Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Improving Waste Management Strategies for Small Livestock Farms Term Paper

Improving Waste Management Strategies for Small Livestock Farms - Term Paper Example The operations of CAFOs lead to production of wastes like manure, litter and the waste water from operations. They are known to have a high content of nitrogen, phosphorus, other metals and a host of harmful bacteria if not managed all these harmful substances can easily get into the environment. It is of importance that factors should put in place to prevent pollution from these small AFOs. The average size of farms has increased steadily over the last several years of this is due to the lucrative livestock industry, which has been known to yield high profits. Six major air pollutants have been identified as coming from AFOs areas or any animal housing areas, animal waste treatment areas they are known to highly contribute to the greenhouse gas emissions. They Include; ammonia nitrous oxide, methane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide. The best way to combat these in small farms is in the building of bio gas digesters, which provide cooking gases well as electricity and harness danger ous gases like methane preventing it from getting into the atmosphere (Ciravolo p 259). Though this has been known to be a capital intensive venture individuals, may form small organizations with a cooperative like to set up so that they can put the necessary infrastructure in place for the harnessing of these gases. This will also enable them to harness these gases in large scales, and this can lead to a viable economic return from its sales in the neighboring households. However, this is not a new approach and the stakeholders have to embrace technological means to ensure that they have the best approach to guarantee a clean environment as well as an effective conducive environment to coexist with other small scale farmers. Another major contributor is the odorous gases which lead to anaerobic degradation. Anaerobic degradation involves the decline of composite organic compounds to a range of odorous VFAs by bacteria that form acids. These bacteria alter VFAs to odorless methane a nd carbon dioxide. If these anaerobic components are in equilibrium, most redolent compounds are removed. The governments ought to recognize the status of small-scale livestock farmers and offer incentives to enable them to efficiently deal with waste management. This may be in the form of subsidies, or tax waivers for those who efficiently comply with the regulations put in place. Manure is a byproduct of the whole aspect of livestock production though it is normally viewed as a useful by-product mostly by the farmers. It still poses serious environmental problems if not utilized, applied or disposed in the right manner. Manure contains pathogens and bacteria from within the systems of these animals eliminated as waste products. These pose a big challenge to even the farmers themselves. Pathogens also pose a major challenge; it mainly gets its way to underground water percolation Percolating water provides the adequate mechanism for percolation of microorganisms through soil profil es. In inundated flow, water passes the soil filtering process thus; taking microorganisms with it through the soil profile the best way to address the pathogen problem is by carrying out process like air drying. Air drying is the process through which Animal wastes like manure is desiccated on sand beds basins or any other exposure to the

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Global Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Global Trade - Essay Example Consequently, fair trade has not developed in Third World countries, such as those of Africa and Latin America. Globalization is a post-World War II phenomenon that evolved based on the need to identify ways to promote economic progress among newly independent countries that used to be colonies. According to Piasecki and Wolnicki (2004), "After the second World War, there was widespread interest among economists in finding solutions to the poverty and underdevelopment left behind by the disintegrating colonial system" (par. 3). Experiments with planned economies in the 1950s and 1960s were met with only limited success, and frequent failure, in the developing world. "Until the 1980s, a score of developing nations experimented with non-market theories and concepts, but with rather limited success. Brazil, India experienced a few years of non-sustainable growth in the 1960s. Unfortunately, none of these countries could match the successes of those that chose the mixed economy and the market system in 1990s" (par. 8). By the 1980s, it became apparent that Third World development lagged and there was a need for a new approach. "By the 1980s, against many prominent economists' expectations, development had not materialized in the Third World - with the exception of the Gulf nations. Even in countries such as Qatar, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, where significant growth was observed, employment gains were generally unsatisfactory. Everywhere else in the developing world inequality and poverty grew. In addition, inflow of capital and Western consumption standards challenged traditional sectors and the existing power structures. As a result, tensions between modernizers and Islamic traditionalists heightened" (par. 9). In other parts of the world, the 1980s also brought a realization that economic development approaches had not been adequate. The 1980s came to be known as Latin America's "lost decade," in which there was "mounting debt, inflation, and negative growth" throughout much of the region (par. 15). A consensus began to grow around the idea that "a free market and open economy supported development far better than any form of protectionism and state interventionism." A new model of global capitalism, spearheaded by America, began to take hold in the 1990s in the hopes of reversing the economic stagnation in the Third World that had marked the decades since World War II. A theory began to take hold that opening up economies, spurring international investment, and knocking down trade barriers would produce a rising economic tide that would benefit both the developed and the developing world. It was hoped that multinational corporations let loose to pursue their profits across political boundaries would be the engine that spurred a new era of global economic growth. The new economic model was based on "tough fiscal and monetary policy, deregulation, foreign trade and capital flow liberalization, elimination of government subsidies, moderate taxation, liberalization of interest rates, maintenance of low inflation, and so forth. The proponents of these comprehensive liberal reforms strongly believed that the 'miracle of the market' would eventually so lve the problems endemic to underdevelopment. A special role in this process