Wednesday, December 25, 2019
A Secret Weapon for 2016 Ap Literature Essay Samples
A Secret Weapon for 2016 Ap Literature Essay Samples You'll also have to give insights regarding the distinct historical, cultural, or social context. From here on, you've got to come up with a distinctive interpretation of the way the structure contributes to the meaning. The secret to all types of synthesis is the exact same. If you're writing a background synthesis, in some instances it might be appropriate that you offer you an interpretation of the material or have a position (thesis). Also, you might be experiencing a variety of different challenges, which ultimately block you from making up well-researched English literature essay topics. You're able to have a look at the quality of literature examples for sat essay to observe the type of expert services we're referring to. That the poem is in 2nd person also raises the intimacy of the poem. In this way, the author clarifies the link between the examples and their use and meaning. This writing company makes sure their papers are all the wonderful quality and all the customers are happy. When people on the web aren't polite, they don't fret about their tone whatsoever, and it offends people. It might not be fair to discredit the services they provide, but it is essential that you get your money's worth whenever you place your purchase. If you would like to acquire high high quality research and thesis papers punctually and for a sensible price, you should probably try out using The Unexp osed Secret of 2016 Ap Literature Essay Samples Before you may make a good study program, you will need to have a great idea of your starting point. The second point, that making connections is a sort of thinking which can be taught, can't be proven until the very first point has been sufficiently supported. On another level, it's the story of all of the actual damage that may result from seemingly innocent adventures. If you really feel as if you still need more help or you're not sure you can do it all on your own, look no more. 1 essay question will request that you provide an analysis of one text. In this type of essay, it's important that you decide on a topic that has two sides. In case the topic selection gets difficult, you may make a literature essay topic list that will aid in settling on the most appropriate topic to tackle. Attempt to make symmetry between your essay topic and the person that you are quoting. Instead, you would like to analyze the essay and ensure your claim is supported. Tie every claim you make to a bit of evidence to make sure the very best essay possible. If you're looking for top essay writing companies, try out the mentioned above. When you're writing an English essay, you have zero chance to verify your paper by another individual. The previous essay type we'll chat about is the argument essay. There are lots of essay writing services that think they're the very best, and thus don't be cheated and check the real list of the very best. There is only one difference within this prompt, and it lies within this synthesis essay you should write. There is a particular essay in the prompt that you should analyze. Because you're less inclined to be rushed or tired at the start of this section, we here at CollegeVine recommend that you finish your essay questions initially, since they are more heavily weighted in scoring. It is advised that you spend about 35 minutes on each one of the essay questions. 2016 Ap Literature Essay Samples - Is it a Scam? Doing this will enhance your AP writing. Writing at that amount of mastery demands hard work. The AP English argument FRQ has become the most straightforward of the AP English FRQs since it is the most like essays you're already utilized to writing. AP Language and Composition course is a huge deal, and your primary goal is to clearly show your capacity to produce decent analysis with an ideal structure and grammar indexes. The Reader might start to suspect that the student is simply attempting to bluff their way through the question. It is a larger question than students are accustomed to encountering on an AP test. To score no less than a 3, students would be smart to take advantage of pertinent references from the text. While your best students may not need them, less able students may find them useful methods to commence. 2016 Ap Literature Essay Samples - What Is It? You may discover extra practice questions in the program description, and more free-response questions can be seen on AP Central. Additionally, all the hints you receive have been specifically created to provide nothing short of the essential information which you require. Your exam is broken into portions. A complete practice exam together with study materials are available here.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
My Philosophy Of Education And Education - 1038 Words
My Philosophy of Education When trying coming up with a personal philosophy of education, I had to ask myself what the purpose of education is. To me, the purpose of education is to teach students knowledge that is needed to make it through school and to succeed in the world after graduation. Anyone can go into teaching, but not every teacher can teach. Teachers go above and beyond to introduce methods, philosophies, and strategies to help their students learn, as well as, retain the information. The type of method that I plan to use in the classroom would be the inquiry-based method. The reason I chose this type of method is because it is hands-on, and I myself learn this way. On the first day of class, I will do a survey with the students to find out what types of learners they are. All students learn differently. For example: VAK learning styles, which are Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. In order for me to have a mental note of how the students learn, I will seat them in groups based on which type of learner they are. This way I can make sure I apply