Saturday, August 31, 2019
Reading and Writing Essay
Learning how to read back in 1970 is quite different from learning how to read in the world we live in today. Learning to read was somewhat difficult for me as a child. We didn’t have the fancy reading tools back in the day, such as: Hooked on Phonics or Phonemic Awareness. Looking back over my life, I can remember when I was in the first grade, about six or seven years old and I brought home my first report card. On my report card my teacher pointed out an area of weakness in reading. I can still hear my father saying â€Å"Susie are you having trouble reading? †I would respond as any typical six year old child would do by shrugging my shoulders and saying â€Å"I don’t know. †My father was a concerned parent and wanted to help his child. He didn’t want to see me struggle in school nor did he want to see me fall behind. My father was determined he was going to help me improve my reading skills and by doing so my reading grade would improve also. So therefore, my father set up a strategy plan. Every evening after school my father and I would sit down at the dinner table and work on improving my reading skills. His first step was to see if I could sound out all the letters of the alphabet. Once he realized I was able to sound out all letters in the alphabet, his next step was to determine if I could sound out all the vowels: long, short and house top vowels too. The third step was to begin sounding out small words such as: the, cat, red, run, ran, like etc. Once I began to get comfortable reading on my own while my father prepared dinner for my two brothers and I, he would have me to sit at the dinner table and read aloud to him fifteen minutes each day. Eventually with with all the hard work and dedication my reading skills gradually improved. After all, they say practice makes perfect. As I grew older I started enjoying reading much more than I ever realized. I had to find out what type of books and magazines I enjoyed reading. In other words, I had to find my reading niche. I enjoy reading books like Mama, How Stella got her Grove Back, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, A Day Late and a Dollar Short by Terry McMillan. Reading can be very enjoyable, relaxing and mind stimulating as well. Reading exercises our brain. One can self improve while gaining experience from other people by reading. Reading is knowledge and power. Reading teaches children about the world around them. Reading develops a child’s imagination. Now that I have returned to college, reading and writing is a common part of everyday life. Every semester I have had several different assignments that required reading and writing skills. I have had to do an essay, public speaking presentations which involved reading and writing. Reading is very important because one can explore themselves to new things. One can also self improve while gaining experience from other people. Reading can be used for connecting your brain and it can also boost ones imagination and creativity. Reading exercises ones brain. Many factors play a vital role in a child’s growth and development. Reading develops a child’s imagination. Children who read do better at school. Reading relaxes the body and calms the mind. Reading is a great source of entertainment. This is an important point because these days we seem to have forgotten how to relax and especially how to be silent. In almost everything we do reading and writing is a vital part of our everyday lives.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Socioecological National Smoking Strategy Australia Health And Social Care Essay
The damaging effects of smoke are good known, and go on to be one of the most evitable causes of sick wellness and decease in Australia. Smoking is a planetary wellness issue that affects all states worldwide. ( Naidoo and Wills, 2005 ) . Tobacco usage has a negative consequence on the immediate user every bit good as the other individual exposed to the fume, therefore the demand to command its usage and supply a supportive environment to enable persons to discontinue. ( Naidoo and Wills, 2005 ) . Health publicity provides a possible agency to accomplish this, as it attempts to better the wellness of persons and the community through wellness instruction, community engagement and coaction, sometimes taking to environmental and societal alteration ( Maben and Macleod, ( 1995 ) , as stated by Piper, 2009 ) . The Ottawa Charter ( WHO, 1986 ) sees wellness publicity beyond the person and the health care system, it requires a co-ordinated action between the authorities, societal and econo mic sectors. In other words, wellness publicity at one degree seeks to act upon healthy life style and better life-skills of the person, it besides ensures a corporate addition by act uponing statute law and policies towards environmental, socio-economic position, employment and occupational wellness at another degree ( Piper, 2009 ) . This paper focuses on the social-ecological theoretical account and relates it to the national baccy scheme which was introduced in Australia since 1999 to better the wellness of all Aussies by extinguishing or cut downing exposure to tobacco in all signifiers and to forestall jobs that can ensue from the usage of baccy ( The National Tobacco scheme, 1999 ) . The cardinal aims for the model was to better the control of baccy through community action, promote surcease of baccy usage, bound publicity and modulate baccy and eventually cut down environmental exposure to tobacco fume ( The National smoke Strategy 1999 ) . The debuts of the National smoke strategic model lead to the execution of smoking policies in public topographic points including the work topographic point. Smoke policy at public topographic points is intended to protect smoke and non-smoking citizens from the consequence of environmental exposure to baccy ( Bauer et al, 2005 ) and to promote tobacco users to discontin ue every bit shortly as possible. It is besides thought to cut down the injury that can be associated with go oning usage and dependance on baccy and nicotine. Smoke-free policies have been shown to deter people from smoking, cut down coffin nail ingestion, addition desire to discontinue and the likeliness of existent surcease ( Bauer et al, 2005 ) . The scheme was a comprehensive attack introduced by the authorities across all societal groups based on two warranting factors. These were that, bulk of persons who smoked were non making so based on free and informed picks. Peoples frequently say smoking is a personal life manner pick, this ignores the tobacco users apprehension of the wellness hazard, worlds of dependence and the fact that a batch of people start depending on baccy at a really immature age ( National baccy scheme, 2004 ) . The habit-forming nature of baccy compromises the person ‘s ability to do an informed pick. Second, the usage of baccy imposes a significant cost on the person, households, concerns, taxpayer and the community as a whole ( National baccy scheme, 2004 ) . Harmonizing to surveies long term tobacco users die prematurely from bosom diseases, with most of them within the ages of 50 and 60 ( National baccy scheme, 1999 ) . they may besides endure from clogging lung diseases, shot and other stultifying long term status which can cut down mobility taking to cut down quality of life ( National Tobacco Strategy, 2004 ) . Smokers besides spend a batch of money on baccy merchandises instead than they spend on goods and services which could hold been more good to them and their households. How the scheme was to be achieved The first measure was to present a comprehensive control scheme on baccy merchandises, by increasing monetary values and altering societal attitudes to baccy usage through ordinances and difficult striking runs. Government policies introduced regulated selling, publicity, gross revenues, revenue enhancement and packaging of baccy merchandises ( the national smoke scheme, 2004 ) . These ordinances made baccy merchandises less low-cost, nevertheless available to grownups who use them, but non extremely seeable and non sold to kids. It besides mandated equal and effectual consumer information on baccy merchandises in the media and at the