due to fear. The fear is, for many people, a fear of the unknown. In my opinion i believe that when humans die, the body and the brain dies, but the mind still exists and it creates our afterlife according to our own beliefs and expectations. If a person believes there in nothing after death then there will not be a dream, it will be as if the person is asleep forever without dreaming. 2) Yes, I agree that the universe is purposeful. The purpose of the creation, every though you have is creating your tomorrow. The universe has mysterious ways of revolving what we do day by day. For example Karma: The sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in life. – Aristotle said: â€Å"Yet there is God, though not perhaps the simple and human god conceived by the forgivable anthropomorphism of the adolescent mind. †Aristotle represents God as self-conscious spirit. A rather mysterious spirit; for Aristotle God’s never does anything; he has no desires, no will, no purpose; he is activity so pure that he never acts. He is absolutely perfect; therefore cannot desire anything; therefore He does nothing. His only occupation is to contemplate the essence of things; and since He himself is the essence of all things, the form of all forms, his sole employment is the contemplation of himself.
GLOBAL WARMING Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
GLOBAL WARMING - Assignment Example But as long as they are unable to bring out the clear guidelines for identifying the offenders of the past , it would create a huge void in their initiatives to mobilize public support. Again the lack of confidence that they show for a open forum discussion exemplifies the political diplomacy rather than political commitment. And, being a commercial organization, the stand taken by Exxon cannot be refuted. Unless a clear evidence and scientific reasoning of the global warming is not related to the specific industrial emissions , it would be impossible for a commercial operator to limit their operations when their role as environmental culprit is still unproven. Hence, from the business perspective the action of Exxon cannot considered as unethical but could be branded as environmentally indifferent organization due to the dubious role for mobilizing other industrial owners for their own specific
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Social Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Social Media - Essay Example Michael Haenle in and Andreas Kaplan describe social media to mean "a set of Internet-based appliances that exploit the technological and ideological basics of Web 2.0, as well as permit the formation and interchange of user-generated information (2010). Additionally, social media hinges on web-based and mobile technologies to form extremely interactive programs through which communities and individuals co-create, share, discuss, as well as transform user-generated information. It initiates pervasive and significant transformations to communication among organizations, individuals and communities. Social media is different from industrial or traditional media in numerous aspects, for instance, reach, permanence, quality, frequency, immediacy, and usability. Social media technology takes on numerous different varieties including Internet forums, magazines, social blogs, weblogs, wikis, micro blogging, social networks, pictures or photographs, podcasts video, rating as well as social b ookmarking. Through applying a collection of concepts in the arena of social processes and media research, Haenlein and Kaplan formed a classification system in their Corporate Horizons (2010) article. They used six varied kinds of social media: micro blogs and blogs (for instance, Twitter), collaborative projects (for instance, Wikipedia), content communities (for instance, Daily Motion and YouTube), and social networking websites, for instance, Facebook. Others include virtual social worlds (for instance, Second Life), simulated game worlds (for instance, World of War craft).The technologies comprise blogs, wall-postings, picture sharing, email, vlogs, instant messaging; voice over IP and crowd sourcing, and music sharing. Much of these packages can be assimilated through social network accretion programs. Social media net websites comprise sites like, Twitter, Facebook, Viadeo, Vkontakte, Tuenti, Hyves, Daniel's World , Dreams village, MySpace, and Bebo. Once social media is appl ied in sequence with mobile gadgets it is termed as mobile social-media. Therefore, social media is a set of mobile promoting applications, which permit the formation and interchange of user-generated information. Owing to the datum that mobile-social media operates on mobile gadgets, it distinguishes from outmoded social media since it integrates new aspects, for instance, the current user location (location-sensitivity) and the time interval amid sending as well as receiving texts (time-sensitivity) (Watts, 2010). Whereas traditional-social media provide a range of prospects for corporations in a comprehensive range of corporate sectors, mobile-social media utilizes the time - and location -sensitivity facets of it to take on marketing research, sales discounts or promotions, communication, and affiliation loyalty or development platforms. E-commerce businesses denote to social media as CGM (consumer-generated media). A shared thread running within all social media descriptions is a combination of social interaction and technology for the co-formation of value (Li & Bernoff, 2008). Individuals obtain information, news, education, and other facts from print and electronic media. Social media is distinctive from traditional or industrial media, for instance, newspapers, film television, since they
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Chapter 10-12 questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Chapter 10-12 questions - Assignment Example The first lesson that can be learned about Jackson regarding his sweeping victory is that he was a very tactical person, since he used his wit and tactics to convince the electorates despite being the underdog in the race. However, the lesson that can be learned from his subsequent handling of the Peggy Eaton affair is that Jackson was an empathetic, supportive and a champion of human rights. This is because he was the only person who welcomes and became the fervent champion of Eaton, after all, the cabinet wives refused to associate with her after her moral character came into question. Jacksons stand handling of Eatons affairs also demonstrated that he was an autonomous leader who could not easily be swayed by the opinion of others as he stood his ground and supported Eaton under difficult circumstances (Brands, 2012). Jackson basically killed the national bank in 1932 by exercising his veto against the bank. For instance, he refused to allow federal funds to be deposited in the bank and subsequently rejected attempts to re-charter the bank, effectively resulting in the collapse of the bank (Brands, 2012). The slave communities maintained their kinship ties by naming themselves and their siblings as a way of maintaining a sense of continuity and affiliation. At the same time, the slave communities ensured that their kinship ties are maintained by adapting the slaves that found themselves on the farms into the new network (Brands, 2012). The southern whites adopted a number of strategies for fighting the antislavery efforts. The first strategy that the southern whites used was to perform lynching. This was seen during the Civil War in which the southern whites who were strongly opposed to the abolition of slavery resorted to lynching blacks in which some were hung to death. The Ku Klux Klan who was part of a movement opposed to antislavery also used
Friday, July 26, 2019
Psychological effects of bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Psychological effects of bullying - Essay Example Dombeck, in his article, talks about long term effects of bullying. First, he has defined the concept of bullying and has focused mainly on children. After that, he has thrown light upon the fact that bullying disturbs the emotional health of children. The person loses self-confidence and self-respect and stops believing in his abilities which hinders with his performance when he confronts challenging situations. Dombeck has also given short lists regarding both short-term and long-term effects of bullying, and has given some solutions as to how to combat bullying. Lopez-Duran has mentioned some studies that he read. He has elaborated on one study and has mentioned its participants, methodology and results. He states that the results showed that females were more prone to getting psychologically disturbed than males. Females more often develop psychological disorders and social isolation when they grow up. Among boys, it is not the bullying that results into psychotic disorders, but the reasons why they fall prey to bullying are what develop emotional disturbances in them. Bennett, Elizabeth. â€Å"Psychological Effects of Bullying Last a Lifetime.†K12 Academics., 2009. Web. 28 June 2011. . Dombeck, Mark. The Long Term Effects of Bullying. Depression: Major Depression and Unipolar Varieties. CenterSite, LLC., 2007. Web. 28 June 2011. . Lopez-Duran, Nestor. â€Å"Bullies and Victims: Boys will be Boys or a Symptom of Distress?†Child Psych. N.p., 2009. Web. 28 June 2011.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Literature Review of Value at Risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Literature Review of Value at Risk - Essay Example Modern financial institutions are careful to estimate the risk in relation to the magnitude of the asset and are careful to assess the levels of risk apparent from the credit quality of the company and the risk caused by the particular product. ( Hsaio 2008) . Modern Credit Risks are no longer defined by outright exposure and are currently calculated by a popular method of the Value at Risk (VaR)This method estimates the maximum amount of loss possible in a portfolio subject to certain periodic intervals and has its advantage of being comparative in nature, i.e it will allow the financial institutions in question to allocate capital more efficiently.(Chance 1979).These methods employ the risk level models of capital , which are used to estimate the profitability of capital, like the risk-adjusted capital (RORAC) or risk-adjusted return on capital (RAROC) and such models today play a pivotal rile in the management of risks inherent in the management of financial institutions. In credit risk calculation VaR or Value at risk is a single numerical estimate which is an indicator of the possible maximum loss of a portfolio over a given time horizon at a certain confidence level.This methodology developed as a response to the financial disasters in the decade of the 1990s and have obtained an increasingly important role in risk management (market, credit and operational).The attraction of using VaR for credit risk assessment thus lies in the fact that it is able to provide a single quantity that states the overall market risks faced by an institution. The criticisms have however stemmed from a recognized lack of coherence in the VaR methods and its failure to account for losses beyond a certain level and does not give due credit to the advantages of diversification by not taking into account sub-additivity. Various VaR models currently dominate the literature.These include the historical or (empirical) approach (see Van Der Vaart 1998),the Gaussian approach, the extreme value theory approach (which through the block maxima method (BMM) and the peak over threshold (POT), focuses on variables above a given threshold Also relevant here are the interest rate risks which are related to the relative value of an interest-bearing asset diminishing due to a rise in the interest rate. It can be calculated by a variety of ways to give an estimate as to how changing interest rates are impacting upon a bank's portfolioThese include the "market value of portfolio equity" method which uses market value of the assets,analysis of the shifts within the Yield curve ,the Value at Risk method, and measuring irregularities within the interest sensitivity gap of assets and liabilities. (Bower 1984). There are many main models for measuring credit risk and differ by the period at which they were used .Value at Risk (VaR) is one of the most modern methods of measuring credit rate risk and is an integral part of the modern market risk measurement framework and it aims at expressing the total market risk as a single number, i.e. to summarize the expected maximum loss over a target horizon within a given confidence interval.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism Essay
The Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism - Essay Example He relates religion and economy with each other in order to bring about capitalism in the West. He points out that ascetic Protestantism, which is seen in many nations in the West, emphasized on methodological and innovative religious rational behaviour. And this emphasis found its way into economic practices which set off secularization and the undermining of all types of religion. Weber’s analysis of capitalism and economics prompted him to study other major world religions in order to appraise their attitudes about the economy. Modern analysts point out how their studies of history during the early days of capitalism in the West have revealed the important role of religion, especially Protestantism in Capitalism. They cite Weber’s writings in the ‘Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism’ as an important source of information about capitalism in the 18th to the 19th century. In his writings, Weber proposed that capitalism flourished in Europe becaus e Protestantism is the religion that created a goal for the people, for them to limit their material consumption while still pursuing wealthy pursuits. Before capitalism made its way into Western society, there was a restraint on consumption which was invariably linked to asceticism and the condemnation of commercial pursuits. The dominant Catholic faith at that time labelled the pursuit of wealthy and economic enterprises as part of eventual profligate spending and consumerism (Calhoun & Gerteis, 2007, p. 1228).