different learning techniques in my teaching. When doing group work, I will mix the groups up with the different learners, so that they can be introduced to the other ways of learning as well. I believe in the Progressivism Philosophy, which considers that the views of nature are ever changing. This type of philosophy helps the children to develop problem solving abilities. When the students come across a challenge, theyShow MoreRelatedMy Philosophy Of Education As A Education864 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferent philosophy of education, and what purpose education serves in a child’s life. The five philosophies of education that we recognize are: Essentialism, Perennialism, Progressivism, Social Reconstructionism, and Existentialism. I would most recognize my philosophy of education as Essentialism. Essentialism has been a dominant influence in American education since World War II. It focuses on core curriculum of traditional academic topics. I believe that the purpose of education is teachingRead MoreMy Philosophy Of Education And Education864 Words  | 4 PagesPhilosophy of Education Children are the future and their education is the key to our society’s success. When considering this, I realize I have an immense responsibility as an educator. The main focuses of my teaching are active learning, building character within students, and providing meaningful curriculum. I want to create a comfortable setting where every student feels safe to learn. In many ways, my philosophy agrees with the holistic approach to education. I feel this challenges the studentRead MoreMy Philosophy of Education824 Words  | 4 Pages13 February 2011 My Philosophy of Education I believe that progressivism educational philosophy most closely matches my educational ideals. In my opinion based on the progressivism educational philosophy, the purpose of education is to enable students to learn useful knowledge that has meaning to them in the future. Thus, the most useful education for students is the skill of â€Å"learning how to learn†. When students understand the methodsRead MoreMy Philosophy On The Philosophy Of Education844 Words  | 4 PagesIn mathematics, as in life, everything must be brought to the simplest of terms. I base my teaching philosophy on the foundation that every student is capable of learning mathematics. I will strive, as a teacher, to ensure that my students are able to have a strong foundation of mathematical skills when they leave my classroom. Some students believe that they are not mathematically gifted; therefore, incapable of learning mathematics. I believe to the contrary, all students with motivation, sustainedR ead MoreMy Education Philosophy 1511 Words  | 6 PagesPersonal Mission Statement Education is the imparting and acquiring of knowledge and skills through teaching and learning. As an educator, my personal mission statement is to master my subject area in order to serve as a role model for my students thereby producing students who thoroughly understand the subject matter, and who develop holistically. In order to achieve this goal I must have a set education philosophy with a strong Christian worldview. I must also have a general understanding of theRead MoreMy Philosophy Of Education1056 Words  | 5 PagesPhilosophy of Student Engagement My philosophy of education is that every child should receive high quality education that is inclusive, relevant and meaningful to their life. I am a firm believer of making pedagogy relatable to my students. My vision is driven by my personal experiences with the American school system. I was what is thought of as â€Å"A child at risk†. I am an immigrant, black, Muslim student. My life is transactional as I am a part of multiple marginalized groups. Most of my teachersRead MoreMy Philosophy On Philosophy Of Education852 Words  | 4 PagesMy Philosophy of Education My philosophy of education is founded on a belief that all students have a desire to learn and to feel accepted. Learning takes place when students are able to have their specific needs meet inside the classroom, to feel accepted in the environment, and find the learning to be meaningful. I believe that before learning can take place a proper educational environment must be present inside the classroom. In order to make any classroom work I believe you need meet three criteriaRead MoreMy Philosophy Of Education1015 Words  | 5 Pagesimmediately sparked my interest in becoming an educator and share my personal beliefs on the important aspects of education. In addition to this, I will present various traits I believe are essential and critical for teachers to successfully fulfill their role as an educator. During my elementary years, I developed an urge to frequently ask many questions during the school day. Being able to question anything was astonishing to me. This was because my parents were unable to answer my questions and helpRead MoreMy Philosophy on Education814 Words  | 3 PagesMy Philosophy of Education I think when I made the decision to become a teacher I was not thinking the seriousness of this decision. When we become teachers we also become the molder that will shape our student to be successful in life. But when you decide to become a teacher in a Christian school you are not only shaping this student to be successful in life but we are also shaping their Christian mind to do things with a feeling knowing that they are shape and where made by the image of GodRead MoreMy Educational Philosophy : My Philosophy Of Education1006 Words  | 5 Pagesnation’s future citizens will require that I outline my own ideology about America’s education system. The following philosophy of education will be comprised of the analyzation of knowledge, teaching, and democratic equality in relation to purposes of the education. Knowledge, the comprehension of a subject or concept, is at the core of the educational experience. This attainment of this knowledge should be the desired result of compulsory education, where each individual has a strong understanding