point of sale. On the other manus, quit smoke and smoke free runs, services on handling baccy dependence schemes, community support, instruction, research, rating, monitoring and surveillance every bit good as work force development were strengthened ( the national smoke scheme, 2004 ) . They besides addressed issues around societal determiners of welln ess and trim plans towards the demands of deprived groups. This was to personalize the hazards of smoke and to increase the consciousness of effectual therapies and contact inside informations for services ( National smoke scheme, 2007 ) . The authorities policies besides ensured that all Australian tobacco users in contact with the wellness attention system were identified and advised to discontinue, and that all tobacco users probably to hold trouble retreating from tobacco-delivered nicotine have entree to back up and allow and effectual pharmacotherapy ( National smoke scheme, 2004 ) . The policies were besides aimed at attempts to forestall consumption by kids, and to guarantee that the community is intelligent about smoke. It was besides to cut down societal disaffection, which, along with many other negative effects, is associated with uptake and continuance of bad behaviors including smoke, and to put in baccy control as a cardinal scheme for forestalling and cut downing societal disadvantages in the communities ( National smoke scheme, 2004 ) . To extinguish exposure to environmental baccy fume, at work, indoors and in public topographic points ( including out-of-doorss where mobility is limited ) , and to understate it in residential establishments, the policy meant ‘no smoking ‘ ( entire prohibition ) within these premises. As countries where smoke is allowed provide small or no protection from environmental fume ( National smoke scheme, 2004 ) . Smoke free workplace policies by contrast virtually extinguish exposure to tobacco fume during working hours. They besides help tobacco users in those workplaces to cut down the sum they smoke each twenty-four hours and increased their opportunities of successfully discontinuing ( National smoke scheme, 2004 ) . Such policies dramatically affect societal norms about smoke. In legal powers which introduce smoke free Torahs, fewer kids take up smoke and Numberss of tobacco users and Numberss of coffin nails consumed decrease comparative to legal powers without such Tora hs ( National smoke scheme, 2004 ) . Social-ecological Model as a Background Model for the model The footing of this model can be construed from the social-ecological theoretical account where a alteration in the environment and policies causes a alteration in person ‘s behavior. The social-ecological theoretical account recognizes the interlacing interaction between the person and the environment ( Healthy Active Oregon, 2003 ) . It besides focuses on reorientation of organisations and policy alteration ( Elder et al, 2006 ) . It is non a individual policy or theory but a instead wide overarching construct that brings together several different Fieldss of research ( Stokols, 1996 ) . Although the person is responsible for keeping a life style that improves wellness and reduces hazard, the societal environment in which the person lives mostly determines behavior ( Healthy Active Oregon, 2003 ) . A barrier can therefore signifier in a manner that can forestall the community as a whole in accomplishing behaviour alteration ( Healthy Active Oregon, 2003 ) . Harmonizing to Winett ( 1995 ) some wellness publicity plans have non been effectual due to failure in acknowledging the consequence of environmental-related factors on health-related behavior. He hence suggests the integrating of theoretical accounts for behaviour alteration with plans affecting persons, groups, organisations, community and institutional degrees of engagement ( Winett, 1995 ) . Hence the societal ecological theoretical account suggests a more comprehensive attack of non merely the person ‘s duty of health-risks behaviours, instead it targets the single and socio-economic factors ( Piper, 2009 ) . The theoretical account is categorized into intrapersonal, interpersonal, community, organisational and public policy as schemes for advancing wellness ( McLeroy et al. , 1988 ) . Intrapersonal The intrapersonal degree of the theoretical account is based on psychological theories of alteration, where it utilizes the mass media, social-marketing, instruction and development of accomplishments to alter wellness related attitudes, addition cognition and advance ego regard ( McLeroy, 1988, Piper, 2009 ) . This degree implies that the proximal cause of behavior or mechanisms for alteration of behavior prevarications with the person and non the environment ( McLeroy, 1988 ) . And in the model this was traveling to be achieved by shiping on difficult hitting smoke free runs and ordinances which will be targeted at altering perceptual experiences and bettering cognition of the person, with the hope of giving a behaviour alteration. After the person had been made aware of the hazards and the health-related issues that occur as a consequence of smoke, it is up to them to take either to smoke or give up smoke. However at this degree there can be emotional and expressive feelings that people experience particularly in the context of wellness related behaviour alteration ( Davies and Macdowal, 2006 ) . Some persons may truly lose the wagess from smoke and the fond regards they have antecedently developed to smoking while still admiting the benefits of smoking surcease ( Davies and Macdowall, 2006 ) . There is so the feeling of ennui, defeat and choler as they loose the sense of making something and deficiency of the company, this is the point where the person is likely to get worse and travel back to smoke ( Davies and Macdowall, 2006 ) . Hence separate smoke surcease plans that acknowledges and run into the specified demands of persons should besides be developed. There is therefore the demand for services like the quit aid lines and reding installations to back up the person who wants to give up smoke. This scheme has been recognized in the model to help the person to get by. The social-ecological theoretical account identifies this and hence does non merely concentrate narrowly on the person but besides other societal factors and webs which all comes together to help the person to get by and alter behavior. Interpersonal This deals with the person ‘s societal webs such as household, friends, neighbors and contacts at work, the psychosocial theory underpins this degree. The purpose is to alter societal norms and better societal web and support ( Piper, 2005 ) . These are seen to hold direct influence on the individual. The importance of this degree is that about all behaviors happens in a societal context, and behaviors in these context tend to be accustomed, hence it takes making things otherwise to interrupt these wonts ( Davies and Macdowall, 2006 ) . Therefore the intercessions to be designed demands to change the signifier of bing societal webs ( McLeroy, 1988 ) . Particularly they should be designed to modify societal influences which are likely to back up and keep unwanted wellness related behaviors and strengthen those that influence wellness positively. ( McLeroy, 1988 ) . It besides involves learning the person on how to manage interactions with others as they continue to prosecute the ir new ways of get bying without smoking ( Davies and Macdowall, 2006 ) . Mentioning to the model it was aimed at foregrounding the consequence of baccy fume on households and besides prevented kids acquiring entree to baccy and other baccy merchandises. It besides hopes to act upon cultural, societal and economic factors that influence uptake and uninterrupted usage of baccy. Discontinuing smoke may non be an easy thing to make nevertheless with a supportive, good informed, good and strong societal web the person should be able to give up and be cognizant of how and where to seek aid. Community A community is said to be intelligent when it has equal information to be able to do an informed determination on baccy usage ( National baccy Strategy, 1999 ) . In the community, information such as how to acquire aid and quit, the difference between the