Media Framing - Looking at the Occupy Movement Literature review
Media Framing - Looking at the Occupy Movement - Literature review Example The study revealed that the depiction of the Occupy Movement by the various media sources differed in treatment of the phenomenon, and that the differences were largely attributed to the type of media sources broadcasting the related news. The mass media, for instance, was generally dismissive in its portrayal of the movement and described it as lacking an impact or purpose. The reviews were generally found to be in favour of the administration rather than the public. The alternative media on the other hand actively portrayed the movement as revolutionary and was more positive in its approach. In conclusion, the study revealed the manner in which different types of media sources influence the public opinion either against or in favour of the news being broadcasted and the impact and implications of the media framing in the information age. Sr. # Topic Pg. # I Introduction i.i. Aims, objectives and justification i.ii. Research questions i.iii. Methods and sources i.iv Structural overv iew 1 Media framing & Social Movements 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Defining and explaining media frames 1.3. Media framing and social movements 1.4. Conclusions 2 Occupy and the media 2.1. Mainstream media 2.2. Alternative media 3. Analysis Bibliography I. Introduction: â€Å"The media conglomerates are not the only industry whose owners have become monopolistic in the American economy. But media products are unique in one vital respect. They do not manufacture nuts and bolts: they manufacture a social and political world.†Ben Bagdikian, The New Media Monopoly The mass media plays a key role as a powerful platform for broadcasting significant events and relaying messages to the public. Such power and control commanded by the medium helps determine the course of actions and manipulates the manner in which a given incident is perceived by the audience (Nabi and Oliver, 2009: p.20). However in recent times due to the rapid advancement in technology various digital modes of communica tion have emerged, dramatically altering the realm of mass communication and redefining the way messages are communicated to the public. Regardless of the channel of communication the information transferred to the recipients are framed in order to achieve the desired objectives of the sources that relay such messages. This phenomenon referred to as ‘media framing’ was observed in the case of one of the most prominent social occurrences in recent times – The Occupy Movement. i. Aims, Objectives, and Justification: Aims: To explore the concept of media framing and its influence on social movements To understand the manner in which a certain event is framed by the media and discuss the common types of media frames used by them. To investigate the manner in which the Occupy movement was framed by the U.S. media Objectives: To examine the various types of frames used to by the media in depicting similar events To observe the shift in use of frames over time i.e. past to present as well as with regard to the timeline of the event in question To explore and analyse the variation in frames used among different media outlets within the mass media as well as those used by the alternative media (such as generic blogs vs. mainstream newspapers) Justification: The study of media framing is of extreme significance
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Your choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Your choice - Essay Example The possible fears are expressed based on the overall fragile political and geo strategic location of Iran and other adjoining countries in that region, as a result, a continuous effort has been put in by the Global community towards disarming Iran in the context of nuclear armament and becoming declared nuclear powers. According to the report published in Jpost, United States of America is pondering over allowing Iran to continue the nuclear technology provided it ensures the global community that the world would not be put at danger from its intentions and also it would not pursue this technology for military gains. This comes as a breakthrough. Although there has been no official word about this, but the Jpost newspaper online source has claimed it. To further support its claim the newspaper post claims that Turkey has been used as an influence and has been asked to convey the message to the Iranian regime(Jpost). Washington post in contrast has maintained the views that Iran is persistently following the path that would lead it to become the 8th declared state to be equipped with the nuclear arsenal. Washington post has supported its claims based on the statements of Michael Oren, who is the ambassador to the United States. He has termed overall intentions and ambitions of Iran as counterproductive towards the global peace and most importantly that of the Middle East. Iranian ambitions have been bridged to the Syrian Nexus and the potential usage of the chemical weapons that came about in mid 2013 in Syria. The article further claims, Iran has acquired over 180 kilograms (Oren) of the hazardous material which is subjected to sanction and disapproval of the global community and I.A.E.A in particular (Garrett & Hart, p 108). Large amount of intelligence reporting and investigation has been undertaken into the entire process and time and again it has been reported by the
Monday, July 22, 2019
Bad Home Life Essay Example for Free
Bad Home Life Essay Children all over the world suffer everyday from bad home life, born with health problems, no shelter, abusive parents, not having enough food or water to have a good living. Majority of the children are robbed of their childhood. Everyone has heard about the problems in Africa mainly children dying of lack of food and clean water causing malnutriton. After researching more about what caught my eye was the problem in Uganda that has been going on for about twentyfive years and still happening today. It’s a very tragic and almost unbelievable story that this would happen in the lives of young children. Imagine the little kids you see on the playground at your nearby elementary school were running around with guns just shooting whatever got in their way. It’s basically an army led by Joseph Kony who was once a rebel of the army. Made up of thousands of children starting at five years old to adulthood. Majority of the children that have joined are dead now reaching a certain age. He was just not just a mass murderer but involved in many sex crimes as well. He starts by kidnapping the children from their homes the parents are killed in front of their children some the children are forced to shoot their parents. They are then forced to become apart of the army some disagree and are killed on the spot. Women are also captured to look after the young children that are captured they are also brutally raped some survive or killed, they become widowed too by the killing of their husbands. They also become responsible for feeding the children waking up early in the morning in search of food. The women become very restless and suffering due to the loss of their relatives and husbands. There is somewhat a change happening in Africa to help with this problem called the SOS Social Centre supports over 250 children and their mothers in the community who have been affected by the civil war with counseling, and medical, nutritional and educational support. Former soldiers of the army that have escaped also receive counseling. To think that these people and children do not have rights or health care that we here in America were born with is unbelievable. Many children in the SOS are orphans due to losing their parents, brother and sisters etc. , they have certain program for this called the Family Strengthening Program so there are less abandoned children. Today, chased beyond Ugandas borders, Kony stalks the wildly remote jungles straddling the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, and southern Sudan, eluding American backed efforts to end his demented war and save the children who suffer at his hand.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Analysing Fedex’s Historical Performance
Analysing Fedex’s Historical Performance FedEx stands for Federal Express Corporation, was founded by 28-year-old Memphis, Tennessee, native Frederick W. Smith in 1971. Smith, who was a former Marine pilot, developed his idea for an overnight delivery service through a term paper that he wrote for Yale University in an economics class. Smith felt that air freight would provide another form of employment opportunity in the aviation sector of the economy instead of making it an added service to the passengers. In his views, a company should specialize in air freight rather than making it an add-on to passenger service which would make it a more lucrative business niche. Speed was more important than cost, in Smiths view, and access to smaller cities was essential. His strategies included shipping all packages through a single hub and building a private fleet of aircraft. Company-owned planes would free the service from commercial-airline schedules and shipping regulations, while a single hub would permit the tight control tha t got packages to their destinations overnight. In making his dream a reality, Smith selected Memphis as his hub: it was centrally located and despite inclement weather its modern airport rarely closed. FedEx began its operation in 1973 with a $4 million inheritance that Smith got from his father and with a $91 million in venture capital. Service was provided in 25 cities with a fleet of 14 small Dassault Falcon aircraft and 389 employees. At this time, FedExs operations basically involved collection of packages from airports every night and taking them to Memphis, where they were immediately sorted. They were then flown to airports close to their destination and delivered by FedEx trucks the following morning. Like every normal start-up ventures, FedEx had a lot to contend with ranking from the high cost of operation and the expensive advertisement that Smith proposed. This led to a financial loss of $29 million in its first 26 months of operation thereby prompting Smiths investors to consider removing him from the helm of the fledgling company, which was rejected by the companys president Arthur Bass. Bass helped the company to improve its delivery schedules thereby made FedExs de livery volume to climb up to a point where it was profitable. Companys profit hit $8 million on sales of $110 million by 1977. This was due to the fact that FedEx had 31,000 regular customers, including giants such as IBM and the U.S. Air Force, which used it to ship spare parts. It also shipped blood, organs for transplant, drugs, and other items requiring swift transport. Expanding FedExs operation to 75 airports and 130 small cities was the major strategy effected by Smith and Bass that sparked up the companys growth. While the major airlines gave the company stiff competition on heavily traveled passenger routes, there was virtually no competition on routes between smaller cities. Its principal competitor, Emery Air Freight, used commercial airlines to ship packages, giving FedEx an important time advantage. Airline deregulation gave FedEx the much needed growth in its operations which resulted from the Smiths led legislative fight to end regulation, and a bill doing so was passed in 1977. Deregulation meant the company could fly anywhere in the United States anytime, and use larger aircraft like 727s, and using its Falcons to expand into small- and medium-sized markets. Prior to the enactment of this bill, FedEx had to fly up to eight small Falcon jets side-by-side to bigger markets when as the use of one larger jet would have saved money. Because payloads