Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Rookie Chief Information Security Officer Term Paper - 1
The Rookie Chief Information Security Officer - Term Paper Example The introduction of IT in business has not only helped these industries to go global but has also facilitated people to get their desired products sitting in any part of the world. In the modern context, the word ‘IT’ plays a very important role as it is not only the businesses that are adapting the new method of storing data but healthcare industries and education sector as well are introducing new approaches of serving the customers with the aid of IT. Therefore, it is vital that adequate measures are taken as misuse of the resources stored in a database may result in causing considerable amount of harm to an individual. The main objective of this paper is to provide a well-designed IT security plan with modern security measures that would help in maintaining a proper database system in the organization (Stoyles, Pentland & Demant, 2003). Part 1: Organization Chart Fig: Organizational Chart With reference to the above mentioned chart, it can be viewed that the differen t personnel are divided according to the three values i.e. physical security professional, privacy professional and procurement professional. Part 2: Request for Proposal (RFP) Plan Request for Proposal (RPF) is a type of bidding solicitation in which an association declares that funding is obtainable for a particular program or project, where companies can place offers for the project’s completion. The RFP outlines the bidding process and contract terms to which the selected company must abide by during the contract. A RFP is typically open to a wide range of bidders providing the association to select the best from a wide range of options available. In the modern day context, RFP is considered to be one of the prime tactics of getting things done without wasting the resources of an organization. It is worth mentioning that every RFP contains qualifying criteria as they help in selecting the most appropriate vendors from the entire applicants (Window on State Government, n.d .). Two perspectives qualifying criteria that need to be carefully monitored while selecting the vendor for the new IT security in the organization are stated hereunder: Company’s Reputation and History The first criterion that is taken into consideration while choosing a vendor or an organization for the proposed RFP is the company’s reputation and the history. Assessing a prospective vendor company’s history and reputation in the current market helps the association in knowing the current capabilities and the future perspectives of the selected company. Another prime objective behind studying the goodwill of the vendor in the market is to calculate the performance of the organization in comparison with the competitors. It facilitates the association to estimate the time they may need to complete the proposed project (Sonoma State University, 2009). Quality Assurance Received By the Vendor: ISO Certified International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a non-government organization composed of associates from the national standards based bodies of 163 nations. The main task of this body is to certify it members with its different titles that help to identify them within a number of similar organizations. The next criteria that would be vital for any association to fulfill the requirement of the RFP are an ISO certificate in quality management. The reason behind accepting the vendor on the basis of the mentioned criteria is
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
English paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
English paper - Essay Example It showed how only a few privileged people can control the entire financial resources in a country with a capitalist structure. The sharks and the lambs of the stock market have been given human shapes and the movie shows how they let their lives be controlled with the single passion of becoming richer by the hour, with greed being described as a virtue in the big bad world of a capitalist society. The movie also shows how inner conscience can assist a person from doing the right thing when confronted with moral decisions. The Wall Street is the location of the New York Stock exchange which is the world’s leading hub of business activity where stocks are bought and sold and is an enigma for the common man inciting fear and awe among the uninitiated. Common people fail to understand the intricacy of markets and the way big business operates. The movie entitled ‘Wall Street’ was therefore the best way to introduce the common man to the intricacies of the business wo rld. It shows how ambition and greed can make a person a mere pawn in the juggernaut known as the stock market. Personal life takes a toll when a person gets involved in the highly demanding and competitive environment leaving no room for human desires and pleasures. Every facet of human values acquires a financial angle.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Examining The Yellow Ribbon Project On Offenders Criminology Essay
Examining The Yellow Ribbon Project On Offenders Criminology Essay Help Unlock the Second Prison, the tagline from Yellow Ribbon Project, describes that the ex-offenders, upon release from the prisons, will be locked up by the walls built up by the society. Because of the perception of the public towards these ex-inmates, they often found difficulties in seeking employment. Such prejudice and discrimination will result in ex-inmates receiving fewer benefits, not just affecting the ex-offenders, but also their families. Fi the situation does not improve, inequality will continue to exist in the society. We should then implement pragmatic solutions to alleviate the discrimination against them. Ex-offenders, also known as ex-convicts, are those who have been released from prison or those with a criminal record or history (Wikipedia). Every year in Singapore, around 11,000 ex-convicts are released back to the society (Singapore Prison Service). Some of the common offences are offences against persons such as assault, offences against property such as robbery, sexual offences, drug offences and white collar crimes (Criminal Law). Employment is one of the key indicators on whether these former inmates are able to successfully re-integrate into the society. Looking at some of the employment statistics, Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises (SCORE) expanded their database with 2,118 employers in their database and Industrial Services Co-Operative Society (ISCOS) has helped 3,000 ex-offenders to find jobs so far. In this essay, I seek to explore and compare discrimination on ex-offenders, especially employment opportunities, as well as its implications in Singapore with United States. After having knowledge about the issue, I will propose solutions across government, organisational and individual level. Many people would have known there are support programmes such as the Yellow Ribbon Project and other organisations such as Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises (SCORE), to help ex-offenders reintegrate into the society. Although these support programmes exist, we need to consider its effectiveness in helping ex-offenders to reintegrate into the society. The re-integration rate will therefore serves an indication of the level of discrimination against these ex-offenders. Furthermore, there is little interaction with between the public and former inmates as the public shun away and feel that they do not deserve all the benefits such as housing and tax benefits. It is therefore important that we recognize the existence of such stereotyping and raise awareness to reduce the degree of discrimination and to assist these ex-offenders. After these former inmates leave their physical incarceration, they are faced with the second prison, i.e. family, friends, employers and the community at large. Most of the offenders have tattoos on their body, which signifies status, power and belonging to a certain group. Because of stereotyping, we tend to group people who have tattoos as those who have committed crimes and thus, concluding that they are gangsters and criminals. We are often afraid that we might be the next victim of these gangsters and criminals that we stand a distance away from them or go towards a crowded area. On an organisational level, we can see that some employers are still unwilling to hire ex-offenders, because they believe that leopards can never change its spots. It is heartening to see the number of ex-offenders being employed have increased with the years but we cannot guarantee that they have been given equal employment rights as the others. For example, some employers resorted to background grounds before make decisions with regards to employment. From the papers, excited applicants applied for a job at the Resorts World Sentosa and Marina Bay Sands casinos, but before the official opening, at least 30 employees had to leave their job. All of them failed the Casino Regulatory Authority (CRA)s background checks and hence their contracts were voided. One of the affected employees had failed to declare his shoplifting offence. We realised that there is no difference on whether if those with criminal records declared or not, they still had their contracts terminated anyway. While we understand the concerns over criminal history as the amount of money handled in casinos are in large sum, we need to consider if these history are necessarily the best and sole predictors for future performance. Do we judge those have continuously erred and condemn that they do not deserve the chance to repent? For this case, suggestions would be to put those people who have a criminal record on a period of probation instead of sacking them. Some of the youths interviewed felt that the move by the casinos are not wrong, because we cannot guarantee that people will not be driven by greed and if there are any troubles, the public may complain and question on why the casinos were built in the first place and why were no precautions taken. Hence, it is only right to conduct background checks on them. Besides that, jobs can still be offered to them in the less risky areas. In addition, job applicants are often required to fill up the employment application form and declare that if they have been convicted in a court in any country before. Because this is usually a one-liner question, ex-offenders applications can be filtered out without considering the seriousness of the offences or even the recidivism rate of the offender. This may therefore provide an opportunity for employers to screen out ex-offenders and justify if there any inappropriate acts in the company in future. Generally, these applicants can expect that there will no reply from the company, and this may encourage them to lie about their background. If the ex-offender is caught lying, they will be automatically disqualified while declaration of their history may not be always disqualify them. We encourage all ex-offenders to be honest with the past. In the United States, the discrimination against ex-offenders is so great that they are deprived of the basic rights of voting. Without voting rights, this means that the policies and laws implemented could be against their rights. In 2008, the legislation amended the law to allow voting. Section III Why is it important for us to talk about it? The society plays a significant role in the reintegration of the ex-offenders. It is important that we recognise that these ex-offenders are human beings too. To err is human. Whether they have committed a great sin in the past or not, they still belong to the society. They are able-bodied and are eager to contribute to the society and economy. However, despite their eagerness, we shun and discriminate them, and assume that they will revert back to their old ways. In the end, the society is unable to progress as a whole. We need to prove that former convicts are assets to the society. Also, when these ex-offenders are not able to secure a job, even on short-term, to get their income, they will revert back to their old ways to get the money to survive. The recvidism rate in Singapore has remained at 25 % since 2006 (Prisons-SCORE Corporate Advance 2009) . This is much lesser than the recidivism rate in California, where 70% revert back to their old ways. It is expensive to maintain the prison as well as support rehabilitative programmes. The economic costs, which comes from tax payers increased