Monday, December 9, 2019
Employee Perceptions on Motivating Factors
Question: Discuss about the Employee Perceptions on Motivating Factors. Answer: Introduction: This report proposal mainly focuses on the factors that motivate the employees working at the government sector in UAE. Motivation can be defined as the reason for the behavior of the people. There are various factors or elements that can motivate people differently and impact of these factors totally depends upon the personality of the individual. Motivation is very much essential for the employees to provide the organization with the effective performance. Thus, the management of the organizations needs to implement some of the strategies that help the employees to feel motivated towards their work and achievement of the objectives (Abu Dhabi World Online, 2017). This is because the achievements of the objectives by the employees in turn help the organization to attain its ultimate goals of success. The purpose of conducting research on this topic is to analyze those factors or the motivators that motivate the employees of the government organization in UAE to perform. The governme nt organization has been focused in the report because it is difficult to motivate the government employees. Media and the people have portrayed the image of government employees as overpaid and underworked. It has been determined that most of the people think that the employees in the government organizations do not work. It would be very interesting to research about this topic in order to explore the actual truth of the government organization as well as to know about those factors that can force the employees in the government sector to perform (Aguinis, 2014). In the private sector companies, it is the responsibility of the management of the company to look after the needs of the employees and to develop the strategies that can help them to be motivated about their work. However, in the government sector, the government of the country and the state is responsible for making such strategies so that government employees can be inspired to perform. One of the initiatives taken by the government is Happiness mission. This research also explores the impact on this mission over the motivation of the government employees as well as on their happiness level (Askary, Kukunuru and Pech, 2014). Key research questions: Every research has been conducted in order to answer the questions associated with the research topic. According to the topic of this research, there are some of the questions that need to be answered at the end of the research. The key research questions are: Why government sector employees have been portrayed as overpaid and underworked? What are the factors that can motivate them to enhance their performance? What is the role of Happiness mission? All the above stated questions are clearly linked with the topic of the research. The answer of these questions will provide the clear picture of the government sector organizations and the efficiency of their policies to keep their employees motivated (Blackstone, n.d.). Role of happiness mission is also included in the research questions because it plays a major role in the life of the people in UAE. Literature review: It is a fact that managing the employees in private sector companies is very much different from that of the employees in government sector. There can be various reasons for this, such as the environment of the organization as well as the policies. This difference forces the management of both the types of the organization to work differently. In case of the government organizations, it is mandatory for the management or the government to make the policies those results in more engagement of the employees. It has been analyzed by the study that there are many factors that affect the employee engagement of the government sector employees towards their work. Also, these factors restrict the motivation of the employees to work (Cowley and Smith, 2014). The major factor that has been identified is the critics of the government and the government employees. These critics such as media and the politicians criticize the work of the government on the throne. The opposition political parties play a major role in bringing down the image of the government policies and functioning of the public organizations. These types of criticism affect the morale of the employees to work in negative way. This issue can be resolved by encountering the positive aspects of the government organizations and informing the government employees that their work is affecting the public of their country. The higher authorities of the government organization can educate the employees about their power of changing the public opinions that is not there with the private sector employees (Harvard Business Review, 2017). It has been researched out that when the general public have interaction with government servants results in positive outcome, they have positive image of the government organizations and vice versa. This depicts that the performance of the employees is very essential to make the image of the government organizations. The need of hour is to give proper knowledge to the government sect or employees about their duties towards public and at the same time public also have to develop trust amongst them for the government organizations that are working for their benefit (Tria and Valotti, 2012). Another reason that has been identified with regard to poor performance of government employees is the change in leadership or the frequent changes in the leadership. The sudden and frequent changes in the leadership in the public sector organizations result in change in policies of the organization and thus affect the performance of the employees (Ibrahim and Al Falasi, 2014). This is because employees take so much time to understand the policies. One of the most important factors that restrict