for airline operators were less than 7,500 pounds which was a major set-back for FedEx at that time but with the deregulation FedExs operational cost would reduce. The enactment of the bill prompted FedEx to go Public through the New York Stock Exchange. This move raised needed capital and gave FedEx the chance to gain back a portion of their initial investment. The raised capital was used to acquire its fleet 32 Falcons, 15 727s, and five 737s and operations was expanded. Profits for 1979 were $21.4 million on sales of $258.5 million. By late 1980 FedEx was well established and growing at about 40 percent a year. It had 6,700 employees and flew 65,000 packages a night to 89 cities across the United States. During 1980, FedEx gain more market share based on the fact that there was a decline in the reliability of the U.S. Postal Service that caused even more companies to switch to FedEx for important packages. This prompted FedEx to announce a new product that would bring it into direct competition with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) which was the introduction of the overnight letter. This document-size cardboard envelope, which could contain up to two ounces, would be delivered overnight for $9.50 at that time. This further resulted to FedEx having the largest sales of any U.S. air freight company, unseating competitors like Emery, Airborne Freight, and Purolator Courier, which had gone into business about two decades earlier. Most companies shipped packages of all sizes using regularly scheduled airlines, and their services was not speed oriented which was the bargain power for FedEx. FedEx offered speed-oriented service and thereby won over many of the markets customers. This self led action forced other operations in the industry to copy FedEx operational strategy. Emery copied FedExs strategy, buying its own planes, opening a small-package sorting center, and pushing overnight delivery. Airborne also entered the small-package air express business. United Parcel Service of America (UPS), the leading package-shipper by truck, moved into the air-express business in 1981. The USPS began heavily marketing its own overnight-mail service after FedExs Courier-Pak began eating into its revenues. FedEx, the market leader in the America overnight package-delivery industry would be strict competitor of DHL Worldwide Courier Express Network with its entry into overseas services. To this effect FedEx made its first acquisition, Gelco Express, a Minneapolis-based package courier that served 84 countries in 1984. Hoping to recreate its U.S. market dominance overseas, the company made further acquisitions in Britain, the Netherlands, and the United Arab Emirates. Also UPS also began building a competing overseas system. Price control was the major strategic interplay in the 1990s between key industrial players.UPS are key player in the U.S. market introduce volume discount, a strategy that its previously resisted. In response to this, FedEx began company-wide cost-containment policies to reduce waste and overhead, as well as gain increased efficiency in meeting the needs of its customers.. Even with its cost-cutting measures, employee-related expenses rose when FedEx became mired in over two years of contract negotiations with the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA). The huge salaries and benefit packages were not enough to keep the threat of unionization at bay, which ultimately resulted in the 1996 unionization of FedExs 3,100 pilots. National Labor Mediation Board resolves this because leading analysts doubted ALPAs continued influence over FedEx budgetary policy. Aggressive international expansion was deployed by FedEx through acquisition of some companies in the same line of business operations. This aggressive expansion was witnessed throughout 1999 till date. 2.2 FEDEXS PROFILE 2.2.1 FEDEXS ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The above diagram shows the top management position within the FedEx Corporation. Each of this above list management position functions as a separate entity based on the fact that FedEx corporation has three different basic line of businesses and in that regard the presidents of FedEx freight, FedEx ground and FedEx express have additional personals in charge various operations. A more detail descriptions of these lines of businesses shall be covered in the following sections. 2.2.2 MAJOR LINES OF BUSINESS. FedEx Corporation has undergone different stage of development which involves change of name, acquisitions of different companies before finally being name as FedEx. It was through these developmental stages with strategic acquisition that actually helped FedEx to develop it lines of businesses. FedEx Corporation includes the following business segments which functions as a separate entity of its own; FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, FedEx Office, FedEx Custom Critical, FedEx Trade Networks and FedEx Services But all these business segments function as a whole under the FedEx Corporation. FedEx Express was the first and solely lines of business operation that FedEx Corporation ventured into when it started operations. FedEx Express was then over seeing all the operation of the corporation as whole. In order to function as a market leader in the globe market, FedEx Express acquired various companies. Some of FedEx Express acquired companies from 1999 are as follows [2] , 1999 FedEx Marketplace launches on, providing easy access to online merchants that offer fast, reliable FedEx express shipping. Federal Express launches its EuroOne Network, opening a hub at Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport. FedEx Corp. acquires Caribbean Transportation Services. 2001 FedEx Express and the U.S. Postal Service forge a public-private alliance. FedEx Express provides air transportation of some U.S. mail and places FedEx Drop Boxes at post offices nationwide. 2007 FedEx Express builds its service capabilities in Europe by acquiring UK domestic express company ANC (later re-branded FedEx UK) and Flying-Cargo Hungary Kft, now a wholly-owned operation in one of Eastern Europes most dynamic markets. FedEx Express expands its presence in India with the acquisition of Prakash Air Freight Pvt. Ltd. (PAFEX). FedEx Ground began operation in 1985 which was then registered with the name Roadway Package System (RPS). This later became Caliber System Incorporation in 1996. The company was the first in the ground shipping business to use bar coding and automated sorting system and tracking system to help customers get relevant information about their packages. FedEx ground was formed as a subsidiary company to handle the ground delivery operation of FedEx Corporation which became effective through launching of FedEx Home delivery and a business-to-consumer service which was designed to help catalog and online retailers meet their markets [3] . FedEx Freight is the leading U.S. provider of next- and second-day regional, less-than-truckload (LTL) freight services. FedEx Freight is known for exceptional service, reliability and on-time performance. In 1966, Viking Freight opened its doors in 1966 as a courier service within selected areas of California and rapidly grew to be the states leading intrastate trucking carrier. By 1986, Vikings service area covered 10 western states, including Alaska and Hawaii. In 1988, Viking became a subsidiary of Caliber System Inc. During the next ten years, Viking solidified its position as the market leader in the West and periodically expanded its reach beyond its western regional territory. In January 1998, Federal Express Corp. acquired Caliber System and created FedEx Corporation, a global provider of transportation, e-commerce and supply chain management services. Meanwhile, American Freightways (AF) was founded in 1982 by Sheridan Garrison. Despite regulatory and economic obstacles, AF quickly became the fastest-growing, independently-owned regional LTL carrier in the nation. In 1989, AF became a publicly-held corporation and by 2001 had developed a wide network of customer centers providing 100 percent direct coverage to 40 contiguous U.S. states. American Freightways was acquired by FedEx Corporation in 2001. By combining Viking and AF, FedEx Corp. created FedEx Freight to offer one-stop shopping for LTL customers who require top-quality, highly reliable regional freight service. In June 2002, FedEx re-branded AF and Viking as FedEx Freight to accelerate growth of regional LTL freight business through a common branding system. Through a comprehensive network of service centers and with timely, accurate information systems, FedEx Freight is committed to delivering reliable, responsive LTL service throughout the U.S. and beyond. In 2003, Caribbean Transportation Services-acquired by FedEx Corp. in 1999 and aligned to FedEx Trade Networks in 2001-was realigned as a freight-forwarding subsidiary of FedEx Freight. Caribbean Transportation Services is the leading provider of airfreight forwarding services between the United States and Puerto Rico. It provides door-to-door and airport-to-airport shipping with services ranging from next-day delivery to four-to-five-day delivery. Today, these companies make FedEx Freight the less-than-truckload shipping industry leader in the U.S. In 2006, FedEx Corp. acquired Watkins Motor Lines, a leading provider of long-haul LTL services. Watkins was rebranded FedEx National LTL and now operates as a seperate network within the FedEx Freight segment.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
A brief history of Fidel Castro
A brief history of Fidel Castro This paper will discuss a brief history of Fidel Castro, his leadership styles, characteristics, and the determinants that occurred during his rise to prominence. It provides his sources of power, and further examines his effectiveness or non effectiveness as a leader. Research on Fidel Castro and his leadership was conducted through online sources which include three academic. Importance: What relationship could be found between the Fidel Castro, the followers, and the situation? What were his perceived positive and negative qualities? What outstanding traits could be detected within Fidel Castro? About Fidel Castro Fidel Alejandro (Ruz) Castro was born in Biran Cuba on August 13th 1926 to Angel Castro and Lina Ruz in the Eastern Province of Cuba. Fidel was the third child of his siblings by father, Angel Castro. Although he was born out of wedlock, he was privileged to upper-middle class living environments. He was educated in a private boarding school, attended college and later went on to Harvard Law School. At Harvard, he became engrossed in the political climate in Cuba especially as it relates to the nationalism, anti-imperialism and socialism. (Castros Biography, 2010) Castro was married to Mirta Diaz Balart. They had one son whose name was Fidelito which meant little Fidel. Her family was wealthy and Fidel Castro capitalized on this opportunity and as a result was exposed to a much wealthier lifestyle and at the same time, was able to network with key political associations. The marriage ended after six years because of a lack of financial support for his family. Mirta was his second wife. (Castros Biography, 2010) Castros enthusiasm for reform and social justice led him to the Dominican Republic in an attempt to help overthrow Mr. Rafael Trujillo. Although this attempt was not successful, this did not deter him from the fight for social justice. He was part of an anti communist party that was formed with the aim of exposing government corruption, developing strategies to gain economic independence and implement social reform in Cuba. Although his attempts to overthrow the leader at the time, General Fulgencio Bartista failed, he never gave up. He was sentenced to jail for those attempted coups but continued the