further when these ex-offenders recidivise. The major prisons in United States, such as the one in New York, faced increased pressure to release their prisoners after minimum serving period or putting them through programmes rather than prisons. The state spends $2.5 billion a year to maintain its corrections department. Sudden surge of ex-offenders was too overwhelming and many recidivise due to insufficient and effective rehabilitative and support programmes. The revolving door is very expensive, it adds $1 billion a year to Californias overburdened penal system (Another By-Product of the Recession: Ex-convicts, TIME). Skeptical about safety, Section IV Where can we start to fix the problem? As mentioned previously, these former inmates faced discrimination in the public and most importantly, at the workplace. Without a job, they will not be able to survive and support their families, especially if they are the breadwinner of the family. When this happens, they are not able to afford basic necessities. Their families may also suffer as a result of poor education and may need to come out to work. Their spouse and children may grow up thinking why should life be so demanding and will then resort to crimes to get what they wanted. It is difficult for ex-offenders to live a better life when they are not given the same opportunities. This will continue as a vicious cycle. To reduce and even eliminate the stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination against these ex-offenders, it is important that we find out the root causes of this issue and implement various programmes and activities to encourage active participation as increased interaction may improve the perspective of the public towards ex-offenders. To begin with, organizations should organize more activities to bring ex-offenders a step closer to the public. It is hoped that through such activities, it provides both the public and ex-offenders an opportunity to interact and hence, develop a sense of trust among them. Such activities may be visit to the prisons and / or halfway houses, outdoor and indoor activities, community service projects or even, encourage ex-offenders to participate in existing events such as Yellow Ribbon Prison Run. Through interaction, it may change the perspective of the public towards them and therefore reduce the extent of discrimination. Many ex-offenders have low self-esteem and are afraid of rejection. Therefore, we should involve the ex-offenders in the planning and executing of events in the community. These events provide an opportunity for the former inmates to showcase their talents in various areas. The public are aware that it is difficult for ex-offenders to find and secure jobs. Also, from an interview with an ex-offender from Highpoint Community Services Association in 2009, I found out that employers often do not want to give ex-offenders a second chance. This outright act of non-acceptance already killed the only hope that these ex-offenders have to reintegrate into the society. As such, more organizations should start working on a campaign on hiring ex-offenders. These campaigns should focus on instilling the correct mindset of treating the ex-offenders and also their ability to work as well as any other ordinary person. As much as I acknowledge that nobody can be free from discrimination, including employers, research shows that provision work is important. In addition, more jobs seminars should be introduced to increase the employment opportunities available to ex-offenders. To enhance the public confidence in them, we can consider cooperating with companies to provide these ex-offenders transitional jobs as probationers, to start them off for several years so that they have relevant working experience, instead of merely skills acquiring in the rehabilitative programmes. After the transition period, these organizations can also help to recommend the employees to other companies. Besides the technical skills acquired from the support programmes, the programmes should also focus on soft skills such as interpersonal skills. These ex-convicts should also learn more about resume writing and interview skills, as these will help them to market themselves well. For the declaration of whether the job applicant has been convicted in court before, we should further improve on the question so that it allows the ex-offender to declare that they have convicted for which offences and also the year of conviction. In this case, the employers benefit as they can take note of the offences made, and be aware that these are not detrimental to the interests of the company and other stakeholders. This is because if the ex-offenders cause any troubles, the company will be the party that suffers the heaviest losses. Also, the job applicants gains from this as the employers are practising selective screening rather than a total elimination. There are also calls to ban the declaration box. However, I feel that the employers are right to protect their interests and the ex-offenders should be honest and convince the employers on their efforts to stay out of crime. As noted above, generally the society has the perspective that ex-offenders are likely to revert back to their old ways. Hence, it is important that we improve the rehabilitation programme to reduce the chances of such cases occurring. We need to note that the limitation of the rehabilitation programmes as decision to go back to old ways varies from the circumstances faced by the ex-offenders. If the solutions proposed above are being implemented on a long-term basis, we could see that less discrimination acts towards ex-offenders and the Singapore will move towards a much more forgiving society.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Water Transportation in the Jacksonian Era Essay example -- essays pap
Water Transportation in the Jacksonian Era Water travel assisted heavily with transportation of goods and people from the American north-east to the west, which would eventually create a separation from the south. Before any canals were even built, there was a great demand for better transportation to and from the west. During this time of exploration, something was necessary in order for settlement to progress. After the canals were built, people living in to north grew exceedingly wealthy from the trading benefits of the canals. This wealth would eventually create economic differences with the southern United States(Drago 178). During the Jacksonian Era, in America, there were many changes happening, one of which was western expansion. During this time, Louis and Clark had already explored the west, but people were dying to be able to trade, and live there. With the grueling journey that would effect anyone trying to reach the west, came a new notion, of a canal that reached from Lake Erie on towards the east. This canal could transport people, as well as goods back and forth from the newly explored territory. Eventually this dream successfully became a reality. The chief builder of the Erie Canal was DeWitt Clinton, a powerful man who was to become the governor of New York. In 1816, Clinton petitioned New York legislature to let him build the canal, which was a success(Erie). The construction of the canal took about eight years, however many hardships such as floods, and malaria plagued construction. Many people also said that the canal was too short, as it originally only stretched from the Hudson to Lake Champlain. People wanted a canal that would take them all the way from Erie to Champlain. Although this created even more problems, the canal was completed successfully in 1825(Bourne 118). While all of this was going on, the ideas for another major canal were just coming together. The Chesapeake and Ohio (C&O) Canal, was just beginning near the time the Erie’s construction finished up. The C&O canal would mostly be used to transport coal to Cumberland, Maryland. The building of the canal ended on June 11, 1850, at Cumberland. Although not the economic giant that the Erie was, the C&O canal reached it’s peak in 1870, during which tolls often topped $1,000(Drago 71). After the construction of the canals was finished, there was a gre... ...d many slaves, so they thought slavery was justified. In conclusion, water travel benefited many northerners, but did not help those living in the south. Eventually, this difference resulted in the south become less economically strong, ending a long trade relationship with the north, which would soon evolve into the War Between the States, or the Civil War. Bibliography Bourne, Russell. Floating West. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1992 Bourne, Russell. Floating West. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1992. page 76. Bourne, Russell. Floating West. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1992. page 83. Drago, Harry Sinclair. Canal Days in America: The History and Romance of Old Towpaths and Waterways. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., 1972. Drago, Harry Sinclair. Canal Days in America: The History and Romance of Old Towpaths and Waterways. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., 1972. page 48. Drago, Harry Sinclair. Canal Days in America: The History and Romance of Old Towpaths and Waterways. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., 1972. page 166. â€Å"Erie Canal.†Electric Library. 9 Jan. Hadfield, Charles. The Canal Age. New York: Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, 1968.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Succubus on Top CHAPTER 4
â€Å"Doug!†He shrugged. â€Å"It's not a big deal. I mean, it's pretty hot, really.†â€Å"But I didn't do those things. It's not really me.†â€Å"She sounds just like you. Her name begins with a Gtoo.†â€Å"But it's not†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I swallowed, noting the similarities as well. Doug watched me appraisingly. â€Å"You can't really blame them. Description-wise, you two match, and everyone knows you and Mortensen are chummy – not to mention what a zealous fan you are and all. After they read the story, Casey even made the brilliant observation that you guys came in together yesterday. You should have seen the speculation that started.†â€Å"But†¦that was nothing.†No one at work even knew Seth and I were dating. I hadn't wanted that widely known. â€Å"We hadn't done anything.†Doug shrugged again, rising from the computer. â€Å"Too bad. I wouldn't have thought less of you if you had, you know. It's your business anyway.†I groaned. â€Å"Not when it's in print for everyone to see.†â€Å"I thought it was all fictitious,†he reminded me with a sly grin, putting on his coat. â€Å"It is! Doug, what am I going to do?†â€Å"Don't know, Kincaid. I'm sure you'll figure something out. Maybe start with asking Mortensen why he's putting his fantasies on display for everyone to see.†He tweaked my cheek, and I squirmed out of his reach. â€Å"As for me, I've got a rehearsal to get to. Big night tomorrow. Later.†My shift proceeded miserably after that. Now that I knew what the looks were for, the experience moved into a whole new realm of humiliation. I hated idle speculation, hated people thinking terrible things about me. I mean, it wasn't like I hadn't ever tied someone up before or had sex in an elevator, but come on. It wasn't the kind of thing I wanted people to consider publicly. I liked to keep my intimate affairs discreet. I therefore stayed in the office as much as possible, only going out to help when absolutely necessary, and to check if Seth had returned yet. Finally, a couple hours before closing, I saw him back at his table. I sat down opposite him in a rage, not even caring what others would think of us being together. â€Å"Why did you do it? Why did you write me in like that?†Seth looked up from his laptop, his expression clearly implying whatever writing he was working on still held his attention more than I did. For all I knew, I was at the center of an orgy in some novel now. â€Å"What?†â€Å"The story!†I threw American Mystery onto the table loudly. â€Å"You wrote me in. I'mGenevieve.†He blinked. â€Å"No you aren't.†â€Å"Oh yeah? How come both our names begin with a G? How come we look alike?†â€Å"You don't look anything like her,†he countered. â€Å"That's not what half the store thinks. They think she's me! They think you've written up a fling we had in an elevator.†Realization flashed across his face, and to my horror, he actually smiled. â€Å"Really? That's funny.†â€Å"Funny? It's terrible! They all think I'm a bondage freak.