the motivation of the people is poor goal setting. There is no goal setting criteria for the employees as the government organization has long term goals towards the nation so it is difficult to break those goals into smaller objectives. This results in non-involvement of the employees to achieve the goals as they do not have proper path to follow to achieve the same. It is mandatory for the government organizations to modify their organizational structure and policies in such a way that assi st the employees to achieve their targets. The employees should be penalized for not achieving the targets and also should be rewarded if perform efficiently. Both these strategies will motivate the employees to work and give their best in the organization. There is need to develop competition (Ismail and Ahmed, 2015). The government needs to implement such strategies that can help the employees to feel motivated. This can be done by involving them in decision making process and hiring the people that are already motivated with the public sector agenda rather than hiring the people who do not wants to work and earn handsome salaries (Williams, 2005). In UAE, government has taken initiative to develop motivation among the government employees by implementing the Happiness mission programs in the country that aims at developing happy society in the country. Studies revealed that happy people stay healthy, work efficiently and live longer lives. This statement suggests that if the employees at workplace stay happy, they perform effectively. In UAE, a happiness minister has been appointed who is responsible for developing the policies and strategies so that the society and the employees at public and private sector organization remain happy. The vision and mission of this program suggests that UAE wants to be the part of top countries that have happy society (Kearney and Berman, 2009). The government wants to make happiness and positivity as the lifestyle of the people at UAE and also implement it at the government sector organizations. The major objectives of this plan are to harmonize the policies of the government in order to spre ad happiness and positivity in the society. This plan aims at developing the policies that incentivize the public and the private sector organization so that employees of the organizations feel happy and motivated to work. It not only works at spreading happiness to society but it is about implementing the strategies and the legislation related to happiness at the workplace also. Another concern of the government is to measure the level of happiness in the government entities. As far as the motivational factors of the employees are considered, it has been analyzed that the employees want work-life-balance as the major factors (Lavigna, 2013). However, analyzing the situation of the government sector, it has been realized that training and development can be considered as the key factor to motivate the employee to work and perform effectively. This is because government sector is filled with old and aged people and thus they do not have any idea about the new and latest technological processes. This in turn restricts them to work effectively if compared to the private sector people who are very much acknowledged with the latest technological systems. Methodology: According to the early studies and the analysis, it has been determined that the motivational factors can be identified by assessing the policies and the strategies at the government organizations in UAE. The employees are the best source of information. It is essential to acquire the information from the employees at all the level so that clear picture of the situation at the government organization can be assessed. It is the process that provides the in depth knowledge of the topic. Employees can easily discus their issues and the correct situation at the workplace. The idea of questioning the employees of different level provides the information from every end so that the research can be accurately conducted (Ljungholm, 2014). The research that would be descriptive in nature because assessing the policies also requires lots of article readings. Exploratory research would also be used so as to explore the ideas to motivate the employees of the government sector and to assess the impact of the factors that restricts the motivation of the employees to perform. Exploratory research can be defined as the research type in which ideas have been explored and the cause and effect relationship has been studied. As far as the data collection method has been considered, the first method that has been used is questionnaire to the employees. Questionnaire is the set of questions that need to be answered by the associated people. These questions are made in relevancy with the problem or the question of the research. It should be made in such a way that it can cover all the aspect and can clearly analyze to answer the research questions (McFarlane, 2017). This is considered the primary source of information. The secondary source of information is articles and the news published in newspaper or the magazines. The data from these sources can be used to determine the outcomes of the research. Qualitative approach of research is the best to conduct the research for the above stated topic, this is because motivational factors of the employee performance cannot be measured in quantity but the intensity of the employee satisfaction at the workplace can be assessed. More the satisfaction of the employee at the workplace happier they would be (Mone and London, 2014). The outcomes of the research are the statements that answer the questions of the research that are framed at the initial phase of the report (Razack and Upadhyay, 2017). Outcomes should be relevant to the topic as well as the questions. After conducting the whole research, it has been analyzed that there are many factors that restrict the motivation of the government employees to perform at the