usage of baccy and dependence, the consequence of baccy fume on the environment, the benefits of discontinuing at any age and sooner than latter and on a whole, the consequence of baccy on the society should be easy accessible ( National Tobacco Strategy, 1999 ) . It is a good known fact that information entirely does non take to behaviour alteration by persons in the community ( National Tobacco Strategy, 1999 ) , otherwise 22 % of the Australian population will non go on to smoke regardless of the sum of information available on the hurtful consequence of smoke ( Egger et al,2005 ) . For communities to derive control over baccy use the scheme was focused on planning and execution of community based programmes for commanding baccy, by supplying equal resources for a scope of smoking surcease services in the communities. Local powers such as Community leaders, parents, schools and young person organisations are all motivated to acquire involved ( National Tobacco Strategy, 1999 ) . Health publicity at this degree is about authorising the community through community development, alliance and conflict direction schemes ( Piper, 2009 ) . Stokols ( 1996 ) defines ecology as the survey of the association between beings and their environment, and puts this in the position of wellness publicity in the community, where the focal point is shifted from the person ‘s wellness related intercessions unto that of the community working together in the environment in which they live in. this reflects a more socio ecological orientation of wellness publicity which is a castel lation of the person, community and the constructions around ( Stokols, 1996 ) . Organizations Intervention at this degree involves organisational procedures, manner, leading, civilization, practises and inducements to better health-related behavior or enable behavior alteration ( McLeroy et al. , 1992 ) . A big part of most people ‘s lives are spent in organisations such as work and establishments, these organisations have an influence on the person ‘s health-related behavior ( McLeroy et al. , 1988 ) . In the context of wellness publicity, administrations particularly those affecting worksites give entree to a big group of people and offer the chance for societal support and behavior alteration, peculiarly when the behavior is a societal norm ( McLeroy, 1988 ) . This degree in the model means the execution of a entire smoke prohibition policies backed by jurisprudence in the work topographic point and public topographic points by employers and persons of authorization. The mark of wellness publicity is non the organisation or the establishment itself but the employees and persons who are likely to be institutionalised ( McLeroy, 1988 ) . Organizational alterations are indispensable in an ecological model where a long-run behavioral alteration is supported, and a requirement for institutionalisation of wellness publicity ( McLeroy, 1988 ) . Public Policy State capacity and substructure, including clear leading and dedicated resources, are indispensable to the development and execution of a strong strategic program that includes the designation and riddance of tobacco-related disparities ( CDC, 2007 ) . Tobacco control plans need to further the motive to discontinue smoking through policy alterations and media runs every bit good as through advancing quit line services ( CDC, 2007 ) . The authorities at this degree will be responsible for patroling policies which are put in topographic point to implement the ordinances and limitations on baccy usage and its publicity. Some surveies have shown that execution of authorities policy to censor smoke has worked really good. For illustration a survey which evaluated the consequence of smoking prohibition at a jobsite by Borland et Al ( 1999 ) , found out that, workplace smoking prohibition contributed to a decrease of coffin nail ingestion. There was no grounds to propose that heavy tobacco users who were deemed as the most addicted compensated the greatest during java and tiffin interruptions. This could propose that the fuss of go forthing the workplace to smoke was an hindrance taking to a decrease in ingestion ( Borland et al, 1990 ) . It besides implies that including institutional and public policies in wellness publicity can accomplish an appropriate behavior alteration because non merely will the person have to postulate with the incommodiousness but besides the possibility of interrupting the jurisprudence and holding to confront the effects, farther deters persons from coffin nail ingestion. The smoke prohibition, as mentioned earlier, Was a authorities scheme to advance a healthy state. So in this instance employers are merely utilizing their substructure to implement a authorities scheme. Evaluation of the Model One cardinal advantage of the socio-ecological theoretical account is that it has the ability to integrate schemes of wellness publicity by utilizing behaviour alteration and environmental betterment in a wide theoretical frame work ( Stokols, 1996 ) . It besides highlights a cross-level scrutiny of health-related jobs and proposes an appropriate interventional scheme by incorporating two or more systematic degrees ( Stokols, 1996 ) . For illustration: organizational, personal or community degrees that allow practicians to analyze both persons and cumulative visual aspect of wellness jobs and how it affects intercessions at all the different degrees ( Stokols, 1996 ) . Hence the unsighted musca volitanss that can non be identified by other theoretical accounts, due to concentrating on merely a fix determiner of wellness or either the person or the environment is avoided as attending is given to an interplay of factors at both single and other comprehensive degrees ( Stokols, 1996 ) . However, the social-ecological theoretical account is non without its restrictions. First, intercessions designed based on the social-ecological theoretical account require incorporation of different Fieldss of cognition. It besides involves the coordination of different sectors in the community. It hence becomes practically impossible to implement such plans ( Stokols, 1996 ) . Therefore, this method should be regarded as lone portion of the theoretical account that can be actively implemented and that the remainder is merely inactive. It is hence logical to inquire whether the social-ecological theoretical account is excessively inclusive in trying to embrace so many factors and taking the focal point off from the person and in consequence doing the single feel less responsible. In practise, it is of import to allow the single feel they are non on their ain by offering support. However, it is of import for the practicians, to non take duty off from the person. Decision In decision, the socio-ecological theoretical account identifies human behavior to happen in extremely organised constructions which can hold a great impact on the wellbeing of the person ( Stokols, 1996 ) . Behaviour alteration can be achieved by act uponing the physical, environmental and the societal interactions of the person, though this may non be ever so, however, the social-ecological position of wellness publicity is more likely to accomplish a higher impact as it uses a multi-disciplinary attack.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Meat Vending Business Plan