†â€Å"Thetis,†he began gently, still damnably serene, â€Å"I – â€Å" â€Å"Don't ‘Thetis' me. It won't work.†â€Å"I wrote that story, like, six months ago. Long before I met you. The publishing world doesn't move that fast.†â€Å"Well, the others don't know that.†I hovered on the verge of tears. â€Å"I'd never write in anyone so blatantly.†â€Å"Yeah? Well, they don't know that either,†I said, slouching back against my chair miserably, arms crossed. Seth sighed, his amber brown eyes compassionate as he regarded me. â€Å"Look, do you want me to say something? Tell them that it wasn't you?†â€Å"Lord, that would just convince them even more that it was me. Besides, what are you going to do, call a press conference to clear my name?†â€Å"I'm sorry,†he told me seriously. â€Å"I never thought anything like this would happen.†A hesitation. â€Å"Do†¦do you still want to go out tomorrow night? I mean†¦if you don't†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The old adorable shyness fell over him, and I couldn't stay mad. â€Å"No,†I told him. â€Å"I still want to go, but†¦I think we should, you know, show up at the concert separately. Most of the staff will be there, you know.†He opened his mouth to speak but then reconsidered. I suspected he had been about to accuse me of overreacting, but apparently my radiating fury made him think better of it. Seth wasn't exactly the confrontational type. Or, considering the mood I was in, perhaps he just wasn't the stupid type. â€Å"Okay,†he finally said. â€Å"We'll meet there.†â€Å"Georgina?†Looking up, I saw Paige standing over us, disapproval all over her face. I hadn't even noticed her approach. She wore another of her beautiful power suits, this time in an electric violet that looked stunning with her dark skin. â€Å"Can I speak to you for a few minutes?†she asked, tone grim. â€Å"In private?†I followed her to her office, letting her close the door behind us. Not surprisingly, a copy of American Mystery sat on her desk. â€Å"So,†she began crisply, â€Å"I've been hearing some rumors – â€Å" â€Å"Damn it. It's not me.†I proceeded to relate to her my own recent discoveries, pointing out Seth's observation concerning how long it took for works to come out in print. When I finished, I think I had mostly convinced her of my innocence, though sordid stories flying around the workplace still obviously distressed her. Studying nothing in particular, Paige drummed her lacquered red nails against the desk as she thought about what to do. â€Å"This will get cleared up with the staff in time. That, or they'll just get over it. What I don't like is the idea of any outsiders drawing conclusions. You do sound like that character, and anyone else who reads the story could make the same mistake. I don't want rumors starting that half of Seth's reason for working here is that he gets sexual favors on the side, courtesy of our employees.†â€Å"Oh Lord.†I covered my face with my hands, wondering how celebrities dealt with truly large-scale scandals. This small one was bad enough. I wanted to disappear. It tainted the beauty of what Seth and I were trying to build. â€Å"I think the best way to approach this is – â€Å" Her words dropped off as a grimace crossed her face and one hand clutched her stomach. I started toward her. â€Å"Are you okay?†She nodded, forcing a strained smile. â€Å"It†¦it's nothing.†â€Å"The hell it is. You should call your doctor†¦or at least go home.†â€Å"No, it'll pass. Besides, I've got too much to do. I need to make the new schedule and go over some inventory stats.†â€Å"That's crazy. I can do that stuff.†She shook her head, arguing again, and I argued right back. At last, Paige yielded, which only verified something must be seriously wrong. Those who went head-to-head with her rarely won. So, I finished my shift doing her extra jobs and serving as backup. It was exhausting, but I was happy to do it, still worrying about her and her baby. When we closed, I headed straight over to the suburbs, following the directions Bastien had given me. When I pulled up to his house, I could only sit in my car and stare for a few minutes. Now, I had a few well-formed ideas about the American Dream. After all, I'd been alive in the days when the term was first coined. I'd seen it arise, seen the mythology that surrounded it, seen the white picket fences and cute, well-kept neighborhoods. I'd even watched Leave it to Beaver. Seth's brother, for example, lived north of the city and had a pretty nice chunk of it carved out. But this? This was an American Wet Dream. Bastien's house went on forever, expanding ostentatiously beyond its marble and taupe facade. Even if he'd had a wife and family, I doubted they could have filled it up, and anyway, the kind of people who lived in these places didn't have large families. After all, this was the generation that had, what, 1.75 kids? The garage had three doors, as advertised, and tasteful shrubs and ornamental trees decorated the lawn. Since it was dark now, I couldn't see the rest of the neighborhood in detail, but I suspected I'd find more of the same. One house, next door, was lit up and busy with people. It was even bigger than Bastien's and probably the location of the party. â€Å"Are you compensating for something?†I asked when the incubus opened his door. Mitch Hunter flashed me the million-dollar grin. â€Å"My sweet sister, you and I both know that's not true. Love your haircut.†I'd come as Tabitha Hunter, lean and blond, though I'd conceded to his earlier complaints and given myself shoulder-length hair. He kissed my cheek and ushered me inside for a quick tour. After a few rooms, it all started blurring together. Cherry hardwood floors. Gorgeously painted walls. Sleek black appliances. Wainscoting. A hot tub out back. Enough guest bedrooms to house a Girl Scout troop. And cute, cleverly placed knick-knacks everywhere. â€Å"Isn't this going a bit far?†I asked, pointing to a framed copy of the Lord's Prayer in the foyer. â€Å"Tabitha, my love, man cannot survive on bread alone. We can, however, survive on delicious appetizers and hamburgers, so let's head over.†We arrived considerably after the starting time, since I'd been at work, and the party was in full swing. Maybe I shouldn't have been so quick to dismiss these suburbanites after all. â€Å"Mitch!†called a loud voice as we shouldered our way through the people. Most were dressed for the barbecue theme in shorts, T-shirts, and Hawaiian prints. â€Å"Hey, Bill,†returned Bastien, extending his hand to a plain yet well-groomed man with silver-streaked black hair. I recognized him from his photos. Dana's husband. â€Å"This is my sister, Tabitha. Hope you don't mind me bringing her.†â€Å"No, no! The more the merrier, I say.†He allowed a small, artificial laugh and smiled at me, making his eyes crinkle. â€Å"Especially ones so pretty. Makes me wish I was a younger man,†he teased with a wink. Unable to resist, I looked up at him through my lashes and said demurely, â€Å"I've always thought age was kind of irrelevant, Bill.†I held onto his proffered hand. â€Å"I know I'm always happy to learn from those with more†¦experience.†His eyes widened slightly, lighting with both intrigue and alarm. â€Å"Well,†he said after an uncomfortable moment, â€Å"I should probably spread myself around.†He remembered to let go of my hand. â€Å"Feel free to find something to eat, and don't forget to try the pool.†He glanced at me and my come-hither smile consideringly, hesitated, and then reluctantly departed. â€Å"Don't ever do that again,†hissed Bastien, steering me toward the kitchen by the arm. â€Å"Do what?†â€Å"Flirt with this group! You're supposed to be bolstering my wholesome image, not leading on my target's husband.†â€Å"I wasn't leading him on. Besides, what's it matter? Scandalize them both.†â€Å"No. Dana only. My show.†I cut him a look but said nothing. He wanted me as an observer but not a participant. It figured. All the glory for himself, praise from those above. He'd always had this competitive need to make himself shine. It was one of the things that I liked about him – an eager desire to prove himself the best. I guess I'd had it once too, but not anymore. As far as I was concerned, he was welcome to all the fame and fortune of this gig. â€Å"Just play my sweet, angelic sister,†he continued in a whisper. â€Å"Possibly my sweet, angelic, and frigid sister.†Moving through the house gave me a chance to take in more of the party's theme. Faux palm trees. Glittering, decorative suns everywhere. Small appetizer tables set up here and there, laden with deviled eggs, cocktail wieners, and cubed cheese. It was silly in some ways, but someone had obviously paid a lot of attention to detail. I appreciated that. All of the guests looked like Bill – and Bastien and me, I realized. Clean-cut, with every hair in place. High quality, conservative clothes (in a tropical sort of way). Upper-class. White. They freaked me out. The kitchen proved to be the true hub of food, and I decided to simply gorge myself rather than risk more conversation that might upset Bastien. I loaded up a paper plate with a hamburger, potato salad, and some kind of weird Jell-O-fruit-whipped-cream hybrid dessert. My efforts to simply eat unnoticed proved futile, as I soon found myself surrounded by a group of women. I didn't know where they'd come from. One minute I was just eating, the next minute six perfect faces were smiling at me. They were like a pack of wild dogs, yipping nonstop, honing in on lone prey. They'd even managed to separate me from Bastien, all the better to tear me apart. The incubus now stood across the room with a similarly ravenous group of men, no doubt discussing cigars and lawn mowers. I shot him a panicked look, but he merely shrugged. â€Å"Mitch's sister,†oozed one of the women. â€Å"I should have known! You guys look exactly alike.†â€Å"Well, not exactly alike,†tittered another. She wore an appliqu? ¦ sweater vest. Yikes. â€Å"We were just talking about stamping. Do you stamp, Tabitha?†â€Å"Urn, like use stamps?†I asked with a frown. â€Å"I mean, I mail things†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The Stepford Wives giggled again at this. â€Å"Oh! That's so funny.†â€Å"We mean rubber stamps. Arts and crafts stamps,†explained one of them. She'd introduced herself as Jody – the only name I could remember among the group. Probably because she seemed to have a slightly higher IQ than the rest. And was the only one of us without blond hair. â€Å"You use them to decorate things. â€Å" She dug into her purse and produced a small invitation on beautiful ivory cardstock. Scrolling vines and flowers decorated the front. â€Å"This is the invitation Dana made for this party.†I stared. â€Å"Seriously?†Somehow I'd imagined the â€Å"Great Job!†kind of stamps that teachers used on well-written papers. This was beautifully inked and in different colors. It looked professional, like something from Hallmark. â€Å"Mitzi's having a stamp party next week,†exclaimed one of the other women. â€Å"We could show you how to do it.†â€Å"Ooh†¦that would be so fun!†â€Å"Yes! Let's!†â€Å"Gee, it looks kind of time-consuming,†I told them, wishing desperately that I was somewhere else. I was sure I could have held my own in a cigar and lawn mower conversation better than a stamping one. â€Å"I don't think I have the time.†â€Å"Oh, but it's so worth it,†one assured me earnestly. She wore earrings that spelled ALOHA in dangling letters. â€Å"Betsey and I made bridal-shower invitations for her sister all day yesterday, and the time flew by. â€Å" â€Å"Did you use those cute dove stamps?†cooed another, not unlike a dove herself. â€Å"I spent all Tuesday looking for those at the mall.†â€Å"Don't you guys work?†I asked, wondering at their frequent use of â€Å"all day.†A century ago, I wouldn't have given it a thought. But this was the age of the so-called modern woman. We weren't supposed to lounge around in parlors anymore and pass out from wearing corsets. They turned to me, mouths agape. â€Å"Well, there's so much to do around the house,†Jody finally said. â€Å"Most of us are too busy with those things.†Like stamping? â€Å"Besides,†laughed Bitsy or Muffin or whatever the hell her name was, â€Å"it's not like we need to. Do you have a job?†â€Å"Well, yeah†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"What's your husband do?†â€Å"Oh. I'm not married.†This got more stares, and then suddenly they erupted with ideas and suggestions of â€Å"perfect single men†who worked with their husbands. I had to get out of here. Either that or render myself funconscious with the wrought-iron pig wearing an apron that sat on the kitchen table. I turned anxiously to Jody. â€Å"Didn't I hear there was a pool somewhere?