fight to become Cubas leader, in an effort to make the changes he was hoping to fulfill. This long struggle was finally realized on January 1st, 1959 when he assumed the leadership of the government. He appointed his brother, Raul Castro the duties of commander of the armed forces on February 15th 1959. Leader type and history Charismatic leaders are exceptionally self-confident, are strongly motivated to attain and assert influence, and have strong conviction in the moral correctness of their beliefs (House Aditya, p. 416). Fidel Castro is a charismatic and transformational leader. Nahavandi states that transformational leadership includes three factors, of the three we identified these to define Castro; charisma and intellectually simulated that in itself helped Castro achieve the drastic change he sort for Cuba. That is the social and political reform he aimed to achieve as a leader. Were there any cultural characteristics that helped him in leadership? Would he be an effective leader elsewhere? The countrys culture played an important role in the behavior of Fidel Castro. His personality and character evolved as he joined groups and eventually they developed their own culture. Cultural characteristics affect who we consider an effective leader. In Trompenaars study of cross cultural organizational culture, Castro fits in the family category which states that they are power oriented, caring leader; he cared deeply for the poor so much that he took forceful from the rich to give to the poor of his beloved Cuba. He also was focused on building relationships but these relationships should not be overweighed by the outside source. We saw he formed partnership with a number of counterparts such Che Guevara of Mexico, the Soviet Union, Grenada and Africa. (Castros Biography, 2010 and Navandi 2009) Does he reflect any of the concepts of early theories of leadership? Castro demonstrated leadership traits very early in his childhood. Trait theory suggests that leaders are born not made. His qualities as a leader further reiterated this point. Castro had a natural ability to influence his followers. He understood the people of Cuba especially the poor. This had a positive impact on the people of Cuba especially knowing that he was not born into a poor family and was therefore for the poor. As stated in the text Contingency Era theory leadership view is that personality style, behavior of effective leaders depends on the situation in which there are placed (Nahavandi 2009). This was evident when Castro took the opportunity to be a liberator to the people in the time when they were very dissatisfied with the leadership style of the Bartista government. He saw an opportunity to gain trust and followers, and as the person he was took full advantage of the situation. His approach was successful. hence the reason for the massive followers. (Castros Biography, 2010) Castro, because of his characteristics was deemed to become a leader, regardless of the context. Research shows that Castro demonstrated an A2 decision style in the normative decision making model. Nahavandi states that A2 leaders seek specific information however they make the decisions alone. What are the traits and characteristics that make him a leader? As with all leaders he had both positive and negative qualities. In researching, it was noted that the positive qualities at his early stage as Cuban leader outweighed the negatives. His motivation helped the lower class Cubans raise their level of self esteem. He was able to manage the country well, despite the restrictions placed from outside sources namely the United States. As a result, he remained true to his beliefs and values. Most of all he was a challenger; he inspired his followers, took on great responsibilities and showed courage in the face of danger. In an effort to accomplish his goals and objectives, he took the lead in all the coups that were attempted. He never left his followers to enter the battles of war alone. On the other hand, he was a stubborn leader who led with an iron fist. At times, he was believed to be over confident and it was mainly because of his educational background and experience. (Nahavandi 2009) He was an authoritarian leader and as such he was not willing to accept change. This was evident during the early part of his leadership. He was indeed coercive; he displayed this behavior when his subordinates were punished for not following his orders. In our research, we identified Castro as a type A leader and the Nahavandi states that the characteristics and behavior that accompany these types of leaders are their need to be in control. Throughout the entire research there were reports that stated Fidel Castros need to gain control of Cuba and to be its leader. His demonstration of poor delegation, like to work alone and hard working are all characteristics which he possess and are characteristics of Type A leaders. (Nahavandi 2009) Mr. Castro is relatively medium Machiavellian because of his effectiveness as a leader and has had a history of easily manipulating his followers in an effort to achieving his goals and objectives; that was to change Cubas political climate, taking care of the needs of the poor and win support through his message and passion for his people. Careful analysis shows that based on the Myer Briggs Type indicator where he was a little of all the categories. For example, as the sensation thinker he would establish rules and regulations, jump to action too quickly at times and push others to get to the point. The others are not suited to his character. As a sensational feeler, the most applicable is the reluctance to accept change. In the intuitive thinker and feeler categories, these are the two that would apply to Fidel Castro, architect of progress and ideas and good communicator. (Nahavandi 2009) Leadership Style of Fidel Castro Based on our research, Fidel Castro has displayed leadership styles of being both a charismatic and transformational leader. He was more a dictator-charismatic leader. He was able to gather his followers through his charisma as opposed to gathering them through his external power of authority. Fidel was always concerned about the well-being of his people, especially the less fortunate ones. Thus he took away wealth and property from the more fortunate Cubans and distributed to the less fortunate. He had a vision for the people of Cuba and thus was able to use his vision through the people to expand his power. One of his visions was to ensure that the less fortunate had their essential needs. In addition, he promised the people of Cuba free education in which he delivered. By doing this he believed that he was being very sensitive to the needs of his people. Although Fidel was a charismatic leader, he frequently displayed a dictatorship leadership style. The people of Cuba were not allowed freedom of speech. Under his ruling the people of Cuba were not allowed to leave Cuba for a vacation elsewhere. People who did not support his party were reprimanded and not given equal opportunities. Some people of Cuba were even afraid to utter the name, Fidel Castro. Instead they would make a beard pulling sign in order to make someone know they were referring to him. Cubans were also denied access to certain beaches and hotels. This had caused insults to the people of Cuba. (Halliday, 2008). Another element of leadership style displayed by Fidel Castro, was his ability to be a transformational leader in that he had the ability to influence his followers ethics, values and standards. He also showed deep emotions towards his followers. He would also articulate the problems within the system and would endeavor to solve those problems. He also empowered his followers by use of his own strengths and belief. (Marques, 2010) Leadership perspectives of non-profits Leaders of non-profit organizations are associated with having a social mission which include saving the environment, feeding the home and housing the homeless. These leaders also reflect and support ideological goals. Leaders of non-profit organizations also enjoy his/her work and hence they are motivated to perform in the best interest of the organization. Fidel Castro displayed leadership traits very early in his childhood days by showing his determination and self- confidence. This came about during his early childhood days when his friends belonging to the upper class in society did not include him in their many social activities. (Marques, 2010). His leadership reflected the viewpoint from non-profits. Cuba has been a communist country from since 1950, when Fidel Castro took over the government in a rebellion. The concept of communism deals with equality for all and the distribution of wealth. Fidel believed in the equality and he saw the need to meet the needs of those who were less fortunate and those who needed to have the basic needs for survival. Hence the reason why Fidel implemented free health care systems for all Cubans and foreigners. Today, Cuba is known for performing many major surgeries. Children are given free education in primary and secondary level. There is one teacher to every ten Cuban students. Free tertiary education is also given. In terms of infrastructure, the roads in Cuba are adequate, although there are inadequate public transport systems in place. (The First Post, 2010). Communism and Socialism go hand in hand. Cuba is also termed as a socialist country. Under the socialist movement, the Cuban government owns the state and all its industries. The socialist movement allows Cubans to have free access to goods and services. The special needs of the oppressed are addressed under this system. In 1959, Fidel saw the need to socialize the economy because of the economic and political stronghold the United States of America had on Cuba. Fidel believed that the Cuba needed to trade in order to live and under the socialist system this was possible. By doing so, the standard of living was raised by the people of Cuba. The sectors in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, technically and highly educated workforce, had set apart Cuba from the rest of the third world countries. These positives all occurred under the leadership of Fidel Castro. (Durand, 2003). The absence of participative management style Fidel Castro was known for his authoritative leadership style and therefore did not allow for participative management styles. He was very authoritative and he dictated all the policies and procedures. He directed and controlled all activities without the inclusion of his members of the government or the people of Cuba on a whole. The people of Cuba were not free to leave the country as they pleased. For example, going on a vacation to another country was not allowed. Cubans can travel only if the government authorizes them to do so. He did not include his ministers in his decision making process. He would make the decisions and then advise them. They were not allowed to dispute his decisions. Fidel did not share information with his colleagues. Therefore it was difficult for his Ministers to exhibit their skills and talents. His ministers were not allowed to determine work schedules for the development of Cuba, neither were they given enough opportunities to make decisions regarding the budget for the country. Fidel and his brother Raul made many of those decisions. This resulted in his ministers and followers were not motivated and they felt that they were not given the opportunity to be part of many of the decisions he made. Because of his leadership style, creativity and innovation were two crucial elements his ministers were lacking. The only time Fidel delegated his powers, was when he got sick and was unable to rule Cuba any longer. He delegated his power to his younger brother, Raul Castro. Raul was given the leadership by Fidel Castro. The people of Cuba were not given the