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Business Name:WENDORS Meat Vending Business Address:BISU Bilar Campus – Zamora, Bilar, Bohol Nature of Business:Meat Vending Form of Ownership:Sole Proprietorship Proponents: Wendell Doria VISION A high quality business that forefronts in providing excellent services to the customers and to be one of the top most well known producer of meat not just in our town but all over Bohol and the Philippines. MISSION To satisfy the customers needs and keeping the strong relationship with the customers as well as improving the services we offer. GOALS 1.Maintain the good reputation of the business. 2. To meet the reasonable net profit by the end of the year. 3. To meet the highest satisfaction rate from the customers. 4. To offer the best quality meat. Business overview Meat offers valuable nutrients including protein, iron, zinc and b vitamins. (according to the American meat institute. ) Your body needs proteins to build healthy muscles, bones and skin as well as pro duce hormones and synthesize vitamins . Meat provides you with home-iron a type of iron that is easier for your body to absorb and not found in non meat sources like veggies and beans.Zinc helps your immune systems function properly while the B vitamins group helps regulate the immune systems an release energy. Pork is the edible flesh of domesticated hog or pig. It is the meat from the pig/swine/hog meant to be eaten fresh. Consumption of pork in moderate quantities is helpful in gaining energy. It is good for skin, eyes, nervous system, bones and mental performance. Intake of pork also ensures better immunity to body due to presence of essential antioxidants. The colours of the meat and the fat of pork are regarded as more appetizing, while the taste and smell are described as sweeter and cleaner.It is also considered easier to digest. In rural tradition, pork is shared to celebrate important occasion and to form bonding. Pork is a choice of protein that can satisfy both the gourm and and diet-conscious consumer. Pork has been a very popular source of food all through antiquity. Pork isn't fatty meat – in fact, it's one of the leanest meats available. Pork is also an important source of iron, zinc and protein. Pork is a food choice that is just as good for little ones as for adults and teenagers.Its high nutritional value contributes to kids' higher need for proteins, minerals and vitamins throughout their growth, and reinforces their immune system. Following are some the significant nutritional facts with regard to pork: * Pork has a high mineral content of Phosphorus, Selenium, Sodium, Zinc, Potassium and Copper. * The two minerals which are present in good quantities are Iron and Magnesium, while Calcium and Manganese are found in traces only. * Pork is highly enriched with Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Thiamine, Niacin, Riboflavin and Panatothenic Acid.However, Vitamin A and Vitamin E are found in very small amounts. MARKETING ASPECT Market Situation Po rk is in high demand especially in the school days since the target market are the restaurants, faculty and staff, students, canteen and household consumers in and out of the school campus. The restaurant owners are of high percentage of demand because the students prefer to buy viands in the restaurants and canteen in every meal than cooking for their own. And because of that, they are in need of pork for their additional menu as their source of income as well. Market NeedsThe project provides consumers quality pork and lechon that suit their daily intake. This aims to fulfil the benefits important to consumers. It will also provide quality, leaner and fresh pork as a staple food and delivers once a week to the target market that the venture would be a steady supplier Target Market The target market are those individuals who would like to eat meat. The possible customers are restaurant owners, canteen, faculties and staff, students, household customers who are willing to buy and pa y at a reasonable price. Target Demand Figure 1. Target Demand Supply of Raw MaterialsThe owner will purchase pig weighing 60-110 kgs for every slaughter from family backyard raisers and Carmen Public Market every week. To assure for a steady supply, the venture will find a steady supplier and purchase it three days before the operation. Supply of the Proposed Product The WENDORS vending business will supply once a week to the target market like restaurant and canteen, specifically every Tuesday for regular schedule. The venture also accepts orders.. Product Offering The proposed meat vending will sell pork and other parts. It will be deliver directly to the target market .The main target markets are the restaurant owners and canteen, faculty and staff. It will also offers by-products of pork such as the head, intestines, liver and feet. Marketing Strategy The venture applies some strategy in marketing the product. The most risky of putting up this kind of business is the collection of sales. The business cannot assure of 100% cash even though that the venture will make a policy that it should be in cash basis. So the venture will allocate an amount in case of the delay of payment. Venture will fairly entertain customers and practice a personalized service to its customers and try to believe on the aying customers are always right. . Marketing Mix The proposed business is comprised of the following approaches to product, price, place of distribution and promotion. Product. Pork and some parts of the pig such as the head, liver, intestines and feet are the main products to be offered to the potential target market. Pricing. It should have reasonable pricing in order to develop market. The customers who paid in cash bases can avail discounts of 10% for the pork and other part. The customers who apply credit and instalment basis will be given 7 days to pay. The pricing will greatly depend on average market price.Place of Distribution. The product can reach to the customers through direct selling. The product will be delivered to the possible target market in the scope area. Promotion. The venture will use posters and stickers. It will also engage in canvassing to the target market for the next operation. SWOT Analysis Strengths * Presence of skilled workers * Right location * High demand * High quality meat * High level of personalized service Weaknesses * Limited current wholesale accounts. * No display area or permanent location. * The supply of meat is seasonal. * High percentage of debt or in credit term. Opportunities * Few competitors Possibilities of good profit * High demand Threats * Shortage of raw materials at a given time * Increasing economic status * unfavorable government law * Swine deceases Channel of Distribution Figure 2. Channel of Distribution (Direct Selling) Table 1. Pricing Strategy Pork| Cash Basis (P)| Credit Basis(P)| Head| 100. 00| P110. 00| Meat with bones| 170. 00| 180. 00| Liver| 170. 00| 180. 00| Intestines| 80. 00| 90. 00| Feet| 120. 00| 130. 00| Demand and Supply Analysis Monthly Demand| | June| July| Aug. | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. | Jan. | Feb. | March| April| May| | n| 2| 2| 2| 2| 3| 3| 4| 3| 2| 2| 2| 2| | | 90| 90| 90| 90| 90| 90| 90| 90| 90| 90| 90| 90| | Q| 180| 180| 180| 180| 270| 270| 360| 270| 180| 180| 180| 180| | Note: the table represents the monthly demand for pork (averaging) where  n   =   number of pigs q   =   no. of kilos Q   =   represents total demand for your product. Table 6 Projected Monthly Sales(P)| Months| sales| January| 36,396. 00| February| 24,264. 00| March| 24,264. 00| April| 24,264. 00| May| 24,264. 00| June| 24,264. 00| July| 24,264. 00| August| 24,264. 00| September| 24,264. 00| October| 36,396. 00| November| 36,396. 00| December| 48,528. 00| TOTAL| 351,828. 00|Note: the above table represents the monthly sales TECHNICAL ASPECT Operation Strategy Since the proprietor ha d no experience about slaughtering a pig he decided to hire an expert person in this field . The proponent had talk to Mr . Edie Mangayaay to help us in this matter. He is the one to slaughter the pig with the agreed salary of P5. 00/kg of live pig. It is not necessary to build our own slaughter house because it is quite expensive and time costly, we have agreed that the operation will be done in proponents house . The place is so appropriate for slaughter because of its abundant water supply and large area.The proponents will directly deliver the product to the target market once a week. . Production Process Buying . The venture will first purchase live pig as a raw material for operation. The purchaser will go to the suppliers every week and negotiate the price per kg. of live weight. Then it will be transported for slaughtering and roasting. Slaughtering. It will be done in the butcher’s house. Since, the proponents are not expert in this activity; the venture will hire an expert slaughterer. Packing. After slaughtering the pig, it will be chopped in any cuts as what the orders required.It will be packed in plastic cellophane after weighing. Distribution. The packed pork will be delivered and distributed to the target market according to their order and suggested cuts and part of pig. Figure 3. Production Process Table 2. Total Labor Requirement. Position| Number| Monthly Salary (P)| Total Annual Salary(P)| Manager/Cashier| 1| 500. 