†She brightened. â€Å"There sure is. I'll show you.†We extracted ourselves from the others, and she led me toward the back of the house. â€Å"Sorry if they're a little overwhelming,†she apologized. â€Å"I sort of feel responsible for their stamping frenzy. â€Å" The fact that she'd used the word â€Å"frenzy†to describe them made me laugh. â€Å"How so?†â€Å"I got them into it.†Her dark eyes twinkled. â€Å"Never thought it'd go this far, though. I used to be an elementary art teacher, and sometimes they remind me of the kids. They're all good souls, though.†â€Å"Why don't you teach anymore?†Drawing pictures with children sounded like a wicked cool job to me. If nothing else, the grading had to be easy. â€Å"Well, Jack likes me at home, and this way I get to take out my artistic urges on the house – and enable the neighbors. Every time I get hooked on a new project, our house takes the brunt of it: pottery, beading, watercolors†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"And stamping?†She laughed. â€Å"And stamping.†â€Å"Could you, like, teach part-time and still get everything done around the house?†â€Å"Maybe. But I've also got my CPFV duties, so my schedule's pretty packed.†CPFV? Damn. For a minute there, Jody had seemed like a pretty cool person. â€Å"You're a member?†Her expression registered mild surprise. â€Å"Yes, of course. We all are. You should come to a meeting someday. I know Dana would love to have you.†â€Å"Where is Dana?†I hadn't even seen the main attraction tonight. â€Å"I mean, I'm such a fan and all. When Mitch told me we were coming, I couldn't even believe it.†Pursing her lips, she glanced around with a cute frown. â€Å"I'm not really sure where she is. She's probably just mingling. Everyone wants to talk to her. But don't worry – you'll see her before you leave.†â€Å"That'd be great.†She smiled and gave my hand a quick squeeze. â€Å"I hope we get to see you around. Oh – here we are.†We arrived in a massive, glass-encased sunroom containing a crystal blue pool. It looked lovely and inviting. When Jody asked if I had a suit, I assured her I had one under my clothes and thanked her for helping me. She returned to the main party, and I slipped into a bathroom where I shape-shifted into a turquoise bikini. Some people eyed me curiously, probably wondering who I was, but they left me alone once I was in the pool. I dove under, swimming laps, enjoying the solitude water offered. It had been a long time since I'd been able to do this. I knew Seth swam at a local health club; he said it helped clear his head sometimes. He and I would have to go together one of these days. Or better yet, swim in the ocean somewhere. Yes, that was the way to go. Moonlit beaches and tropical air, away from this crummy rain. Maui. Cancun. Hell, why did we even have to constrain ourselves to North America? We could go to the French Riviera, the Greek Islands†¦ I was so caught up in my fantasies that when I climbed out of the pool, I didn't notice the woman in front of me. I sidestepped, ever quick on my feet, just barely avoiding collision. â€Å"Sorry,†I said. â€Å"I didn't see – â€Å" I froze. It was Dana. She looked exactly like her promotional pictures. Slim, average height, shoulder-length black hair, and penetrating blue eyes. Her bio placed her in her forties, but she looked a lot younger than that. The result of all that clean living, I supposed. She wore khaki shorts and a green T-shirt, modestly covered by a white button-up blouse tied in a knot over her stomach. A smooth, cool smile settled on her face, and those eyes reminded me of a hawk seeking out prey. â€Å"No harm done,†she said in that same hypnotic radio voice. â€Å"I don't think we've met. I'm Dana.†She extended a hand, and I took it. â€Å"Yes. Of course you are. I mean, I know you are. I've seen your pictures. Er, I mean, I'm a fan and all†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"And you are†¦?†â€Å"Oh. Sorry. I'm Tabitha Hunter. Mitch's sister. Though maybe you knew that. Everyone says we look alike. I guess we do. I've never really thought about it†¦much†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ye gods, why was I rambling like this? I had worked dukes and bishops who were ten times scarier than her. They hadn't turned me into a blathering idiot. What was it about one radio bigot that should prove so unsettling? The eyes, I decided. They reflected no warmth. They were shrewd. Conniving. The kind of eyes that warned she had not risen to where she was today without hypervigilance. The kind of eyes that had an agenda. â€Å"It's nice to meet you,†she said, still maintaining that too-perfect smile. â€Å"I didn't know Mitch had a sister. You seem to be†¦enjoying the pool.†Her eyes glanced down over me and back up, suddenly making me feel self-conscious. Water dripped most unflatteringly off of me, and I uneasily wondered if this suit showed too much skin. At least it wasn't white. Bastien's warning about wholesome image came back to me for real, and I understood his concern now. Looking like a strumpet could be bad for his reputation. If he drew whispers and disdain, he might be ostracized from this group and lose access to Dana. Suddenly, Dana's frostiness didn't seem so weird. It was disapproval. She had, after all, delivered a whole spiel on the abominable state of today's fashions. Here I was embodying it. â€Å"It's very nice,†I said. â€Å"One of the, um, best pools I've swam in.†I stopped before I could say something else even more asinine, and silence fell. She looked as though she expected me to continue and could wait all night until I did. Unfortunately, I had no idea what to talk to this weird woman about. My alleged hatred of homosexuals? Ask if she had recommendations for a more modest swimsuit? â€Å"So, um†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I began. â€Å"This barbecue theme†¦it's really, uh†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I was saved just then – sort of – by Bastien. He strode up to us, appearing very excited to have found Dana. A sharp look in his eyes said he was less thrilled to see me, especially in this state, but he kept it masked from the other woman, instead coming off as amiable and charming as ever. â€Å"Ah, Tabitha, I see you've met our hostess.†â€Å"Yes,†agreed Dana. â€Å"We've been having a most stimulating conversation. Your sister's quite the wordsmith.†I flushed. Bitch. When I was in my zone, I could outtalk her any day. â€Å"Glad to hear it. My Tabby Cat here is nothing if not stimulating.†Oblivious to my horror over my new nickname, Bastien steered her into some pleasant conversation about the creativity of the party and the beauty of her home. Her demeanor warmed up only a bit from what it was with me. She still came off cool and watchful. Maybe she was always chilly around people, and it wasn't just me. In fact, I thought optimistically, this slightly elevated interest in Bastien might indicate that she wanted to throw him up against a wall. They conversed a bit longer about something I lost interest in, and I tried to stay inconspicuous, though I could tell I never dropped off Dana's radar. She was studying me, trying to figure me out. Finally, Bastien said good-bye, and we began our retreat toward the front door – once I'd changed back to decent clothing, of course. Our exit proved more difficult than expected since apparently it was customary to say good-bye to every single person you passed and get continually delayed by meaningless small talk. â€Å"My God,†I exclaimed once we were safely back at his place, â€Å"that was annoying.†He turned on me, anger flashing in those movie-star blue eyes. â€Å"Are you completely out of your mind?†â€Å"Okay, you're right. I've been in more annoying situations. Remember that marquis' party back in Marseille?†â€Å"That†¦that getup! When I first saw you two together, Dana looked ready to explode. Thank goodness this body's more flat chested than your other one. It saved you from looking like a complete pinup.†â€Å"I'm sorry,†I told him. â€Å"I was just trying to escape those stamping women and headed for the pool without thinking. I have a suit just like this at home. It was stupid†¦but I don't really think it caused long-term damage.†I hoped. His expression darkened, and he threw himself into one of the living room's exquisite armchairs. It was covered in white suede. Breathing on it would probably get it dirty. â€Å"I don't know. She was distant with me – you saw it.†â€Å"I was hoping that's how she always is. And she was a bit more responsive with you than me,†I offered helpfully. â€Å"No. You should have seen her when we spoke earlier tonight. Much friendlier. She definitely clammed up with you around.†â€Å"I'm sorry,†I said again, feeling idiotic. â€Å"I guess I shouldn't take a front-row seat to this after all. I'm cramping your style. Or rather, destroying it.†His stormy expression lingered a bit longer, then disappeared like clouds swept away by wind. That was my Bastien. Quick to anger, quick to love. â€Å"No matter, Fleur .Takes a lot more than you to ‘destroy my style.'†He patted his lap and grinned. â€Å"Come here, sis, and I'll tell you the rest of my brilliant plan.†I rolled my eyes. â€Å"Are we that kind of family?†His smile broadened, and I sat down, unable to resist that goofy charm. He slung his arm around me in an old, familiar way, and I leaned into him. It was nice to have the touch and comfort of another living thing, romantic or not. â€Å"So there's another part of this wacky plan?†â€Å"Not so much another part as an entirely different plan. A backup plan, if you will.†â€Å"Oh no. Here it comes.†â€Å"Naturally, I'd much rather disgrace Dana in a horizontal kind of way, but in the very unlikely event that doesn't work, there's a much less exciting – yet effective – way to do it. And you're going to help me.†â€Å"How so?†â€Å"We're going to break into her house. â€Å"
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Developments between 1860 and 1877 Essay
During the 1860s and the 1870s, Americans faced a social crisis that literally divided the nation to two. Social developments and constitutional changes that occurred within this time frame amounted to a devastating separation of people. The first major crisis, the Civil War, divided the nation sectionally and what ensued afterward, the Reconstruction, divided the nation completely. The Civil War lasted four years, from April of 1861 to April of 1865. It physically separated the nation into two, in which the South seceded from the North. The two sides fought for the struggle over slavery – the South was for it, while the North was against it. The South argued that the North was attempting to limit their rights given to them by the Constitution; their rights to exercise those powers were restrained heavily by the politically dominant North. The North at first made a statement stating that the main purpose of the war was to maintain the Union and to keep the South from breaking apart. However, as the war went on, Lincoln found fighting for these terms was impossible; he knew that the slaves had to be freed. This decision to abolish slavery stirred up controversy in the Union, for many white men, while they opposed slavery, did not like the idea that they were fighting for African-Americans. Many riots erupted from many Union states come draft day, clearly showing the unsettlement and dissatisfaction that Americans had with the idea of freeing slaves. The North not only had to deal with the South, but also with themselves. Following the Civil War, a period of time known as the Reconstruction came into effect. This was the time where the North attempted to rebuild the South and the time for the South to settle their differences and get over bitter feelings of losing the war. However, despite its good intentions, the Reconstruction was generally considered a failure by most historians. The Reconstruction was led by a certain group of Republicans known as the Radicals. These Radical Republicans wanted the South to pay for the financial cost of the war; they argued that the war was fought over differences initiated by the South, therefore the South was to pay for its cost. They did exactly what their name suggests: they enacted many radical laws, such as the 14th Amendment, which gave all people [except Native Indians] in the United States citizenship, regardless of race. The 15th Amendment too was set into motion, guaranteeing all citizens suffrage. This allowed the former slaves to now vote for political candidates, giving them a say in the government. The South despised this idea; many conservatives began acts of terror to keep the African-Americans from voting. The most prominent group of white supremacists was the Ku Klux Klan, which utilized violence to scare African-Americans and to resist the Reconstruction. Aggression erupted throughout the nation as a result from the discontent over the issue of slavery and the rights of Africans. The United States was literally torn apart during the Civil War, as brothers fought one another and deaths piled up. Conditions further worsened during the Reconstruction, when the North refused to forgive the South and the South refused to apologize to the North. Violence became the only answer for many Americans during the late-19th century.