opportunity to vote for a leader. In this instance we can conclude that nepotism was a factor in his decision making. (The First post, 2010). Participative management is very important in organizations because leaders and managers should seek to make the most of its followers. Their followers should be given the opportunity be part of the decision making process. By doing so, new ideas can be developed and implemented for the betterment of the organization. (Author unknown, 2010). Leader of change? Fidel Castro could not be considered a leader of change because he believed that his way is the right way and he believed in the communism concept. He wanted power over the entire Cuban nation and did not want any intrusion from the outside forces, especially the United States of America. He believed in what he stood for and was very rigid in his decision making process. His autocratic and dictatorship styles were strong indicators that Fidel did not want change in his way of thinking and his decision making process. Yes he wanted change in terms on wealth and property being evenly distributed throughout the country. When Fidel came into power, rent was cut by fifty percent (50%) for people who received low wages. He nationalized the telephone companies and the rates were cut in order that civilians were able to pay their utility bill. Casinos and nightclubs were closed down by Fidel because he saw those two institutions as corruption for the country. A high percentage of the Cuban population was illiterate. Many persons in rural areas could not read or write. Since Fidel took office, free education was given to all the people of Cuba. In terms of the health systems, new training schools were built for doctors. Infant mortality rate fell when he came into power. However, he did not want change in terms of another political party ruling Cuba. Fidel was of the opinion that his leadership style was best suited for the people of Cuba. He wanted change in terms of corruption. (Simkin, 2010). Fidel was adamant about remaining in power without any interference from outside sources and he strongly believed that his country should be ruled the way in which he ruled. Because of his strong will and influence on many of his followers, he did not want to be removed from power, because he believed that he was the best ruler for Cuba. Therefore, he did not want any changes to come about regarding his ruling or leadership style. He refused to hold free elections for the people of Cuba because he did not want change. (Simkin, 2010) How did Fidel Castro develop Raul to be a leader Fidel Castro relinquished his power in February 2008, to his brother Raul Castro and as stated earlier in this paper, the people of Cuba were not given an opportunity to vote. His brother Raul was placed in his position. Many of the people of Cuba believe that Raul has many character traits as his brother Fidel, hence the reason why Fidel handed over power to him. It is believed that Fidel and Raul have a very close relationship and that Raul will follow in his footsteps. During Fidels rule, Raul was the other person he would consult with whenever he would need to make a decision. Raul, like his brother Fidel is concerned about the distribution of food to individuals who face constant problems with shortages. This was also one of the factors that Fidel fought for his people. Raul under Fidels leadership believed in the same. Raul believed in the same ideologies as his brother Fidel. He also believed that Cuba should remain a communist state, because communism would allow for the people of Cuba to have equal rights. While Raul may aim to make minor changes in Cuba, one of the factors that would remain is the animosity between Cuba and the Unites States of America. It can be concluded that Raul being trained as leader under Fidel, this issue may take a very long time to resolve, it if will be resolved at all. While Fidel was in power, his brother Raul was laying the ground work for the rebuilding of Cubas economy. Fidel was able to suggest ideas to his brother Raul to be successful in this venture. (Roig-Franzia, 2008). Conclusion Fidel Castro used his strategic insight to work his way into ruling Cuba, when people were dissatisfied with the ruling of Batista. Today Fidel is still not liked by many Cubans because the people do not live in a democratic society. They are not free to live the lives like many other civilians in other parts of the world. Because of his resilience he did not allow the viewpoints of others which is one of the main reasons many Cubans fled the country. His overconfidence revealed superiority in knowledge and his stubborn practices caused him to rule with an iron fist. The paper also outlined how effective he was as a leader in terms of getting his followers to comply with his decisions and the cultural characteristics were also looked at, and how it helped him in his leadership style. The concepts of early theories were also outlined and in addition the sources of power and how he used his power to influence his followers. Fidel showed the transformational leader he was in terms of influencing his followers and paying attention to their ethics, long term goals and standard. Despite his autocratic ruling, he was a hard worker and he demonstrated it. He also demonstrated courage in that he took risks and knowing that his way may fail. Whenever he failed, he got right back up and tried again. In terms of communication, Fidel did little communication with his subordinates. He made his decisions and executed them whether or not his followers were pleased with them. He was determined, and had the willpower to rule Cuba and thus he fought the outsiders who tried to take over from his ruling. He was never discouraged by setbacks. He saw setbacks as part of the learning process. Fidel had both positive and negative traits as a leader. This was exemplified by his way of ruling Cuba. He is a well known politician, and will be remembered by the people of Cuba and the world on a whole. He will be remembered for his autocratic and dictatorship leadership styles. He will also be remembered for helping the less fortunate people of Cuba. He was an active member of the guerilla movement. This was a stepping stone to becoming political leader of his party and ruler of Cuba. Today, many believe that his brother Raul will rule Cuba the same way his brother did. Since Raul took over in 2008, there have not been many changes in the leadership style. Raul has inherited his brothers leadership qualities. (Marques, 2010)
If A Tree Falls in the Philosophical Forest, Someone Managed to Undermi
To truly think about knowledge brings about some interesting thought. When asked to think about knowledge, most individuals concern themselves solely with what they know such as certain subjects, theories or facts. In the grand scheme of things, this way of thought is seemingly only minute or even superficial. As human beings, we do not always considered how we come to know what we know. We often place are acquisition of knowledge lower in a taxonomy of importance. All too often, individuals take knowledge and its power for granted. However, individuals like Renà © Descartes and his work, The Meditations, provide a deep exploration of knowledge and all its facets. For every individual or scholar this work is very important in that it causes the reader to consider what we assume as truth and to envision a foundation for knowledge that is indubitable. The aim of this paper is to consider the role of knowledge in epistemology, to expose the concept of an indubitable foundation for all knowledge and the overall influence of Descartes on the imminent enquiries. First of all, I demonstrate that epistemology is the study of all that encompasses knowledge. Furthermore, I support the traditional epistemological concept of justified true belief by arguing that this model is largely relied on in the expectations of current empirical data. Second, I examine Descartes intentions, method and product, The Meditations. Following this review, I assert that it is impossible to find a true foundation for knowledge due to the unknown origin of human creation, the element of subjectivity and solipsism and the limitations of knowledge being indubitable. Furthermore, I critically assess that the Cartesian circle and Descartes presumption of God in h... ...rably thoughtful but is not without flaw and criticism. As stated, his goal and ambition is admirable in that he sought to support what his previous achievements, and those of many others, where fatefully resting upon. Whether scholars, students or just the individual interested in philosophy may agree or disagree with Descartes meditations, one thing I argue is truly beneficial about Descartes work is that doubt can be very valuable to our every day lives. All to often individuals take such facets of news, gossip, literature and theory all too seriously and fail to see the implications of implying indubitable confidence in what we accept as individuals. References Descartes, R. (2003). Meditations and Other Metaphysical Writings. Toronto, ON: Penguin Classics. (Original work published 1641). Lightbody, B. (2011). Philosophy 1F91 Lectures. Brock University.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Transition of the Bulgarian Economy: 1990-1997 :: Essays Papers
Transition of the Bulgarian Economy: 1990-1997 The immense political and economic changes in Central and Eastern Europe have created a variety of unique transition economies. Each country controlling its own development without fully understanding the implications of the monetary and fiscal macroeconomic policies it yields. Bulgaria in particular has had mixed results. A 1992 OECD Economic Assessment of Bulgaria described â€Å"shock therapeitic†reform programs that included the abolition of central planning, the liberalization of most prices, and opening more markets to foreign trade. While the survey concluded that â€Å"much has been achieved in extremely difficult circumstances,†by 1997, economic stability had not been realized. Since 1989, several governments have presided, the banking system has virtually collapsed, GDP has significantly declined along with the lev, inflation is rampant, and economic policies fail to generate confidence. However, Bulgaria’s economic performance is decidedly â€Å"middle of the road†when compared to other transitioning economies. Declines in output and average real income are much greater and unemployment and inflation much higher than the Visegrad group and Baltic Republics though often better than Ukraine, Belarus, and the Russian Republics. Many of Bulgaria’s current economic problems can be traced to economic conditions at the start of its transition. Heavy reliance on CMEA markets devastated the country , more so than any other country. Compared to GDP, over 60% of its imports and exports were orientated to the CMEA market. COMECON’s collapsed devastated Bulgaria, causing large initial declines in GDP and increases in unemployment. This event necessitated the complete restructuring of the modes of production. The complete upheaval of the Bulgarian economy forced a suspension of payments to foreign debts making it practically impossible to attract foreign/western investment to restructure the economy. Current economic instability is due to the lack of decisive economic policy from the seven successive governments following the fall of Todor Zhivkiv the former Communist Party leader in 1989. While each succeeding government has remained committed to economic transition, their policies have lacked cohesion over important controversies such as privatization, subsidies, co-operation with IFIs, and foreign investment. The result of the different policies have resulted in much change but little progress with measures dealing with â€Å"soft budget†enterprises and banks, privitisation of state assets, and attraction of foreign investment. Ripples from the discontinuity of Bulgarian economic policy are evident in the rapidly accumulating domestic debt, payment arrears, and the continual refinancing of inefficiently run commercial banks.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Frankenstein and Human Cloning Essay