00| 6,000. 00| Distributor/Canvasser| 1| 400. 00| 4,800. 00| Purchaser/Collector| 1| 400. 00| 4,800. 00| Total| 4| P 2,500. 00| P15,600. 00| (note: operation is twice a week) Table 3. Fixed Investment and Depreciation Charges Equipment/tools| Qty. Price/unit (P)| Total (P)| Life Span| Depreciation cost (P)| Monthly depreciation| Weighing Scale| 1| 1,200. 00| 1,200. 00| 3| 400. 00| 33. 33| Styrofoam box| 2| 500. 00| 1,000. 00| 1| 1,000. 00| 83. 33| Good knife| 1| 450. 00| 450. 00| 1| 450. 00| 37. 50| TOTAL| | | P2,650. 00| | P1,850. 00| 154. 16| Table 4. Operation Schedule. Days| Time| Activities| Monday| 8:00 a. m. -10:00 a. m. | Slaughtering of pig| Wednesday| 3:00 p. m. -5:00 p. m. | Roasting| Note: The table above is the regular schedule of the operation. Table 2. Cost of Operation. | Monthly (P)| Direct Material| 17,100. 00| Direct Labor| 900. 00|Transportation | 1,360. 00| Communication | 300. 00| Total cost of operation| P19,660. 00| Table 3. Administrative and Selling Expenses. | Monthly(P)| Depreciation of operating equipment| 154. 16| Supplies| 133. 00| Total selling and administrative expense| P 287. 16| Table 7. Supplies for the whole year Expense Description| Units| Unit Cost (P)| Total Cost (P)| Journal, Ledger, Record book| 4 packs| 35. 00| 105. 00| Calculator| 1 pc| 150| 150. 00| Ball pens| 15pcs| 5. 00| 75. 00| Pencils| 6 pieces| 6. 50| 39. 00| Bond Paper-Short| 1ream| 220. 00| 220. 00| Stapler| 1 pc| 72. 00| 72. 00| Staple Wire| 5 boxes| 12. 0| 60. 00| Liquid Eraser| 3 pieces| 40. 00 | 120. 00| Plastic Cellophane| 25 packs| 30| 750. 00| Total| | | P1,591. 00| Note: The above office supplies are to be used for one year. Communication (Cellular Phone) This is necessary to maintain good connection with the customers and the proprietor itself so that there will be a good relationship between them. It is one of the best asset of the venture in enhancing their customer service and personalized relationship with the customer because this will help a lot in achieving their goals and aside from that it will help a lot in communicating each employees. This would help customers and the owners in the distribution of the products. The venture will used Talk N’ Text Network with an estimated monthly bill of P300. 00 load. Transportation The business earnings depend on the distribution and selling of the finish products. To reach the customer’s location or selling areas, the cost of transportation will be allocated. Good channel in the transportation of the produ cts lies the business growth. It’s only delivering once a week and purchase raw material once a week. Table 8. Transportation Expense Transportation Expense| Rate per kg. nd head (P)| Kgs and no. of person| Weekly Expense (P)| Monthly Expense (P)| Pork:Freight of the Purchased Pig for slaughter| 1. 00| 90 kgs| 90. 00| 180. 00| Transportation of the Purchaser| 150. 00| 1| 150. 00| 300. 00| Distributors/Collectors Transportation| 100. 00| 1| 100. 00| 200. 00| TOTAL| | | P340. 00| P680. 00| Table 9. Projected Monthly Sales of Pork Sales of a 70 kgs. of pig| Pork| Percentage| Weight, kg. | Price/kilo (P)| Weekly Sales(P)| Monthly Sales(P)| Meat w/ bones| 65%| 45. 5| P170. 00| P7,735. 00| P30,940. 00| Head| 8%| 5. 6| 100. 00| 560. 00| 2,240. 00| Liver| 3%| 2. | 170. 00| 357. 00| 1,428. 00| Intestine| 5%| 3. 5| 80. 00| 280. 00| 1,120. 00| Feet| 6%| 4. 2| 120. 00| 504. 00| 2,016. 00| TOTAL| 87%| 60. 9| | P9,436. 00| P37,744. 00| Sales of a 100 kgs. of Pig| pork| Percentage| Weight k gs. | Price/kilo(P)| Weekly sales(P)| Head| 8%| 8| 100. 00| 800. 00| Meat /bones| 65%| 65| 170. 00| 11,105. 00| Liver| 3%| 3| 170. 00| 510. 00| Intestine| 5%| 5| 80. 00| 400. 00| Feet| 6%| 6| 120. 00| 720. 00| TOTAL| 87%| 87 kg. | | 13,535. 00| Sales of a 80 kilos of pig| Pork| %| Weight kg| Price per kilo(P)| Weekly sales(P)| Head| 8%| 6. 4| 100. 00| 640. 00|Meat/bones| 65%| 52| 170. 00| 8,840. 00| Liver| 3%| 2. 4| 170. 00| 408. 00| Intestine| 5%| 4| 80. 00| 320. 00| Feet| 6%| 4. 8| 120. 00| 576. 00| Total| 87%| 71. 2 kg. | | 10,784. 00| | | Sales of a 90 kilos of pig| Pork| %| Weight kg| Price per kilo(P)| Weekly sales(P)| Head| 8%| 7. 2| 100. 00| 720. 00| Meat/bones| 65%| 58. 5| 170. 00| 9945. 00| Liver| 3%| 2. 7| 170. 00| 459. 00| Intestine| 5%| 4. 5| 80. 00| 360. 00| Feet| 6%| 5. 4| 120. 00| 648. 00| Total| 87%| 78. 3kg. | | 12,132. 00| | | Purchases Months| Purchases| January| 25,650. 00| February| 17,100. 00| March| 17,100. 00| April| 17,100. 0| May| 17,100. 00| June| 17,100. 00| July| 17,100. 00| August| 17,100. 00| September| 17,100. 00| October| 25,650. 00| November| 25,650. 00| December| 34,200. 00| TOTAL| 247,950. 00| | | Note: the following are the purchases of live pig every month @P95 per kilo. | | Proportion of a Live Hog Not all of the pig is edible pork. On average, about 87% of a hog make it from the pen to the pan. A 70-kg hog will yield approximately 60. 9 kgs of retail cuts. Around 13% of a hog’s live weight is inedible product removed during the slaughter and dressing procedure bringing our 70 kgs. live hog to 60. kgs. dressed. The other internal organs, hair, blood, and other inedible products account for most of this loss. Once the carcass is sanitarily dressed, it is hung on a rail and placed into a cooler where it is quickly chilled after cutting. ORGANIZATIONAL ASPECT Legal Form The proposed business will be in a sole proprietorship form. It is a business in which the owner is also the employees at the same time. And because of multi task the proprietor hires an part – time employee. The duties is divided according to their expertise/stability and have equal input to major decisions.The venture is owned by Wendell B. Doria. Organizational Structure Figure 4. Organizational Structure Responsibility Matrix Position| Qualifications| Responsibilities| Owner | | * Formulate short term and long term plans, * develops strategies to guide employees towards attaining goals and objectives, *makes major decisions concerning the operations, *implement policies assigns tasks to be accomplished by employees * the owner is the same time the cashier and bookkeeper| Distributor-| * hardworking and industrious| * deliver the products to the target market| Canvasser/Purchaser – . * hardworking, * know to negotiate other people, * physically fit| * canvass orders for the next operation and * purchase raw material| Collector-. | * industrious *hardworking * know basic Mathematics| * collect receivables| Butche r/Labor- Mr. Edie Mangayaay| * physically fit, *hardworking, expert on slaughtering and roasting, * has experience on the said activities| * slaughter the pig * roast the pig, * cut the pork and roasted pig | Table 14. Project Timetable Activities| Days| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| Preparing Business Plan| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Acquiring funds| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Securing Business permit| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Purchasing of equipment and supplies| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Purchasing of raw material| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Start of operation| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Government and Legal Requirements The following are the fees to the government for the permits ; clearances: Table 15. Licenses and Permit Type of business license/permit/registration| Fees (P)| Mayor’s Permit| 800. 00| Police Clearance| 100. 0| Barangay Clearance| 100. 00| TOTAL| P 1,000. 00| FINANCIAL ASPECT Financial assumptions: 1. Revenue: all revenue are der ived from the sale of meat 2. Cost of raw material, supplies ; salaries remains constant throughout the period. 3. Labor ; Transportation expense will depend on the number of kilos slaughtered 4. The business assumes cash basis but also accept credit within a limited period. Project Cost I. Pre-Operating Expense Business Plan Preparation1,000. 00 Business Permit and Licenses1,000. 00 Total Pre-Operating Cost 2,000. 00 II. Fixed Assets RequirementTools and Equipment 2,650. 