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Obesity Psychological/ Sociological Obesity is a psychological issue as well as a social one. Both psychological and behavioral issues play significant roles in both the development and consequences of obesity (Collins and Bentz 126). Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Obesity: Psychological/ Sociological specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Obesity is caused by eating disorders triggered by psychosocial, genetically and environmental parameters. Obesity is mainly associated with those people who suffer from psychological conditions, such as anxiety, depression as well as eating disorders. This is because such people have a problem of regulating the amount of food taken as well as maintaining a healthy weight. It has been noted that food is taken as a coping strategy for those who suffer from obesity. The sociological factors associated with obesity make obese individuals have perpetual cycle of mood distress, overeating as well as weight gain. This makes those people get distressed and depressed. Obese people get their comforts from food that make them feel better as a result of the reduced stress of their mood and an obese condition that may trigger a dysphonic mood because of their inability to control their stress. This pattern is mainly applicable to the individuals who are genetically predisposed to obesity or live in environments where calorically rich foods are easily available while physical activities of the people living there are very minimal (Collins and Bentz 124). Sociological as well as psychological factors have great influence on the development as well as management of obesity. Apart from social, psychological and environmental factors, other causes of obesity include frequent snacking on high calories foods, overeating, etc. Moreover, obesity can result from an unusual characteristic of eating behavior that entails episodes of eating during discrete periods, as well as eating large quantities of food that are not in accordance to the amount many people would consume at the same given time in stances. This is a factor that indicates a tendency of lack of eating control as well as failure to control the distress that follows such periods. Almost 2% of the general population and around 10-25% of the bariatric population are said to suffer from this condition (Collins and Bentz 34).Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Night eating is a condition that is known to greatly result in a significant weight gain. This issue is characterized with excessive night eating behavior that entails consumption of approximately over 35% of our daily calories after the evening meal. This condition has recently been linked with the lack of appetite during the day and an increase in the appetite and overeating during the night (Stunkard, Grace, and H.G. Wolff 6). Social issues are also key attributes of obes ity incidents. Many researches on obesity give positive correlations between obesity versus social and economical conditions. They show that most people, who are obese, mainly live in poverty, and are less educated, less likely to marry or date as well as less likely to earn as much salary as those people who are not obese. A recent study on obesity indicated obesity as an antecedent to adverse economical as well as social outcomes. The effects of obesity are social as well as psychological. Overweight people are concerned with their weight and become self-conscious of their weight and think that people may make fun of them. The western culture mainly associates thinness with beauty. Because of this perception, many women as well as girls in Europe and the U.S.A. try to have slim bodies. The perception that associates thinness with beauty as well as the tendency of most celebs in these regions to be thin influences women in these countries and other areas to follow this way of thi nking. This paradigm makes many women do their best to stay slim. Thus, those women who are overweight suffer from the idea that they are less beautiful, and this greatly affects their social interactions. Some of social problems they exhibit include low self-esteem, discrimination as well as avoiding social gatherings. The reasons why obese people suffer from low self-esteem is because some individuals may make fun of their obese conditions; such jokes may injure their feelings and psychological health which can result in a negative impact on their self-esteem.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Obesity: Psychological/ Sociological specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are many people who associate obesity with laziness and gluttonous. This attitude makes some obese people suffer from low self-esteem as well and avoid publicity as a result. Many obese people are known to do their best to manage their conditions. Mo st of them try to manage their obesity by controlling their dieting behavior as well as by exercising a lot. Therefore, the wrong perception that obese people are lazy and gluttonous can make these people withdraw and shun social gatherings and assume solitary lifestyles that are detrimental to their social life. Moreover, such negative attitudes towards obese humans may force them to engage in unhealthy habits, such as anorexia or bulimia, which include avoiding eating or vomiting the food in order to loose weight. This can result in detrimental health issues which will in turn worsen their social lives. Those girls who suffer from obesity are often characterized with low performances in schools because of the social stigma that is associated with the obese condition. These girls tend to have a problem in establishing healthy relationships with their learning peers, and because of being discriminated by their learning mates, they are isolated from society which makes them suffe r from low self-esteem which affects their school performance negatively (Obesity Working Group). People who suffer from obesity experience psychological problems. For instance, the children with such condition can be mean and bully. It is also observed that those kids who are teased about their overweight status tend to have low self-esteem, poor body image and symptoms of depression. It is universally accepted that all people aspire to have friends, Unfortunately, most of the obese children often find themselves lonely as well as isolated. This makes these children suffer from depressions and use food as their means of comfort. Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition, the isolation they encounter in their day-to-day-activities make such children less active because they do not have friends to play with. This is the notion that makes obese kids be regarded as lazy. Moreover, teenagers who suffer from obesity are highly affected by their obese status. These teens experience psychological disturbances that affect their health conditions and lead to serious medical issues. The teen’s period is mainly a growing stage, which is described by the urge to be more independent as well as experience an increased need in socializing. At this juncture, teenagers are more concerned about their physical appearances and appeal to other people. Thus, when they are teased because of their obese conditions, they show a psychological devastation (Wadden, Sarwer, Fabricatore, Jones, Stack, and Williams 65). Obesity can be treated socially or psychologically. Obese people are encouraged to exercise more as well as reduce taking foods that are high ly rich in calories. This is a type of a behavioral or cognitive therapy that entails modification of one’s lifestyle as well as dietary habits. This approach is effective in managing the obese condition in many people. Nevertheless, the psychological treatment of obesity is the best strategy of managing this condition as it helps in addressing its fundamental causes. In classical conditioning, eating disorders are linked with other actions. These behaviors are meant to happen simultaneously. For instance, a person may be used to eat nachos as he/she watches the news. When these conditions are done repeatedly, a person may have a craving for nachos every time she/he watches news. Behavioral intervention involves establishing and extinguishing those factors that facilitate obesity. Conversely, operant conditioning uses strengthening and consequences. It happens when people employ a reward to momentarily to reduce pressure associated foods with a more congenial state, this i ncreases its possibility to turn into a recurring behavior. It is said that behavior therapy is connected with the lifestyles changes as well as weight loss in short-time, but does not indicate any substantial proof of its long-term effectiveness. Nowadays, cognitive behavior therapies have become more common approaches for the treatment of obesity. Cognitive therapies are known to influence both the feelings and behaviors. They are used to treat overweight by helping the obese to change their eating disorders and embrace healthy eating lifestyles. They entail strategies such as social support, stress management, cognitive restructuring as well as stimulus control (Cooper and Fairburn 54). It is very important to note that both social and psychological issues are very essential in the development and examining the effects of obesity. Therefore, the treatment of obesity should be a multidisciplinary approach. Thus, the treatment of this condition should be biological, social, psych ological as well as environmental in order to guarantee an inclusive care, the best practices and effective results. Collins, Jennifer C., and Jon E. Bentz. Behavioral and Psychological Factors in Obesity. The Journal of Lancaster General Hospital, 4.4(2009): 124-127. Web. Cooper, Z. and C.G. Fairburn. A new cognitive behavioral approach to the treatment of obesity. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39.5(2001):499-511. Print. Obesity Working Group. Technical Report No 1: Obesity in Australia: A need for urgent action. P3-451. Australia: Commonwealth of Australia, 2008. Print. Stunkard, A.J., Grace, W.J., and H.G. Wolff. The night-eating syndrome: A pattern of food intake among certain obese patients. American Journal of Medicine, 19.1(1955): 78-86. Print. Wadden, T.A., Sarwer, D.B., Fabricatore, A.N., Jones, L., Stack, R., and N.S. Williams. Psychosocial and behavioral status of patients undergoing bariatric surgery: what to expect before and after surgery. The Medical Cli nic of North America, 91.3(2007): 451-469. Print.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Partner culture difference and double-layered acculturation Essays