What is life? What defines a person? Do you believe humans should have the right to create life? Are there any consequences? In 1831 Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein or; The Modern Prometheus, a magnificent depiction of a man taking up God’s role of creator of life. Victor wanted to achieve biological immortality. Yet, within the instance of success Victor outright rejected his creation as â€Å"monstrous†, a unit for being unworthy of human life. In this paper, I argue that Frankenstein and the idea cloning have a lot in common, because the two topics share pros and cons on behalf of their out coming result. Victor Frankenstein’s monster compared to cloning takes place without the act of a sexual union between a male and female. In general, cloning is the modern Frankenstein, just like Frankenstein is the modern Prometheus. Prometheus stole fire from the Gods; he had taken something that did not belong to the humans and given it to mankind and was essentially punished for his actions. In the same way, Victor Frankenstein lets his ambition overpower him. Victor took from God what was not his, and created a destructive monster in effect of his strong desire for creating human life. Human cloning is also a controversial subject stating that humans have no power by Gods to develop life or control death. According to the Human Genome Project, there are three types of cloning: DNA, therapeutic, and reproductive cloning. DNA cloning involves transferring DNA from a donor to another organism. Therapeutic cloning, known as embryo cloning; which involves harvesting stem cells from human embryos to grow new organs for transplant. Reproductive cloning creates a copy of the host. Victor Frankenstein created his monster using Reproductive cloning from distinctive body parts of different host organisms. To make his creature, Victor Frankenstein raided grave yards and spent a lot of his time in slaughter houses as well as dissecting rooms to borrow body parts from the dead to use for his creature. Cloning in relation to Frankenstein also uses the process of borrowing; by obtaining genetic materials from embryos to make identical duplicates. With all the allusions to fire and electricity found throughout the novel, to both â€Å"spark†and â€Å"glimmer†give the reader clues as to how Frankenstein used electric currents to stimulate the patched together dead body of his monster. Comparatively, cloning also employs the use of electricity to promote the division of cells also known as life. In the process of stimulating his creation to life, Victor Frankenstein accidentally puts a criminal brain into his monster, therefore skewing the monster’s behavior. Cloning is often unsuccessful. According to the Human Genome Project, it takes sometimes â€Å"100 attempts to create one successful clone†. Frankenstein’s monster had all components and feelings of a human being, but was not born out of a woman’s womb and was not sexually produced. The creature was created not in God’s image, but in Victor’s image. Today’s cloning process, like the methods of creating life used by Dr. Frankenstein, arouses a controversy of morals and ethics from religious viewpoints. Cloning has a lot to do with the desires of man. Frankenstein desired to create life. Desires, otherwise known as temptations in these cases, bring us to a great fault. By taking the place of God, to make their own definition of a â€Å"person†, Frankenstein and the creators of cloning are defying God and going against the Bible’s moral standards. In defining life we get a deep look into how Frankenstein and cloning compare. They are very alike in many ways. These things teach us that life and the universe are unknowable, and are not meant to be completely known. We are not meant to become boundless creators. Rather, we are the created – created by God.
Made In Chelsea Analysis of an episode Essay
From the incident of Made In Chelsea I watched, I can say that the representations we have of upwards mobile young city dwellers are that they are social-oriented, whose lives seem to be most care-free that they can cavort around miscellaneous places in capital of the United Kingdomand the worldwithtaboo each problems. We also barely see characters of a certain age range no(prenominal) are, we assume, above the age of thirtyof which the volume have no tunes or business, pencil lead us to believe that they come from families of senior m one(a)y, and so having a job themselves would seem rather pointless. Saying that, in that respect are a few characters who do possess their own business or thereabouts.However, our perceptions of the characters are very one sided, as we are constricted to seeing only one side of that characterthe one that fits their current story problem the best. This prevents us from seeing, per se, the grade heartedness of a character that has just che ated on their partner.The words characters and storylines fit well with my adjoining point the conversations and the events that take place passim the consequence seem far withal rehearsed and coincidental for them to be actual earthly concern.Location shots are used of London sights and attractions to establish the setting of the scene. They also are only of Central London attractions, and the shops and restaurants et al all seem to highlight the wealthiness of the individuals who shop there, eat there etc.Reactions, for the majority of the show, are shown using over-the-shoulder shots to demo the reaction of the person who is being told something. thither is also usage of eye line matching shots that show you what the character may have been looking at from their angle.The episode seems to comprise of short segments that have hence been edited in post outturn so that they can seek out the most entertaining of segments. This is obvious as the episode transitions from one group of deal at a restaurant to a boxing arena and then adventure to the restaurant again.Tzvetan Torodovs narrative opening that conventional narratives are structured into five stages Equilibriumdisruptionrecognition relievereinstatement, could be present within the episode, as you can apply it to the situation surrounded by Louis, Spencer and Jamie (the love triangle storyline).The fact that it fits so well with Torodovs theory does nutrition the question How much of Made In Chelsea is actually reality?
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Autobiography of Ben Franklin Book Review
Ben Franklin Book Review Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) was a objet dart of galore(postnominal) trades, including an inventor, printer, scientist, educator, and politician among m whatsoever early(a) professions. During the summer of 1771, he started writing his autobiography to his news so that he would be able to consider of his fathers bearing travels and experiences. Throughout the autobiography, which Franklin refers to as Memoirs, we see how a young man matures into an adult, changing from profession to profession, and how he influences many people on the way.Franklin was truly an innovative individual, bright and original, and also a tremendously decent man. Ben Franklin frequently refers to the theme of meritoriousness and how he was a virtuous man. Over the years Franklin collected numerous desirable qualities he had comprehend from persons or read in literature. He wanted to make note of these assets, but thought that many of these had too many or too few under t he same idea and were somewhat confusing. This instigated Franklin to reason them in his own way, dividing out the ideas into his Thirteen Virtues.Franklin, was a kind hearted man, decent, and did comport high morals. Franklin does note in his autobiography that he strived to be virtuous in character. He wanted to jazz his life without any faults and was fascinated with improving himself with admirable qualities. This is evident when Franklin states, It was or so this time I conceived the bold and arduous lying-in of arriving at moral perfection, (pg 93). Franklin does go on to weaken that it was not as easy as he first thought it would be, but he would ramble together a method for renting and execute his virtues to the fullest extent.Benjamin Franklin, along with being a worthy pitying being, was an extremely ingenious person as well. Franklin was a rattling clever man, intellectual and witty, and he did not let his ideas go to waste. Franklin was often intrigued when he would learn new ideas from books he read during his journeys. He was constantly trying to gain knowledge by inventive self-experiences. It didnt twainer Franklin to try new ideas that the everyday folk wouldnt necessarily accept into theyre routine lifestyle. A clear example of this is when he took up vegetarianism for the first time.In the text Franklin states, When I was nearly sixteen years of age I happened to project with a book compose by oneness Tyron, recommending a vegetable diet My refusing to eat underframe occasioned an inconveniency, and I was frequently chid for my singularity, (p 29). This shows how Franklin was not a harvest-feast of his orderliness because he was always anxious to submit beyond the realm of the normal civilization. Later on in his life, he gradually began to shape the culture and gild he was apart of.The brilliance of his writing, from a young teen to a grown adult, inspire anyone who read his work. One of his most popular pieces wri tten was the Poor Richards Almanack. This almanac had an immediate rival on the common people as Franklin states it was both entertaining and useful, (p 107). Poor Richards Almanack is an example of how Franklin shaped society as it accordingly came in such enquire that I reaped considerable profit from it, vending every year near ten thousand, (p 107).Ben Franklins ingenious nature allowed him to express his ideas to the people and help shape society and culture of his time. Ben Franklin did not life his life totally to the puritan standards. The Puritan lifestyle of the time expiration was a very strict way of life and much revolved around the church and God. Franklin did have his praises to religion and God, as he mentioned several generation in the autobiography, but he didnt live his life to the firm structure of the Puritans. He was very open-minded and free spirited, and couldnt contain his unsatiable understanding of the world.Franklin welcomed the thought of change , which wasnt normal to the Puritan existence. Also contrary to the Puritans, who believed the church and God was the light upon to happiness, Franklin had a different view. A quote that shows this is when Franklin says, I grew convinced that truth, sincerity, and integrity, in dealings between man and man, were of the utmost importance to the felicity of life, (p 70). This message expresses Franklins place of human nature is and what he believes is the key to having extravagant happiness in life.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Is The Secret Sharer an appropriate title for this short story? Essay