workplace. Some of the factors are the criticism of the ruling party government by the opposition that lowers down the morale of the government employee to work, the change in the leadership at the higher level of the management in the organizations and the untrained staff in the government organizations. It is the need of hour to educate them about their responsibility towards public and to make them realize the importance of their power. After assessing the happiness mission of Abu Dhabi, it has been identified that the goal of this program has great impact on the lifestyle of the pope and t he society in UAE. The government has made many initiatives and policies to spread happiness among the people as well as among the employees in private and public sector organization (KhaleejTimes, 2017). This is because happy people work more efficiently than the people who are not happy. This section of the report discuses or provide the description about the time scale or the duration required to complete the tasks related to the research. To allocate the time to the tasks it is necessary to breakdown the research work into smaller sections. The report starts with understanding the background of the topic that has been selected to be researched (Rollo, 2009). This requires around 5-6 hours reading out the study materials that provides the idea related to the topic. It is not only the topic that is required to be studied but study of the research format is also mandatory to conduct the research sequentially. Exploration of the information regarding the topic results in generation of some kind of questions and the issues (The Big Story, 2017). These issues can be framed as the research questions. Research question should be framed in such a way that it clearly defines the issues that the researcher wants to research about. A researcher should give around 3-4 hours in farming the questions that are most relevant to the study and the research topic. Framing the questions helps in providing the outline of the study. Some of the authentic sources need to be studied in order to extract the data and the information related to the research. These sources can be literature reviews. These literature reviews assist in extracting and assessing different aspects of the topic that results in answering the questions and the issues related to the research topic. Reading the literature reviews that are relevant to the topic requires around 40-48 hours (Tracy, 2013). This is the most crucial part of conducting the research because it provides most of the knowledge about the topic. Reading different literature and linking them together to derive the final conclusion is also a hectic task that requires full concentration and takes around 24 hours to do the same. To access the primary data different data collection method has been used and it also takes time of aro und a week. So, if the overall time scale is observed, it has been identified that around 10-11 days is required to conduct a research at this level. References: Abu Dhabi World Online. (2017).NEWS: Smile! UAE on global mission to find the secret of happiness - Abu Dhabi World. Available at: Accessed on: 23 Mar. 2017 Aguinis, H. (2014).Performance management. Boston: Pearson Education Limited. Askary, S., Kukunuru, S. and Pech, R., 2014. An assessment of employee commitment to work among UAE nationals.International Journal of Business Excellence,7(1), pp.1-15. Blackstone, W. (n.d.).Commentaries on the laws of England. Cowley, E. and Smith, S., 2014. Motivation and mission in the public sector: evidence from the World Values Survey.Theory and decision,76(2), pp.241-263. Harvard Business Review. (2017).Why Government Workers Are Harder to Motivate. Available at:, Accessed on: 23 Mar. 2017 Ibrahim, M. and Al Falasi, S., 2014. Employee loyalty and engagement in UAE public sector.Employee Relations,36(5), pp.562-582. Ibrahim, M.E. and Perez, A.O., 2014. Effects of organizational justice, employee satisfaction, and gender on employees' commitment: evidence from the UAE.International Journal of Business and Management,9(2), p.45. Ismail, A.Z. and Ahmed, S., 2015. Employee Perceptions on Reward/Recognition and Motivating Factors: A Comparison between Malaysia and UAE. Kearney, R. and Berman, E. (2009).Public Sector Performance. New York: Westview Press. Lavigna, R.J., 2013.Engaging Government Employees: Motivate and Inspire Your People to Achieve Superior Performance. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. Ljungholm, D.P., 2014. Intrinsic motivation among public sector workers.Geopolitics, History and International Relations,6(2), p.7. McFarlane, N. (2017).The UAE's Minister of Happiness talks about her mission - What's On Dubai. What's On Dubai. Available at: Accessed on: 23 Mar. 2017. Mone, E. and London, M. (2014).Employee Engagement Through Effective Performance Management. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Razack, S.S.K. and Upadhyay, D., (2017) Employee Perception of Performance Management Systems in the UAE: An Analysis. KhaleejTimes (2017).UAE 20th 'happiest nation' on global happiness index - Khaleej Times. Available at: Accessed on: 23 Mar. 2017 Rollo, J. (2009).Performance management. [Salem, NH]: Goal/QPC. The Big Story. (2017).UAE's Happiness Minister wants to see more positive stories. Available at: Accessed on: 23 Mar. 2017 Tracy, B. (2013).Motivation. New York: AMACOM. Tria, G. and Valotti, G. (2012).Reforming the public sector. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press. Williams, A. (2005).Flexible working. London: Thorogood.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Adaptation of Shakespeares Play A Midsummer Nights Dream