00 Total Fixed Assets Requirement 2,650. 00 III. Working Capital Requirement-1 month operation Transportation 680. 00 Communication 300. 00 Supplies Expense 133. 00 Salary Expense 2,500. 00 Purchasing of Pigs: 90 kgs. X 2 Live weight @95 kgs. 17,100. 00 Labor Expense 900. 00 Total Working Capital 21,613. 00 TOTAL PROJECT COST P 26,263. 00 Income Statement ?| June | July | Aug. | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | April | May | TOTAL| Sales | 24,264. 00| 24,264. 00| 24,264. 00| 24,264. 00| 36,396. 00| 36,396. 00| 48,528. 00| 36,396. 00| 24,264. 00| 24,264. 00| 24,264. 00| 24,264. 00| 351,828. 00 | Less cost of goods sold | 17,100. 00| 17,100. 00| 17,100. 00| 17,100. 00| 25,650. 00| 25,650. 00| 34,200. 00| 25,650. 00| 17,100. 00| 17,100. 00| 17,100. 00| 17,100. 00| 247,950. 00 | Gross Profit | 7,164. 00| 7,164. 00| 7,164. 00| 7,164. 00| 10,746. 00| 10,746. 00| 14,328. 00| 10,746. 00| 7,164. 00| 7,164. 00| 7,164. 00| 7,164. 00| 103,878. 00| Less Expenses| ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | 0. 0 | Sell ; Admin Exp. | 4,633. 00| 2,633. 00| 2,633. 00| 2,633. 00| 2,633. 00| 2,633. 00| 2,633. 00| 2,633. 00| 2,633. 00| 2,633. 00| 2,633. 00| 2,633. 00| 33,596. 00 | communi| 300. 00| 300. 00| 300. 00| 300. 00| 300. 00| 300. 00| 300. 00| 300. 00| 300. 00| 300. 00| 300. 00| 300. 00| ? | Depreciation| 154. 16| 154. 16| 154. 16| 154. 16| 154. 16| 154. 16| 154. 16| 154. 16| 154. 16| 154. 16| 154. 16| 154. 16| ? | Transpo expense| 680. 00| 680. 00| 680. 00| 680. 00| 1,020. 00| 1,020 . 00| 1,360. 00| 1,020. 00| 680. 00| 680. 00| 680. 00| 680. 00| 9,860. 00 | Labor Expense| 900. 00| 900. 00| 900. 00| 900. 00| 1,350. 0| 1,350. 00| 1,800. 00| 1,350. 00| 900. 00| 900. 00| 900. 00| 900. 00| 13,050. 00 | Total Expenses| 6,667. 16| 4,667. 16| 4,667. 16| 4,667. 16| 5,457. 16| 5,457. 16| 6,247. 16| 5,457. 16| 4,667. 16| 4,667. 16| 4,667. 16| 4,667. 16| 61,955. 92 | Net Profit | 496. 84 | 2,496. 84 | 2,496. 84 | 2,496. 84 | 5,288. 84 | 5,288. 84 | 8,080. 84 | 5,288. 84 | 2,496. 84 | 2,496. 84 | 2,496. 84 | 2,496. 84 | 41,922. 08 | Note: The table shows the monthly net income Cash Flow ?| Pre – Op | June | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | CASH INFLOW | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? Owners Equity | 26,263. 00 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | Cash Sales | ? | 24,264. 00| 24,264. 00| 24,264. 00| 24,264. 00| 36,396. 00| 36,396. 00| 48,528. 00| 36,396. 00| 24,264. 00| 24,264. 00| 24,264. 00| 24,264. 00 | Total cash Inflows | 26,263. 00 | 24,264. 00 | 24,264. 00 | 24,264. 00 | 24,264. 00 | 36,396. 00 | 36,396. 00 | 48,528. 00 | 36,396. 00 | 24,264. 00 | 24,264. 00 | 24,264. 00 | 24,264. 00 | CASH OUTFLOW | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | Pre Op. | 2,000. 00 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? Fixed Asset | 2,650. 00 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | Purchase | ? | 17,100. 00| 17,100. 00| 17,100. 00| 17,100. 00| 25,650. 00| 25,650. 00| 34,200. 00| 25,650. 00| 17,100. 00| 17,100. 00| 17,100. 00| 17,100. 00| Labor exp. | ? | 900. 00| 900. 00| 900. 00| 900. 00| 1,350. 00| 1,350. 00| 1,800. 00| 1,350. 00| 900. 00| 900. 00| 900. 00| 900. 00| Selling and admin | ? | 2,933. 00| 2,933. 00| 2,933. 00| 2,933. 00| 2,933. 00| 2,933. 00| 2,933. 00| 2,933. 00| 2,933. 00| 2,933. 00| 2,933. 00| 2,933. 00| Transpo | ? | 680. 00| 680. 00| 680. 00| 680. 00| 1,020. 00| 1,020. 00| 1,360. 00| 1,020. 00| 680. 00| 680. 0| 680. 00| 680. 00| Total Cash outflow | 4,650. 00 | 21,613. 00 | 21,613. 00 | 21,613. 00 | 21,613. 00 | 30,953. 00 | 30,953. 00 | 40,293. 00 | 30,953. 00 | 21,613. 00 | 21,613. 00 | 21,613. 00 | 21,613. 00 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | Net Flow cash | 21,613. 00 | 2,651. 00 | 2,651. 00 | 2,651. 00 | 2,651. 00 | 5,443. 00 | 5,443. 00 | 8,235. 00 | 5,443. 00 | 2,651. 00 | 2,651. 00 | 2,651. 00 | 2,651. 00 | Add. Beg. balance | – | 21,613. 0 | 24,264. 00 | 26,915. 00 | 29,566. 00 | 32,217. 00 | 37,660. 00 | 43,103. 00 | 51,338. 00 | 56,781. 00 | 59,432. 00 | 62,083. 00 | 64,734. 00 | Ending cash balance | 21,613. 00 | 24,264. 00 | 26,915. 00 | 29,566. 00 | 32,217. 00 | 37,660. 00 | 43,103. 00 | 51,338. 00 | 56,781. 00 | 59,432. 00 | 62,083. 00 | 64,734. 00 | 67,385. 00 | BALANCE SHEET ?| Pre-op. | June | July | Aug. | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. | Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | April | May | Cash | 21,613. 00 | 24,264. 00 | 26,915. 0 | 29,566. 00 | 32,217. 00 | 37,660. 00 | 43,103. 00 | 51,338. 00 | 56,781. 00 | 59,432. 00 | 62,083. 00 | 64,734. 00 | 67,385. 00 | Fixed Asset | 2,650. 00 | 2,650. 00 | 2,650. 00 | 2,650. 00 | 2,650. 00 | 2,650. 00 | 2,650. 00 | 2,650. 00 | 2,650. 00 | 2,650. 00 | 2,650. 00 | 2,650. 00 | 2,650. 00 | Depreciation | ? | (154. 16)| (308. 32)| (462. 48)| (616. 64)| (770. 80)| (924. 96)| (1,079. 12)| (1,233. 8)| (1,387. 44)| (1,541. 60)| (1,695. 76)| (1,849. 92)| Total current assets | 24,263. 00 | 26,759. 84 | 29,256. 68 | 31,753. 52 | 34,250. 36 | 39,539. 20 | 44,828. 04 | 52,908. 88 | 58,197. 72 | 60,694. 56 | 63,191. 40 | 65,688. 24 | 68,185. 08 | Pre operating exp. | 2,000. 00 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | Total assets | 26,263. 00 | 26,759. 84 | 29,256. 68 | 31,753. 52 | 34,250. 36 | 39,539. 20 | 44,828. 04 | 52,908. 88 | 58,197. 72 | 60,694. 56 | 63,191. 0 | 65,688. 24 | 68,185. 08 | Liabilities and owners equity | ? | ? | ? | . | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | Total Liabilities | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | Owners Equity | 26,263. 00 | 26,263. 00 | 26,759. 84 | 29,256. 68 | 31,753. 52 | 34,250. 36 | 39,539. 20 | 44,828. 04 | 52,908. 88 | 58,197. 72 | 60,694. 56 | 63,191. 40 | 65,688. 24 | Income | ? | 496. 84 | 2,496. 84 | 2,496. 84 | 2,496. 84 | 5,288. 84 | 5,288. 84 | 8,080. 84 | 5,288. 4 | 2,496. 84 | 2,496. 84 | 2,496. 84 | 2,496. 84 | TOTAL LIABILITY AND CAPITAL | 26,263. 00 | 26,759. 84 | 29,256. 68 | 31,753. 52 | 34,250. 36 | 39,539. 20 | 44,828. 04 | 52,908. 88 | 58,197. 72 | 60,694. 56 | 63,191. 40 | 65,688. 24 | 68,185. 08 | RETURN ON INVESTMENT ROI = NET INCOME/TOTAL INVESTMENT x 100 =41,922. 08/26,263. 00 =1. 665 x 100 =160% PAYBACK PERIOD PP = Total Investment /Annual ave. Income =26,263. 00/41,922. 08 =0. 63 years Break Even Analysis=F/CMuF / CMr =3,337. 16 / 33. 803,337. 16 / =98. 73klsPhp. 13,295. 46
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Business Ethics and Social Responsibilities Essay
Business Ethics and Social Responsibilities - Essay Example The decision making process for incorporating ethics then becomes one of the most important values that are associated with businesses and the changes which occur in terms of defining and keeping specific ethical values. Decision Making Processes Traditionally, business ethics have been defined by the basic values that any corporation decides to reflect to the public and to implement within the organizational environment. However, the term is one which is now beginning to expand based on dimensional changes which are occurring within the corporation and in the environment. The decision making process to implement or change ethics is one which is now defined by the institution of business ethics and the changes which are required for businesses. Pressure from management and the association with the internal environment is one of the ways in which the process has changed. The influence of stakeholders, environmental concerns, social issues and political expectations have continued to i nfluence the process more with the recent trends in decision making processes. Ethical considerations not only relate to the basic foundations of a business but now also link to the internal and external pressures that are developing new standards for corporations (Ferrell, Fraedrich, 2009). The decision making process for ethics not only incorporates the various influences but also becomes based on the strategic implementation of plans, as opposed to the value and ethics which are primary for most in the business. The concept is one which leads to initiatives such as looking at the moral and value considerations and how this will affect the investments and finances. Stakeholder investments as well as the positive and