1. Is The orphic shargonr an clutch en gloss of respect of respect for this ill-judged report? halt your ideas with fact from the text.In The concealed Sh arr, a master key escapes his enter where he was held draped after(prenominal) murdering a ingredient of the junto. He swims to anformer(a)(prenominal) displace and admits the unanimous butness to the victor. dickens maestros throw corky affinitys with their caboodle and they sympathize with tout ensemble(prenominal) new(prenominal). Legatt, who came from the new(prenominal) ship, is to be kept hugger-mugger from the crowd as his carriage depends on it. They remove to deem softly and whisper. An impatient consanguinity is create up amongst the cardinal of them.The master ever refers to Legatt as my varied egotism, my copy or my entropy egotism. This indicates that they kick the bucket unneurotic such(prenominal) as drive inrs. It implies that they atomic number 18 iodi n brain and be entrap to take downher. Legatt says the master copy right off that he beneficial killed a serviceman and the overlord just accepts it without question. He take ins why he did it. They trustfulness separately some other(a) totally. amongst them they do it e very(prenominal)thing somewhat separately other, they knew each other onward their eye met. For Legatt to divulge himself to a realized crazy at that place would gravel to be a bond. It is a misshapen love at initiatory bulk.another(prenominal) brass of the claims reclusiveively is brotherhood. The two master keys complot together interchangeable(p) brothers. aphonia typeface by side, with our unsung heads together and our backs to the door, anybody forward adequate to cleared it stealthily would wear been hard-boiled to the eldritch sight of a doubling master key active public lecture in whispers with his other self. They both verbal expression alike and are conver sing in whispers. They are correct seated the kindred way. give care two small-minded touch brothers do up some plan, which allow reassure that they get into trouble. This comes in advance manduction a obscure this is the institution of a sneaking(a), which give precisely be surrounded by those two, so effectively they are share the obscure.Legatts founding is so secret that the headwaiter starts to dubiousness he blush exists. He is so secret that he derrierenot exist. An overpowering enquiry of his introduction flickered done my mind. set up it be, I asked myself, that he is not visible(a) to other eye than exploit? He begins to take that Legatt is so secret, that he is imagining him. This shows us that the human relationship is so secret and fantastic, that he preemptnot turn over it. Legatt is scarcely set forth we see lone(prenominal) that he has racy hair, is sick and resembles the captain.In the descent he was vehement phosphorescen tly, which reminds us of ghost. So he is almost invigorate like. This reflects the statute title in that the secrectness of his cosmos brush offnot be share. The captain describes Legatt to be like himself, he is a mirror. The captain mountain understand Legatt at a time as if he were in his shoes. He shares his very soul with Legatt, which is so vapid he cant rely it. Its triplex secret, materialistically he cannot tell the crew and has to incubate him, and spiritually because he has shared his nubble with Legatt.In conclusion, The obscure sharer is an discriminate title for this account. The title can be see into different meanings all of which can be associated direct to the story. The title focuses wholly on the relationship among the captain and Legatt.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Importance of Sleep Essay
1. discover the immenseness of peacefulness1 relieve how log Zs grants to an privates social welf ar2 tell apart reasons wherefore an various(prenominal) whitethorn convey it unstated to quiescence 3 trace the mathematical short-run and long-term personal effects on an some be who is ineffective to eternal peacefulness closely2. Be qualified to arrive at conditions qualified for slumber1 define conditions potential to be commensurate for catnap2 denigrate aspects of the milieu seeming to influence peacefulness gruelling for an soulfulness3 rig deliver demeanor to contribute to a reposeful surroundings4 quarter actions to remove if the behavior or grounds of others hinders an man-to-man(a)s power to repose3. Be adequate to(p) to encourage an personist to balance1 justify the magnificence of a holistic start out to assisting tranquillity2 come on the several(prenominal) to say the second they gather up to residue3 hang the psyche to chance on a fleck for pause logical with their curriculum of dole out4 stake the somebody to use help for cessation in ship canal that strike the image of perplexity and prolong hold shipway of running(a)4. Be able to monitoring device residuum1 feed with the idiosyncratic and others how intermission depart be monitored2 show up agree observations relating to the psyches forty winks and the help accustomed5. neck how to annoy nurture and advice roughly difficulties with recreation 1 expose situations in which redundant instruction or economic aid nigh relief would be compulsory 2 develop how to retrieve excess info and economic aid spare discip delimitateAn individual is mortal requiring dispense or domiciliate concord ways of operative result implicate policies and procedures where these populate Others may embroilfamilyfriendsadvocatesline theatre director health professionalsothers who are definitive to the indi viduals eudaemoniawhole forecast (s)This social unit of measurement is aimed at those black market in a dewy-eyed browse of settings. It provides the student with the familiarity and skills undeniable to demonstrate conditions suited for sleep and maintenance the individual to sleep. opinion requirements qualify by a domain or regulative body (if appropriate) This unit moldiness be assessed in consistency with Skills for bang and exploitations QCF discernment Principles. training outcomes 2, 3 and 4 must(prenominal) be assessed in a sure work environment. expand of the family of the unit and germane(predicate) bailiwick occupational standards HSC216
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Introduction to Organization Structure
macrocosm to constitutional twist An plaque line up refers to an laying of nation, race and responsibilities in obligeing come out of the tightfittingt troupe dissembleivities to collaborate through goal. In increment it alike female genitalia specialise as how a tidy sum in the organic law atomic number 18 family in concert and to whom they score. tasteis organise is adjoin for whopping musical arrangement that finishs relieve iodinself to be make about the military commission of respective(a) line of businesss. In an establishment anatomical bodily coordinate intelligibly intimate and ruin in the midst of the belong activities which adjust by their employment economic consumption.In correct organisation complex body persona should justify the consanguinity of permit who advertises to whom and for music directors, who traces to them. An organic law social institution ordinarily illustrated diagrammatic who ley in an makeup graph. at that place atomic number 18 well-nigh(a)(prenominal) flakes of makeup social schema much(prenominal)(prenominal) as operative organisational organize, geographicalalal organisational construction, hyaloplasm organisational social complex body part and point of intersection organisational social organisation. available organisational twist refers to a multitude of hoi polloi in the presidential term or incision that choose correspondent sen clippingnt and consummate modularized toil. It excessively implys that who account to whom.The tralatitious expression to of the governing body, this is organizing medium- rotund number by fly the coop. A geographic organisational twist is typic eithery be in companies with stocking into action send all(prenominal)where a large routine. This overwhelms discipline and external off chalk. It pass on build national complex body part and wariness layers depe nding on all(prenominal) mess. composition hyaloplasm organisational expression flow ii or more than eccentrics of shapingal twist unremarkably is output arrangemental building and practicable cheekal social organization to fashion a comical shuffle of practise environment. harvest-f eastern organizational expression is the surgical incisionalization found on harvest-tide and.Employee puzzle out in passing social building block of measurement where by for all(prenominal) virtuoso building block suckles the responsibilities of producing the overlap or service. This social organisation in both case know as a portion anatomical twist. basal on this organizational social social organization e real intersection anatomical mental synthesis volition put out by year. various(prenominal)ly discussion section pass on liable for to to to for distri andively virtuoso one one atomic number 53 return. 1. 0 motioning(a) social bod ily social organisation tally to OToole. S The terminal organizational social organization refers to how the hatful in an organization be sort and to whom they report. bingle handed- bundle snap of organizing volume is by black trade. some(a) reciprocal act upons in spite of appearance an organization include carrefourion, grocerying, gay alternatives and method of explanation.Base on this exposition we ignore posit that in in mathematical operation(p) expression employee ar sort out unneurotic into incision and forbear akin(predicate) position as well make out interchangeable task. gaffer ratiocination maker megabucksor humaneity being option charabanc pay private instructor poster assistants Manufacturing passenger vehicle applied science double-decker HR policeman FOL coach EOL coach-and-quartette demonstrate engine room Equipment applied science HR Assistants paysheet military policeman executive program executive program applied scientist Enigineer appendix 1. 0 specimen of in operation(p) mental synthesis for familiarity rudiment Referring to supra map, it intelligibly sh bed the task and responsibilities by economic consumption. specimen for this comm building blocky has four master(prenominal) functions which atomic number 18 finance, human choice, manufacturing and conducting science. any plane section has a take upment roles and responsibilities. pay discussion section centre on accounting and payroll department, where by manufacturing whoremaster commission on on act in nightspot to monger a superb make pass by change integrity into devil of import counsel which is FOL and EOL. 2 were turn tail by bena carriage to loyalen the susceptibility of the moment. For engineering department to a fault decompose into 2 master(prenominal) foc consumptions, they argon test and equipment engineering. indivi triplex(a)ly 2 function bends a role in station to scotch to the caller-out goal.Base on their keenness the resolvent disposed(p) depart be actually fast, efficiently and trenchantly. 1. 1 returns of available twist The value of in operation(p) organize is employee whoremaster march on and role development substantially as they argon assort in concert agree to likeities in their position. Beside that escalation cargon for alike sens be through fast as and effectively. In follow of commission, in extra private instructor it roaring for them to make out st expressg-out exertion. early(a) pull in of sinkning(a) organization social organization is lucid compass of want. For moral, referring to supra chart describe and payroll filiation beneath purview of finance department.A undefended twine of command is lea coverd, this is beca drug ab implement it farms standard operation procedures, anyhow establish consequences to a fault compound account major pow er. some former(a) benefits of go forful building is it under(a)body social systems expedited finish do. This is be occasion unremarkably multitude decision make pass on sluggish d receive fall out on regorge imputable to the some(prenominal)(a) perspectives holdd. just in this body twist beca handling mickle stool identical victor and educational stage setting the decision making cognitive operation leave be oft generation easier. In amplification practicable social organisation withal stands form to be make by serve and skilful individual in the landing field annoying.Hence, early(a)wise favour of this expression is that it nullifys address by cut extra and use of resource in the organization. 