Partner culture difference and double-layered acculturation Essays Partner culture difference and double-layered acculturation Essay Partner culture difference and double-layered acculturation Essay Several studies have found that business opportunities in host countries improve their performance when they have a local partner (e. g. Beamish Banks, 2003). However, the Makino and Beamish (2004) ownership structure does not imply that all global business opportunities involve a local partner. For instance, cross-national global business opportunities occur when two home-country firms (such as two US firms) form a business opportunity in a second country (such as in Japan), and tri-national global business opportunities occur when partners from different countries (such as a US firm and a Japanese firm) form a business opportunity in a third country (such as in China). Both of these ownership structures are global business opportunities without a local firm as a partner. Partner culture difference and double-layered acculturation Culture is an important aspect of cross-border activity that can significantly influence business opportunities (Parkhe, 2004). Makino and Beamish (2004) suggest that business opportunities between partners with similar national cultures should experience higher survival rates and performance levels than business opportunities between partners with dissimilar cultures. Cultural differences between partners can reveal different management styles and knowledge management practices, which could lead to misunderstandings about the local market, prolonging or reducing knowledge acquisition in the host-country market. Thus, partner cultural difference can adversely affect a foreign firm’s performance in the host country (e. g. Parkhe, 2004). Cultural differences also affect the ability of firms to learn how to operate with a foreign partner in the business opportunity (Barkema Vermeulen, 2004) and may influence the firm’s learning capabilities (Makhija Ganesh, 2004). Cultural differences may create ambiguities and mistrust in the relationship, which can cause conflict. Cultural differences can even cause the parent firms to terminate the business opportunity (Barkema et al. , 2000). Hence, a business opportunity structure without partner cultural difference (such as domestic business opportunities and cross-national global business opportunities) should perform better than business opportunities with partner cultural difference (such as in home-country traditional global business opportunities, host-country traditional global business opportunities and tri-national global business organization). An alternative perspective focuses on double-layered acculturation, which is defined as a structure of global business organization in which there are both partner and location cultural differences. The double-layered acculturation perspective suggests that global business opportunities can face operational challenges from both host country national culture and partner culture differences. Barkema et al. (2000) contend that firms that enter a country by establishing a wholly owned subsidiary or global business organization may incur cultural barriers, but the barriers caused by these two modes of entries may differ. These authors further assert that culture difference makes a global business organization more susceptible to termination than a wholly owned subsidiary. A wholly owned subsidiary requires that a firm adapt to a national culture Host-country traditional global business opportunities and tri-national global business opportunities, however, incur ‘double-layered acculturation’ by requiring adaptation to both the culture of the partner and the cultures of nations that business opportunities are operating in. Contractor and Lorange (2003) note that this kind of culture difference gives rise to higher costs for an global business organization Double-layered acculturation leads to higher relational hazards (e. g. trust building costs) for host-country traditional global business opportunities and tri-national global business opportunities than for home-country traditional global business opportunities and cross-national global business opportunities. As noted above, strategic alliances or partnerships in channels of distribution are not usually legally defined entities governed by state, national, or international laws, and thus trust may be viewed as a substitute for control (Rousseau Sitkin, 2004). That is, while a legal contract is one way of controlling an exchange partners behavior, detailed contracts can get in the way of effective exchange relationships (MacCauley, 2001). However, relational trust is developed between exchange partners through repeated interactions over time (Rousseau Sitkin, 2004). As a partner is found to be reliable and dependable, positive expectations are formed regarding the partners intentions. Over time, attachments are formed between partners based on reciprocated care and concern (McAllister, 2004). Such trust is critical in strategic alliances among partners because strategic alliances require the coordination of two or more partners to pursue shared objectives (Doz, 2000 and Kanter, 2000).
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Major General John Stark in the American Revolution
Major General John Stark in the American Revolution The son of Scottish immigrant Archibald Stark, John Stark was born at Nutfield (Londonderry), New Hampshire on August 28, 1728. The second of four sons, he moved with his family to Derryfield (Manchester) at age eight. Educated locally, Stark learned frontier skills such as lumbering, farming, trapping, and hunting from his father. He first came to prominence in April 1752 when he, his brother William, David Stinson, and Amos Eastman embarked on a hunting trip along the Baker River. Abenaki Captive During the course of the trip, the party was attacked by a group of Abenaki warriors. While Stinson was killed, Stark fought the Native Americans allowing William to escape. When the dust settled, Stark and Eastman were taken prisoner and forced to return with the Abenaki. While there, Stark was made to run a gauntlet of warriors armed with sticks. In the course of this trial, he grabbed a stick from an Abenaki warrior and commenced attacking him. This spirited action impressed the chief and after demonstrating his wilderness skills, Stark was adopted into the tribe. Remaining with the Abenaki for part of the year, Stark studied their customs and ways. Eastman and Stark were later ransomed by a party sent from Fort No. 4 in Charlestown, NH. The cost of their release was $103 Spanish dollars for Stark and $60 for Eastman. After returning home, Stark planned a trip to explore the headwaters of the Androscoggin River the following year in an attempt to raise money to offset the cost of his release. Successfully completing this endeavor, he was selected by the General Court of New Hampshire to lead an expedition to explore the frontier. This moved forward in 1754 after word was received that the French were building a fort in northwest New Hampshire. Directed to protest this invasion, Stark and thirty men departed for the wilderness. Though they did find any French forces, they did explore the upper reaches of the Connecticut River. French Indian War With the beginning of the French Indian War in 1754, Stark began to contemplate military service. Two years later he joined Rogers Rangers as a lieutenant. An elite light infantry force, the Rangers performed scouting and special missions in support of British operations on the northern frontier. In January 1757, Stark played a key role at the Battle on Snowshoes near Fort Carillon. Having been ambushed, his men established a defensive line on a rise and provided cover while the rest of Rogers command retreated and joined their position. With the battle going against the rangers, Stark was sent south through heavy snow to bring reinforcements from Fort William Henry. The following year, the rangers took part in the opening stages of the Battle of Carillon. Briefly returning home in 1758 following his fathers death, Stark began courting Elizabeth Molly Page. The two were married on August 20, 1758 and ultimately had eleven children. The following year, Major General Jeffery Amherst ordered the rangers to mount a raid against the Abenaki settlement of St. Francis which had long been a base for raids against the frontier. As Stark had adopted family from his captivity in the village he excused himself from the attack. Leaving the unit in 1760, he returned to New Hampshire with the rank of captain. Peacetime Settling in Derryfield with Molly, Stark returned to peacetime pursuits. This saw him acquire a substantial estate in New Hampshire. His business efforts were soon hampered by a variety of new taxes, such as the Stamp Act and Townshend Acts, which quickly brought the colonies and London into conflict. With the passage of the Intolerable Acts in 1774 and occupation of Boston, the situation reached a critical level. The American Revolution Begins Following the Battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775 and the start of the American Revolution, Stark returned to military service. Accepting the colonelcy of the 1st New Hampshire Regiment on April 23, he quickly mustered his men and marched south to join the Siege of Boston. Establishing his headquarters in Medford, MA, his men joined thousands of other militiamen from around New England in blockading the city. On the night of June 16, American troops, fearing a British thrust against Cambridge, moved onto the Charlestown Peninsula and fortified Breeds Hill. This force, led by Colonel William Prescott, came under attack the next morning during the Battle of Bunker Hill. With British forces, led by Major General William Howe, preparing to attack, Prescott called for reinforcements. Responding to this call, Stark and Colonel James Reed rushed to the scene with their regiments. Arriving, a thankful Prescott gave Stark the latitude to deploy his men as he saw fit. Assessing the terrain, Stark formed his men behind a rail fence to the north of Prescotts redoubt on top of the hill. From this position, they repulsed several British attacks and inflicted heavy losses on Howes men. As Prescotts position faltered as his men ran out of ammunition, Starks regiment provided cover as they withdrew from the peninsula. When General George Washington arrived a few weeks later, he was quickly impressed with Stark. Continental Army In early 1776, Stark and his regiment were accepted into the Continental Army as the 5th Continental Regiment. Following the fall of Boston that March, it moved south with Washingtons army to New York. After aiding in bolstering the citys defenses, Stark received orders to take his regiment north to reinforce the American army that was retreating from Canada. Remaining in northern New York for much of the year, he returned south in December and rejoined Washington along the Delaware. Reinforcing Washingtons battered army, Stark took part in the morale-boosting victories at Trenton and Princeton later that month and in early January 1777. At the former, his men, serving in Major General John Sullivans division, launched a bayonet charge at the Knyphausen regiment and broke their resistance. With the conclusion of the campaign, the army moved into winter quarters at Morristown, NJ and much of Starks regiment departed as their enlistments were expiring. Controversy To replace the departed men, Washington asked Stark to return to New Hampshire to recruit additional forces. Agreeing, he left for home and began enlisting fresh troops. During this time, Stark learned that a fellow New Hampshire colonel, Enoch Poor, had been promoted to brigadier general. Having been passed over for promotion in the past, he was incensed as he believed Poor was a weak commander and lacked a successful record on the battlefield. In the wake of Poors promotion, Stark immediately resigned from the Continental Army though he indicated that he would serve again if New Hampshire was threatened. That summer, he accepted a commission as a brigadier general in the New Hampshire militia, but stated that he would only take the position if he was not answerable to the Continental Army. As the year progressed, a new British threat appeared in the north as Major General John Burgoyne prepared to invade south from Canada via the Lake Champlain corridor. Bennington After assembling a force of around 1,500 men at Manchester, Stark received orders from Major General Benjamin Lincoln to move to Charlestown, NH before joining the main American army along the Hudson River. Refusing to obey the Continental officer, Stark instead began operating against the rear of Burgoynes invading British army. In August, Stark learned that a detachment of Hessians intended to raid Bennington, VT. Moving to intercept, he was reinforced by 350 men under Colonel Seth Warner. Attacking the enemy at the Battle of Bennington on August 16, Stark badly mauled the Hessians and inflicted over fifty percent casualties on the enemy. The victory at Bennington boosted American morale in the region and contributed to key triumph at Saratoga later that fall. Promotion At Last For his efforts at Bennington, Stark accepted reinstatement into the Continental Army with the rank of brigadier general on October 4, 1777. In this role, he served intermittently as commander of the Northern Department as well as with Washingtons army around New York. In June 1780, Stark took part in the Battle of Springfield which saw Major General Nathanael Greene hold off a large British attack in New Jersey. Later that year, he sat on Greenes board of inquiry which investigated the betrayal of Major General Benedict Arnold and convicted British spy Major John Andre. With the end of the war in 1783, Stark was called to Washingtons headquarters where he was personally thanked for his service and given a brevet promotion to major general. Returning to New Hampshire, Stark retired from public life and pursued farming and business interests. In 1809, he declined an invitation to attend a reunion of Bennington veterans due to ill health. Though unable to travel, he sent a toast to be read at the event which stated, Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils. The first part, Live Free or Die, was later adopted as the state motto of New Hampshire. Living to the age of 94, Stark died on May 8, 1822 and was buried in Manchester.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Why was there widespread innovation in Britain in the 18th century Essay