negative influences are some of the areas that become primary considerations for ethical implementation. In a recent study (Hofmann, Hoelzl, Kirchler, 2007), it was noted that the moral considerations had a direct impact on the revenue which was created within the comp any. Moral behavior, such as the treatment of employees, had a direct correlation with the overall profitability as well as the expected dividends per share. Controlling profit, specifically when noted from this study, then directly correlates with the planning and implementation of moral treatment and ethical considerations and reflects with the stakeholder value and overall profits which are developed from a corporation (Hofmann, Hoelzl, Kirchler,2007). Processes for the Internal Environment The importance of strategically implementing the morals and values within a corporation lead to changes which occur with the internal and external environment. The effects which are created strategically are able to provide not only overall profit but also change the cultural effects within the organization. The process of ethical and moral considerations then becomes strategic for the overall quality and functions of an organization. More than having a foundation for the ethics of a business is the need to incorporate this in terms of the environment and how this will affect the different functions which one has. The process for the internal environment first begins with the decision making of having specific ethics that allow the managers and employees to follow specific rules. This is followed by reflections of the corporation that are associated with corporate responsibility which is continuously taken and a part of
Bombing of Dresden in WWII Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Bombing of Dresden in WWII - Essay Example It also, in the long run at least, exposed the fact that the Allied forces culminated WWII using the very tactics that they had once condemned. An analysis of whether the bombing of Dresden was "justified" needs to start with an examination of whether the whole concept of "area bombing" was justified. Area bombing was first suggested by Charles Portal, of the British Air Staff, in 1941. The destruction of whole cities was thought to be an effective manner of quickly breaking civilian morale. Among cities that had been attacked since 1942 included Bremen, Frankfurt and Cologne. One method to effectively destroy large cities was the dropping of bombs filled with highly flammable materials such as magnesium, phosphorus and petroleum jelly - the so-called incendiary bomb. The area would catch fire, hot air rose rapidly and colder air form outside created gale force winds that would literally suck people into the flames. The justification for such tactics, both in general, and in particular with Dresden, was based upon a kind of moral relativism in which a country involved in a Total War against an implacable enemy would adopt any tactics necessary in order to win. The same 'morality' was involved in the decision to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan with Atomic weapons. Within the general milieu of WWII the bombing of Dresden was no different from any of these other firebombing campaigns. The military justification for the bombing was formulated as early as January, 1945 in the following memo: Dresden, the seventh largest city in Germany and not much smaller than Manchester, is also far the largest unbombed built-up the enemy has got. In the midst of winter with refugees pouring westwards and troops to be rested, roofs are at a premium. The intentions of the attack are to hit the enemy where he will feel it most, behind an already partially collapsed front, to prevent the use of the city in the way of further advance, and incidentally to show the Russians when they arrive what Bomber Command can do. (Royal, 1945) A close reading of this memo is revealing. The opening sentence seems to be trying to provide a reason for the bombing through stressing the fact that Dresden is not much smaller than Manchester, and that it is one of the last German cities that had not been bombed. As a city it represents a place that, the memo admits "refugees" are flocking towards as they fled the rapidly advancing Russians. The fact that soldiers may be going there too seems almost an afterthought. The triptych of reasons for the coming bombing seems almost light-hearted in the manner in which it moves from one motivation to another. The last one, that the bombing will show the Russians what the combined British and US air forces are capable of (as if they didn't already know) seems utterly callous, and makes Dresden merely a pawn in one of the precursors to the coming Cold War. This memo seems to be searching for a motivation rather than providing a balanced analysis of whether Dresden should be bombed or not. As such, it would seem to suggest that the actual people who undertook the bombing, the RAF, had little justification themselves. In his autobiography, written after WWII was over, Arthur Harris provided both a specific and general explanation for the bomb
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Social identity theory of intergroup conflict Essay
Social identity theory of intergroup conflict - Essay Example Based on the findings in accordance to the mentioned aspects, further explanation has been provided in respect of the behavioural implications of Social Identity Theory. Definition of Identity As explained in the Identity Theory in Walumbwa & et. al. (2011), the term ‘Identity’ is quite challenging to be defined with the use of a momentary and acceptable statement that can succinctly hold the range of its meaning. Conceptually, ‘identity’, as a term, refers to the social categories and sources of an individual’s self-respect or dignity at the same time, which often becomes a major driver of intergroup disputes. To put it in simple words, identity is the combination of what features a person or a thing beholds, i.e. the uniformity of a person or a thing at all the time. According to the study of Gao & Riley (2010), the identity features in a person commonly involves certain attributes that may be termed as â€Å"internal stickiness†, which at a broader context can be examined to hinder psychological knowledge ownership of a person and raise issues in terms of ‘possessiveness’. ... characteristic attributes or social behaviour or (b) may refer to socially distinctive features those are identifiable when a person deciphers a degree of pride in his/her attitude in a manner that is somewhat unchangeable but socially consequential, or (a) and (b) at once. The social identity theory expands the meaning of ‘Identity’ to a broader realm, which is completely different from the captured definition of the term in dictionary (Walumbwa & et. al., 2011). Notably, these two major attributes (a) and (b) differ from one group to another, reflecting through the individual role performances and hence, are likely to become a major reason of intergroup conflict (Walumbwa & et. al., 2011). Correspondingly, it can be argued that studying identity shall contribute towards the mitigation of intergroup conflicts and therefore contribute to a healthier relationship amid the group members. Significance of studying Identity in understanding intergroup conflicts The social ide ntity theory differentiates personal identity and social identity explaining that personal identity is an explanation and estimation of oneself in terms of idiosyncratic personal attributes or one’s specific relationship with other people. On the contrary, social identity is a description and valuation of oneself in relation to shared attributes that expresses the specific group’s membership one belongs to (Schwartz, 2011). As explained by Kraus (2011), social identity works as a member of group, and not as an individual. In self-identity, therefore, there is no outside influence to control an individual’s perspective one way or the other, whereas in social identity, a person’s self-identity is combined with the group’s identity, to which one belongs and becomes more aware of what they
Monday, August 26, 2019