The play A Midsummer Night’s Dream was written by William Shakespeare during the 16th century. This play can be discussed as the comedy which is based on the magic plot referred to the humorous and fairy-tale adventures of the main characters in Athens. It is important to note that a play has the most important impact on the audience when it is performed on stage. Today, film adaptations can also be discussed as the variants of the plays’ production.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Adaptation of Shakespeare’s Play: A Midsummer Night’s Dream specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From this point, it is necessary to refer to the most vivid film adaptation of the play realized by Michael Hoffman in 1999. To analyze the play or its adaptation, a person should refer to the approaches proposed by the German playwright Johann Wolfgang Goethe and the Greek philosopher Aristotle in order to discu ss the aspects of the play and its success. On the one hand, the analysis of the play’s text cannot reflect the real meaning or idea based on the author’s intention without references to the real performance on stage. On the other hand, the vision of the director can also affect the audience’s vision of the play and its idea significantly. That is why, it is important to balance these positions while analyzing the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream with references to Hoffman’s film. A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1999) is the vivid and expressive film adaptation of the classic Shakespeare’s play which is characterized by bright pictures and the accentuated comic component to emphasize the farce of the story. According to Aristotle’s viewpoint, there are six significant elements in the play which should be discussed in detail in order to analyze it effectively. These elements are the plot, thought, character, diction, spectacle, and son g (Downs, Wright, and Ramsey 88-89). Focusing on the play, it is important to determine several lines of the plot which include the stories of relationships between Lysander, Hermia, Demetrius, and Helena, between King Oberon and Queen Titania, between Duke Theseus and Hippolyta. All these plot lines are closely connected guaranteeing the complex and interesting net development in the play. The element of thought is presented in the play with references to the moral ideals which are followed by different characters. Thus, the plot development depends on the progress of the characters’ complicated relations which are reflected in their love for each other, affection, and even hate and revenge. Referring to the play’s characters, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that Hoffman’s interpretation of the characters differs from Shakespeare’s original descriptions (A Midsummer Night’s Dream). Thus, Hoffman’s characters are more comic and inconsistent in their actions, they are too expressive and even grotesque, and their actions and ideas are exaggerated. In spite of the fact that the film is based on the play appropriately, and Shakespeare’s words are followed strictly, there are some details which are added to adapt the play to the director’s vision of the play’s world. From this perspective, the diction in the form of pathetic speeches is adapted according to the play’s mood and new features acquired by the characters.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, Titania is the most pathetic in the film because of her status and attitude to the partials and situation. Furthermore, the role of Puck’s trickery is also emphasized in the context of its impact of the characters, their behaviours, and associated diction presented in Shakespeare’s play, but changed with references t o the presentation of more ridiculous facts and situations. Analyzing the play’s spectacle, it is important to note that the action of the play is performed not in Athens, but in Italy during the 19th century. This fact influences the pictures provided in the film, their connection to reality, the characters’ usage of bicycles and their attitudes to each other. However, the illustrations of the magic forest reflect the play’s text appropriately to draw the attention to the imaginative world. The music by Felix Mendelssohn and operatic elements included into the film are helpful to create the specific fairy-tail world of the film with the focus on romantic plot lines. Goethe’s approach to the analysis of the play depends on more general discussion of the play’s elements. In the 18th-19th centuries, Goethe proposed to concentrate on what an artist could try to do, on the effectiveness of his techniques, and on the overall importance of the play as th e work of art (Downs, Wright, and Ramsey 89). The purpose of A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1999) is to provide the comic effect in its connection with the people’s feelings and their ability to follow their passion without hesitation. If Shakespeare achieves this goal with the help of accentuating controversies in the characters’ behaviours, the film’s author focuses on exaggerating the effects of mad love and self-assurance (A Midsummer Night’s Dream). Although the original variants of the play and its adaptation of 1999 differ in details and shifted focuses, the play and film are worth seeing and discussing by the audience because the authors’ intention to emphasize the magic world of people’s feelings is realized effectively. Thus, A Midsummer Night’s Dream is an important play which is interesting for the audience because of its deep idea and focus on the people’s inner world in combination with the vivid pictures of ma gic and comic world. Works Cited A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Ex. Prod. Michael Hoffman. USA: Regency Enterprises. 1999. DVD. Downs, William Missouri, Lou Anne Wright, and Erik Ramsey. The Art of Theatre: A Concise Introduction. USA: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Adaptation of Shakespeare’s Play: A Midsummer Night’s Dream specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on The Adaptation of Shakespeare’s Play: A Midsummer Night’s Dream was written and submitted by user Tenebrous to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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