Why was there widespread innovation in Britain in the 18th century - Essay Example First, there were natural reasons like richness in the natural resources. Secondly, changes in the kingdom, power and autonomy also made the environment more favorable for innovation and creativity in the Britain. The two aspects are discussed below: Natural and political reasons favoring innovation in 18th century Britain: Britain saw such a large industrial revolution because she was rich in three commodities in particular which were iron, coal and water. Britain was able to use the water in her mountainous districts in order to drive the mills that were very important in the initial period of industrialization. â€Å"..the rivers, amplified from 1761 by a developing network of canals, facilitate inland transport in an age where roads are only rough tracks†(History World 1). Also, Britain was equipped with such a wonderful access to sea that goods could be transported through sea between the coastal areas without any inconvenience. Britain was able to make full use of its i ron ores because of the technological advancements made particularly by the Darby family in the 18th century. In the later half of the 18th century, Britain was equipped with the steam power with the hard work of Boulton and Watt. â€Å"The first Boulton and Watt engine was completed in 1776†(Weissenbache 202). Because of the discovery of steam power, the wide spread resources of coal gained extreme importance in Britain. The 1688 revolution resulted in immense changes that paved way for the contributions of Matthew Boulton and Abraham Darby on the political side of the story. There was a considerable decline in the royal power in Britain after 1688. As a result of this, middle class gained strength and surfaced in Britain very rapidly and forcefully. The middle class was eager to gain more money and power, and therefore, resolved to achieve the strength through inventions, innovation and enhancement in the mechanical side. One evidence of rise in the strength of middle clas s is Richard Arkwright, who came from a very poor background and gained a lot of wealth through his contributions in the innovation in Britain. In addition to the innovation supportive circumstances happening within Britain, Britain also facilitated the process by involving other countries in it and supporting them in any way she could. Britain offered the budding businessmen and entrepreneurs a very big and rich market to dwell in. Fortunately, England removed differences with Scotland and united with Scotland in 1707. Their internal tariff barriers were removed and the trade was promoted. American colonies were provided by Britain with frequent opportunities of trade. Later, Britain opened trade with India on a large scale. Industrial revolution in Britain was facilitated largely by increased control of Britain over the seas in the same century. â€Å"Much of the profitable carrying trade in the world's commerce can be secured for British merchant vessels†(History World 1) . Although there were large resources of iron in Britain, it could not use it to the full capacity because iron required charcoal in huge quantities in order to be smelted. Charcoal was very costly for Britain and she had to look out for other means of smelting iron so as to make the process more profitable and cost effective. It continued to be like this until 1709, when Abraham Darby discovered that charcoal can be replaced by coke in order to smelt the pig iron (Dickinson 131). Since then, coke has been used to smelt iron. It was cost-effective and fulfilled the purpose. This way, Britain’
Friday, October 18, 2019
Argument - the Aeneid was a pro-Augustan work which can be seen Essay
Argument - the Aeneid was a pro-Augustan work which can be seen through the themes, arguments, and specific scenes of the Aeneid - Essay Example Associations with Augustus The associations with Augustus in the work of â€Å"The Aeneid†are first seen through the direct quotes that describe the political scene of the time and how Augustus was meant to be a powerful leader. Virgil states this by associating Augustus with the line of Caesar while showing how this automatically leads to him being an exalted leader. He states â€Å"Caesar himself, exalted in his line; / Augustus promis’d oft, and long foretold, / Sent to the realm that Saturn rul’d of old; / Born to restore a better age of gold, Africa and India shall his pow’r obey; / He shall extend his propagated sway / Beyond the solar year, without the starry way†(Virgil, 192). The direct reference in this quote shows Augustus as the promised leader, not only for Greece, but also as ordained with the time, planets and alignment of the stars. This creates a belief system from the direct reference to the leader, showing him as a natural leade r that was meant to rule over other countries and to become one of the most powerful and influential individuals of the time. Actions throughout the Aeneid The direct reference pointed out with â€Å"The Aeneid†is followed by specific actions and situations that show the same political propaganda. The first six books of the journey are written as a part of the Underworld in which all men are in. The hellish state is one which becomes symbolic of how life has been to this point in the ancient city. In book 6, there is a specific shift that leads to the belief that the situation will be overcome. The actions which follow after the journey lead to the Trojan War and the victory of the land. The beginning of this is when Aeneas is given the golden bough and is told to leave the underworld. The propaganda is based on Aeneas leading the city out of a state of hell and into a sense of life giving and an end to human suffering. The references of these actions throughout the plot lin e are known to relate directly to the celebration of the new political leadership of the time as well as the overthrow of the old government and the desire to have Augustus in power to overcome the darker ages of the city (Minson, 48). There are several moments which point to the happiness of the city and what can be after changes occur. More important, the author points to the ideals of victory which he believes are most important to the bringing in of Augustus as a leader. The main association is with the Trojan War and how this led to the rightful place of the city mentioned. Virgil refers to this with the past state and how the time was better because of the triumph and the alterations in leadership which occurred. He states â€Å"Relate what Latium was; her ancient kings! / Declare the past and state of things, When first the Trojan fleet Ausonia sought, / And how the rivals lov’d, and how they fought. / These are my theme, and how the war began / And how concluded by t he godlike man†(Virgil, 198). The recounting of the Trojan war then leads to an understanding that this was led first by politicians and was followed by those who moved according to the strategies desired by the land. The propaganda of the war then leads to one referencing the Augustan leadership while showing that this was the main reason why the victory occurred among the land. Themes of Politics The actions which
Operation Pressure Point.The Drug Trade Problem Essay
Operation Pressure Point.The Drug Trade Problem - Essay Example (DEA, 2007) Fantino (2000), a former Chief of Police, states that the role of the policemen is to ensure the safety and security of the members of society against those who may wish it harm. The proliferation of drugs is certainly a threat to society and should be addressed in the soonest possible time. However, even with the many programs instituted by police agencies, the problem still lingers. Zimmer (1987) and the Vera Institute of Justice (1993) relate to us two police strategies that are conceptually effective but are actually insufficient. In the 1980's, the drug problem in the East Side was getting rampant to the point that sales and usage of the illegal substances were blatantly exposed on the streets. The Lower East Side became the proverbial drug addict's heaven as he had unlimited access to drugs with little or no threat of arrest. This state of affairs was the result of the declining capacity of the police to counter the problem due to budget cuts and decline in personnel (Smith, 1982). To counter the problem and to address the increasing community pressure, the Police Department launched Operation Pressure Point which involved the assignment of about 250 officers who conducted buy-bust operations, patrolling, boarding up of abandoned buildings and fencing of parks and vacant lots. Community involvement and improvements and prioritization of drug related complaints were also employed. According to the information gathered by Zimmer (1987), the operation succeeded in halting the blatant drug supermarket and was able to reduce the volume of drugs traded in the area. Nonetheless, Zimmer (1987) argues that the success of the operation was limited as the achievements were only superficial. Underneath the seeming improved situation lies still the drug problem as the trade still continues. To counter the increased police presence, drug dealers employed more lookouts, varied the time and venue of sales, sold in large quantities and made deals only with established clients. The result was that the availability levels were like before. In one of his later papers, Zimmer (1993) points out that the rationale behind the operation was the 'mass-arrest strategy' where the police believe that a major sweep of a drug-infested area could lead to the arrest of many drug dealers. This would ensure that the drug problem would be eliminated in that area. However, Zimmer (1993) argues that even though such strategy "destabilizes the market"; it also "creates opportunity for new people to come into the business". Replacements are not a problem especially in poor communities where "there is no shortage of people who are looking for this opportunity". Reading Zimmer (1987) reveals to us the complex problem of addressing the drug trade problem and breaks our notion that mass arrests could lead to the elimination of this threat. I find Operation Pressure Point praiseworthy because the methods were based on a range of consistent, integrated and comprehensive approaches appropriate to local problems but I also find it lacking in the sense that it was unable to realize that weeds should be pulled at its roots and not only at its stalk. From my point of view, the operation achieved only little because it did not provide for any methods to identify the main suppliers but instead focus on the low end dealers. Instead of focusing only the consumer side, they should also have broken the supply chain right from the
Long term oxygen therapy in patients with chronic obstructive Essay