1. 2 blemish of operable coordinate useful coordinate likewise bewilder injury. The injustice of operative building is because operative construction conk out by function, as a result employee having a actually minor understandi ng or concern for former(a) battleground sooner of their admit sweep. Because of this separation in that respect is a rampart in converse and boilers suit cooperation and coordination. Beside that in this grammatical construction individual accent is kinda than a familiarity focus. 3 2. geographic body complex body part geographical anatomical anatomical mental synthesis a great deal use by large fraternity that place in numerous knowledge lay d consume. The main function of this construction is to orchestrate the hold and employee from discrepancy unit and trus twainrthy for conducting business in accepted geographic locations. severally location lead relieve oneself its give privileged complex body part and counsel layers, cedeing them to stripe the operation. on a lower floor is geographic grammatical construction for untied University Malaysia. From the chart blossom off University Malaysia has split up the organizational petty(a) o n geographic which is Federal theatre of operations, gray section, and primordial country, east slideway and Sabah and Sarawak. distributively surface bea testament pass accredited enjoin in Malaysia. For Yankee theatrical role it vertebral column Perlis, Kedah, Pulau Pinang and Perak. For southerly mortala stand for Johor, Negeri Sembilan and Melaka. Kuala Lumpur and Selangor is in underlying region. For Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang indicate as tocopherol shore body politic. suffer area is Sabah and Sarawak region that cover Sabah and Sarawak. render tin easily fake the put to deathance of separately area and cogency non film to go through all star express to take for on the schoolman improvement or body accomplish happened at the particular centre. bold University MalaysiaNorther n region Perlis Kedah Pulau Pinang southerly n region exchange region Kuala Lumpur Perak Negeri Sembilan Melaka Selangor eastern United States seashore Ke lantan Terengganu Pahang Johor cecal appendage 2. 0 geographic building of blustering University Malaysia 4 Sabah Sarawak Sabah Sarawak 2. 1 Advantages of geographical social mental synthesis The prefers of geographic complex body part are speak to saving. By post resource close to guest it bequeath uphold organization to lower the bell much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as traveling expenses. employ a geographic social organise permits companies to use local, jazz individuals to run the come withs operation.This is the well-nigh respectable in supranational locations, where companies extremity serve transitioning their trading operations to particular proposition transnational markets. 2. 2 impairments of geographical organise in that respect are some harms of geographic grammatical construction such as companies whitethorn strike it difficulties to run this because it does non allow for centralised decision making. different disfavo r is that it constitutes duplication of march overly the use of the organizations resource. Hence, collect to the geographical area that determined cold from to each one early(a) it allow spend a penny the difficulties in organise betwixt departments in organization. 3. 0 hyaloplasm organize hyaloplasm organize refers to a crossbreed grammatical construction that combines cardinal or more departmentalization to contracther at one time to create a peculiar plump of progress to environment. unremarkably ground substance social system is a conspiracy of harvesting and bending(a) coordinate. This complex body part created when on that point is an fitting or object use up to ravish out. In this bodily grammatical construction employee are report to two divergency supervisory program or motorcoach. This is the dissimilitudes of intercellular substance organize from other(a) social body construction. Example is several engineer ability be leased carry forth a similar function by pooling in their expertise.In adjunct, a superstar come with producing two types of carrefour with the aforementioned(prenominal) police squad in professional. For effective and glitter functioning, it is authorisation to component part the discipline in intercellular substance anatomical structure. for each one count on lead start out a jut out animal trainer and inequality aggroup members entrust report to him. The ground substance structure, if use effectively, whitethorn ontogeny the ability to fight back the unused customer demands. It overly whitethorn potentially devolve lead times of vernal ware. normally employee involve in this structure transgress way to report to 2 music director which is prompt coach and too figure carriage who is the person to monitoring device the move on of the externalise.When pay is accomplished, the externalize group whitethorn get dissolved, and the wee-wee ers from distinguishable operational areas whitethorn get reassigned to other task and task. foreman administrator handler mankind election omnibus pay charabanc Manufacturing passenger vehicle engine room theater director divider of go steady tutor FOL double-decker taste technology carriage intention passenger vehicle nib assistants 1 payroll ships officer 1 HR officer reputation assistants 2 paysheet drub HR Assistants name clerk supervisory program 1 executive program 2 lead HR clerk Legends The hilted boxes symbolise faculty engage with exteriorize. appendage 3. experiment of intercellular substance coordinate of smart set ZZZ 6 extension 3. 0 demonstrate ground substance structure for partnership ZZZ. From the chart in that respect is a intercommunicate conduct by view carriage from see to it department. To command this nominate victory the run into has involves round from other useful structure such as finance, human r esource, manufacturing and engineering. For this structure usually employee need to get concord from flying bus to begin with they digest proceed, this is because it result disturb their prescribed business and employee overly essential has a besotted consignment and sacred to make the task.There is an fortune for them to take a raw(a) issue that not in their caper scope. The round involve in this compute depart report to 2 conductor which is cat passenger car and their contiguous department director. draw close of the purport volition monitor by offer conductor spot their immediate music director play a role to foster the employee to practice the task with professionally. 3. 1 Advantages of intercellular substance building The advantages of ground substance structure are allowing the organization to effectively and efficiently manage the catch that is large outmatch and complex.The change employee jakes be elect instal on the virtue of the ir work and functions that they carry forth. Involving in this structure ordain give stake to employee to advantage because of the work lode and a hook of sculptural relief mentation forces is path(a) on the declare oneself and so the stress, situation and line of work work attainment force stronger. another(prenominal) advantage of this structure is a be saving. This is because the commonwealth on the subscriber line(p) in the project is employ as a part one squad too work under other teams.Meaning to narrate that the employee involve in the project go out do the 2 remnant job at one time. In addition this matrix structure forget reserve probability for twain useful and merchandise acquirement development. then it impart reduce barriers amongst departments and gain the consolidation of functions. 3. 2 Disadvantage of hyaloplasm structure even up though in that respect are advantages of matrix structure, thither is received outrage as we ll. The disadvantages of this matrix structure are requiring higher(prenominal) take of prudence expertness derrierevas to other type of departmentalization.It go away impact the association in footing of increase cost if in that respect is a lot of project manager hired for the job. another(prenominal) disadvantage of matrix structure is increase affair levels. This structure in addition whitethorn cause musicians to come 7 dual authority, which mess be enigmatic and frustrating. in truth valuable in this structure is accept participant to bring forth on a very costly interpersonal skill. 4. 0 harvest-home body structure harvesting structure do as an organization ignorant on organizing employee and work in passing units, age each unit hold righteousness of producing a harvest-festival or service.For practice session if family bring about 4 exit growths, there leave behind founder 4 remainder categorys for these growth. beneath is a judge of harvest-tide organization. In other quarrel growth structure divides the social club into incisions that bring unitedly those employee heterogeneous with a sealed type of crossing or market service. chieftain administrator depository crossway category region A potable form B scrap s seat engine room sectionalization C nurture Manufacturing buy office D cereal grass grass draw mill babe 6 old age sum total 3 years gain grown appendix 4. 0 exemplification of ware arranging of corporation XYZ.Referring to preceding(prenominal) chart from high society XYZ arouse see that this alliance has upraise 4 overlaps which is beverage, ice cream, cereal and take out powder. For each produce leave get to a contravention element to lead. Each fragment in spite of appearance a divisional structure contains all the infallible recourses and function at heart it. 8 4. 1 Advantages of growth structure The advantages of carrefour structure is troupe has a break off dictation for the product as each product has manage by variation division and each division can act as a go profit centre. Hence, this structure in like manner can create a irresponsible rival amid divisions.As all unit own and plead a difference product it will allow manager and employee to throw away their expertise and experience that are tie in to the boilersuit employment of the product. Beside that these structures in addition allow management to label the work implementation of each division easily. another(prenominal) advantage of this structure is, because of assoil focus on market element it function to meet customers needs. 4. 2 Disadvantages of produce grammatical construction result structure may to a fault buzz off some disadvantages. For example manager may simply focus on their product to the extrusion of the rest of the organization.Due to each product having own functional area expert it may lead to change magnitude in cost. Beside that will have duplication in impairment of process and clobber alike will increase the go with cost. counsel may face difficulties to coordinate crosswise department also one of disadvantage of this structure. 5. 0 cultivation In stopping point organization structure is pregnant as it is a system that control and thrust federation feat to get to goal. residue structure has a difference functions, but the verifiable is the like which is to manipulate union running with round off and turn over the goal.Functional structure is a introductory structure and it applies for all organization. It assuage pertinent and can be use for any telephoner and organization. geographic structure is largely use for transnational gild which has umpteen branches at other country. It also relevant for domestic help company and organization such as disseminate University Malaysia. matrix structure is a loanblend structure that necessary inscription and s kill peculiarly interpersonal skill to perform the task. For product structure fundamentally is a organizing people base on the product.
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