Long term oxygen therapy in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - Essay Example A prescription of LTOT is properly considered, because Medicare claims on LTOT prescription only if this therapy is vitally important for patient’s life. In case of such kind of strict regulations it is weird that LTOT is blamed for causing deaths or worsening patient’s quality of life or health status. Generally speaking, LTOT is a generally accepted and approved treatment for patients with COPD. With regard to the fact that there are different points of view expressed by medicals, critics and researchers concerning LTOT, this research is focused on unprejudiced consideration of this method and discusses both its benefits and negative outcomes. On the one hand, the results of the studies, which have been constantly conducted, witness that LTOT prolongs patient’s life. On the other hand, a poor diagnosis and inexact guidance for this treatment prescription and deaths of some patients prove inconsistency an inappropriateness of LTOT for individuals with COPD: In COPD patients considered for LTOT, the FEV1 should normally be less than 1.5 IV litres, or less than 40% of predicted normal values. The presence of arterial hypoxaemia with a higher FEV1 suggests that there may be another cause for the hypoxaemia, e.g. sleep apnoea, and further investigations will be required. Patients should be prescribed LTOT for at least 15 h per day, although survival improves when LTOT is used for more than 20 h per day. Thus the hours of LTOT use should not be restricted, especially in severe COPD. There is no benefit in the use of LTOT in COPD patients with a PaO2 above 8 kPa (Tiep, Barnett, Schiffman, 2002). Benefits of LTOT may be proven by improvement in patients’ lives, quality of patients’ lives, decrease of mortality levels, psychological and cognitive statuses’ perfection etc. In this frame of discussion, it is relevant to mention a study on relationship between heath and quality of life before and after LTOT. The results show that quality of life among
Thursday, October 17, 2019
TMA01 Prometheus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
TMA01 Prometheus - Essay Example There is no poetry, no artistic liberty, and certainly nothing to spark a discussion of his exploits thousands of years later. However, in most accounts, he is a Titan, a giant man or god who attempted to overthrow Zeus, and is the brother of the equally unfortunate Atlas. His personal lasting mark is strangely a side-effect of both his compassion for mankind and his contempt for the gods: bringing fire to the human race. This single act would solidify his martyr status, as he would spend an eternity at the bottom of the pecking order. Zeus sentenced him to survival. Zeus was not known for his mercy; this survival entailed being chained to a rock and eaten by an eagle, which is an animal widely acknowledged to symbolize justice and, ironically, equality. Beyond that, he shares a semi-divine status with Hercules, the demigod who would later release him from his torturous sentence. After this escape, his name was selected to grace the sky as one of the moons of Saturn (, LLC, 2010). Hesiod’s account of Prometheus fits neatly into the tale of Thegonia, the birth of the gods. Hesiod sought to accommodate the many tales of the development of the gods and of Greek mythology through the production of one cohesive narrative. In particular, there is a constant war between the perspectives of the gods, men (who are represented as having a characteristic kinship with animals), and of the multitudes of characters in between the two extremes. Unlike many writers before him, Hesiod also cast off the ulterior motives of establishing a divine role in human authority. By his reasoning, the gods had a hierarchy as headed by Zeus and granted little importance to the affairs of men- unless they defied godly commands or desires (Vickery 1966, pp. 86-87). As an embodiment of the human spirit of defiance, brothers Atlas and Prometheus would defy the gods and be made martyrs. What makes them iconic is their status as a party between men
The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell Essay
The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell - Essay Example Rainsford becomes the prey and in doing so the author unveils the resourcefulness and animal instinct that lies below Rainsford's pompous exterior. Here we glimpse the evil that lies at the primal core of all men such as Rainsford. Rainsford is portrayed as a man of breeding and good manners. He hunts animals because he believes they have no understanding and are incapable of feeling fear or pain. He shows his arrogance on the yacht by insisting he knows the mind of the jaguar and rebuffing the anecdotal tales of Ship-Trap Island as nonsense. Rainsford's smug attitude is further revealed as he "indolently puffed on his favorite brier". However, in his first physical challenge, Rainsford falls overboard as he struggles to retain the symbol of his self-indulgent aristocracy, his treasured pipe. The pompous Rainsford now confronts the sea and a more resourceful man is revealed. He "wrestled himself out of his clothes", as the yacht became a dim drone in the distance. The keen-witted Rainsford is able to make his way to the direction of the gunshots and locate the chateau of General Zarnoff. Zarnoff feeds and clothes Rainsford and tells him of his grisly preoccupation with hunting humans. Rainsford is repulsed by the idea and demonstrates his basic belief in puritan civilization by perceiving Zarnoff as a murderer.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
TMA01 Prometheus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
TMA01 Prometheus - Essay Example There is no poetry, no artistic liberty, and certainly nothing to spark a discussion of his exploits thousands of years later. However, in most accounts, he is a Titan, a giant man or god who attempted to overthrow Zeus, and is the brother of the equally unfortunate Atlas. His personal lasting mark is strangely a side-effect of both his compassion for mankind and his contempt for the gods: bringing fire to the human race. This single act would solidify his martyr status, as he would spend an eternity at the bottom of the pecking order. Zeus sentenced him to survival. Zeus was not known for his mercy; this survival entailed being chained to a rock and eaten by an eagle, which is an animal widely acknowledged to symbolize justice and, ironically, equality. Beyond that, he shares a semi-divine status with Hercules, the demigod who would later release him from his torturous sentence. After this escape, his name was selected to grace the sky as one of the moons of Saturn (, LLC, 2010). Hesiod’s account of Prometheus fits neatly into the tale of Thegonia, the birth of the gods. Hesiod sought to accommodate the many tales of the development of the gods and of Greek mythology through the production of one cohesive narrative. In particular, there is a constant war between the perspectives of the gods, men (who are represented as having a characteristic kinship with animals), and of the multitudes of characters in between the two extremes. Unlike many writers before him, Hesiod also cast off the ulterior motives of establishing a divine role in human authority. By his reasoning, the gods had a hierarchy as headed by Zeus and granted little importance to the affairs of men- unless they defied godly commands or desires (Vickery 1966, pp. 86-87). As an embodiment of the human spirit of defiance, brothers Atlas and Prometheus would defy the gods and be made martyrs. What makes them iconic is their status as a party between men
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Change the Culture of an Organisation Essay Example for Free
Change the Culture of an Organisation Essay The culture of an organization can be defined by the ‘way they do things’, this means the way they make decisions, operate and how they choose and achieve their objectives. As culture is a set of values and practices, changing it may be difficult and a long process, especially if the change is organized by a new chief executive. Changing the culture of an organization may not be easy especially if the new chief executive does not fully understand the previous culture and therefore does not embrace it in the change. This lack of knowledge may result in an inappropriate culture being chosen that could limit the company’s performance as productivity reduces. An example of a badly imposed culture can been seen with the Chrysler and Damier-Benz merge in 1998. Damier-Benz imposed their traditional and structured German culture on the free-spirited American car company Chrysler. The extremely different cultures created tension that later affected their efficiency as decision-making took longer and the workforce were not happy. The inappropriate culture resulted in a loss of $1.5 billon by 2006. In 2011, the new chief executive of Tesco, Phillip Clarke, also made a cultural change which proved unsuccessful. He proposed a strategy to change Tesco’s brand image to be known for â€Å"highly valued brands†as opposed to their cheaper â€Å"Value†products. The decrease in popular promotion deals such as vouchers and meal deals reduced their sales revenue and share value which fell by 15% by the end of 2011. This suggests that Clarke failed to identify Tesco’s main source of competitively. Therefore, both examples show that cultural changes may be difficult as the new chief executives lack knowledge and experience in the company. Culture change also takes a long time, especially as traditions and values are set. A prime example of this is with Sony. Sony is a Japan-based company who prides themselves in adopting a traditional Japanese business culture. Examples of their culture can be seen with their clear line of authority and their strong belief in respect. However, Sony’s reducing performance and the fast changing world alarmed the new chief executive, Howard Stringer, to change the culture to one that embraces change. Although proposals to change the culture were made in 2007, Sony’s culture has still not fully transformed which is reflected in their still low competitively. Therefore, it may still take some time for Sony to fully embrace an innovative culture as their Japanese culture has largely influenced the organization. It also took a long time for Marks Spencer to introduce higher levels of technology, such as a stock control system, as they are said to have a ‘backward culture’. This is because they don’t embrace change and are led by system and procedures. These examples provide evidence that change in a business’s culture may not be done quickly as the organization is accustomed to the previous culture. However, changing a company’s culture can be easy if the new chief executive conducts the change in an appropriate manner. As culture change will have a direct impact on stakeholders, it is important for the new chief executive to inform all stakeholders of the changes and to also encourage feedback. The loss of the innovative leader of Apple, Steve Jobbs created much anxiety about the new CEO Tim Cook. Stakeholders feared Cook would change the company and reject all Jobbs practices especially as the two leaders have different personalities. The media worsened the situation with continuous negative press coverage which resulted in a decrease in consumer confidence as well as Apple’s share price. Although Jobbs had planned to make some strategic changes to the company’s practices, he reassured stakeholders by stating that â€Å"Apple will not change†. He also identified these new strategies and their benefits in a press release which justified his decisions and satisfied stakeholders. The newfound trust of stakeholders will enable Apple’s cultural change to be easier and happen more quickly. In view of the above, I believe that it is not easy to change the culture of a business, as the current practices are custom to the organization; this also suggests that the change will be quite a process and therefore won’t be done quickly. This situation is worsened as the chief executive is new and won’t have the necessary knowledge and understanding of the business to enable a smooth and quick transition. However, the ability for the new chief executive to change the business’s culture quickly and easily is highly dependant upon the reaction of the stakeholders. For example, BP’s customers may react positively as the new culture will increase the company’s responsiveness to customers. Shareholders may also react positively as the increase of innovation should increase BP’s competitive advantage which could increase the company’s value and share price. However, the increase in innovation may pose a threat the employees as management will expect higher quality and the need for more qualified personnel may be necessary. Therefore, support from stakeholders will encourage an easier and quickly transformation whereas negativity will not. The skills of the workforce is also important as if they are innovative the cultural change will happen faster. However, Sony is in a creative industry and their strategy to increase innovation still took a long time. This suggests that attitudes and beliefs of the workforce are also important. An easy change is also depend upon the new executives approach, is it forceful or flexible? Damier-Benz’s forceful approach result in a large amount of tension that slowed the change and resulted in a financial loss.
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