Tort law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Tort law - Essay Example Basically, a tort law can be described as a civil wrong not arising from a contract and in the case of negligence, one should owe due consideration to one’s neighbour (Capiro Industries vs. Dickman 1990). It generally refers to the duty of care owed by somebody to his or her neighbour. Cooke (2010) suggests that in the event that it can be proved beyond any reasonable doubt by the court that the plaintiff has suffered a civil injustice, a claim can be raised and a remedy in the form of compensation can be instituted. On the other hand, negligence can be described as a civil wrong arising from the act of negligence by doing something a reasonable man would not do and a plaintiff must prove that the defendant owes a duty of care (Donoghue V. Stevenson 1932). It is of paramount importance for the plaintiff to be able to prove that the defendant had duty to take care of and that duty of care has been breached in order to win the claim. In order to prove the existence of day care d uty, some conditions should prevail where a defendant can be taken to task if this duty is breached. Under the case of Capiro Industries vs. ... In the above case of Ultramares Corporation v Touche (1931) 255 NY 170), the facts are: Justice Cardozo created a special rule with regards to accountants and auditors. He suggested that mass liability should not exist but that only the client and the intended third party could hold an accountant liable for the accountant's negligence (Wegman 2007). Thus the court must be careful especially when it comes to establish negligence in the case involving an unmarked amount of money for an unfixed time with regards to an indefinite third part. An accountant can facilitate a loan transaction between a financial institution and a third party and in this case, only the financial institution and the third party can hold the accountant liable in the event of losses as a result of negligence. In this case, negligence is a common form of tort law which can be punishable if carelessness is proved and the victim will be entitled to get compensation. Failure to protect others from harm as a result o f somebody’s conduct is known as negligence whereby a duty care will have been ignored. From the above explanation of tort, it is clear that the accountant in this particular case has a duty care to make sure that their actions do result in financial losses to the client or the other third party which can be the plaintiff. With regards to this normal test, it does not always follow that duty care is owed by the third party which may result in loss of something which requires the plaintiff to prove that the resultant loss has been a result of the action of the accountant. In the case of Paris v Stepney Borough Council (1951) the editor of Salmond on the Law
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Not yet confirmed. Something with politics or international law, but Essay
Not yet confirmed. Something with politics or international law, but an easy one - Essay Example ility to target a wide group of public and because the people themselves can start revolutions and take active decisions through the use of this media. Social media can serve a number of significant purposes in the modern societies. They are used as active modes of communication, raising awareness about political and social matters, entertainment, education, news and publications, public announcements, current affairs and so on. Also, the social media impacts the arena of modern politics through a combination of the important interfaces of social communications and the use of technology. This report is prepared with the aim of discussing and evaluating the role of social media in different political unrest situations. The report is prepared by introducing social media followed by an analysis of the impact of social media on the national and international political scenarios. This is done by considering the examples of political unrest and protests in countries like Middle East, Philippines, Moldova and Iran and analysing the role that social media played in aggravating or controlling these situations. The report also includes a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of social media in politics. A suitable conclusion is given by summarizing the entire write up and highlighting the main findings from the report. Social Media Network (SMN) is a part of the Information Communication Technologies (ICTs). The social media networks can be defined as the online utilities and tools that facilitate communication, collaboration and participation in information generation through the digital mediums. 1Social media is an extended part of media which uses the information communication technologies to communicate and collect information through different channels formed by the convergence of technologies available in the foray of computing, microelectronics, optoelectronics, broadcasting, software and telecommunications. 2It can also be said that the social media
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Management of New Venture (MBA Program) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Management of New Venture (MBA Program) - Essay Example Their compensation will be considered as their investment and the share will be proportional to the total investment of the partnership company/venture. After all, mere financial investment cannot run a business. There should be someone to look after the business. In the present problem the two members who have agreed to put in their hard work have to be compensated equally or as per the terms put in the partnership deed. The contributions of the members shall be the capital of the firm. If any further capital or loans or deposits are required by the firm to meet its expenditure then such loans/deposits/capital shall be arranged or invested or even contributed by the partners. These investments if made by the partners will amount to an additional percentage of shares to be held by them. Also at the end of the accounting period the partners are liable for interest at 18% per annum or as prescribed under Section 40(b) (iv) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 or under any other Act applicable, on the amount standing at their credit. Such interest paid will be considered as an expenditure of the firm and will be debited to the profit and loss account of the firm before the divisible profit/loss is calculated. The two partners who have agreed to put their heart and soul into the business will have to be paid remuneration as laid down under section 40(b)(v), which is read with 3rd explanation of the Income-Tax Act, 1961. The remuneration will be distributed among the two partners in an agreed percentage. The partners are also eligible to revise the method of calculating the remuneration as agreed to by and among the partners from time to time. The partners will have to form a board of directors and elect a member as a Managing director who will look after the whole business. The Managing Director will be responsible for the acts of the partners collectively or individually in the conduct of the business. Meetings have to be conducted at regular intervals and the partners will have to attend the meetings. An agenda has to be prepared before every meeting lying down in clear terms as to what is the purpose of the meeting and what the discussions that would be held at the meetings. Holding of shares of each partner will be based on the amount of investments which they bring into the business. Bibliography: Chapter:xxi "Choice of Organization and Ownership", by Saravanavel, Margham Publications
Friday, August 23, 2019
PRATICAL WORKSHEETS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
PRATICAL WORKSHEETS - Essay Example The DNA samples collected from suspects have the similar size of bands of about 1000 to 1100bp. However, band size of about 800 to 900bp and 1300-1400bp were also seen in the samples 1 and 2. On the other hand, the DNA fingerprinting shows that suspect 3 DNA has base pair band size of about 600-700bp that is similar to the band size of the DNA attained from the crime sight. Thus, is it quite clear that the DNA samples from the crime sight and suspect 3 DNA samples are same and suspect 3 has interaction with the crime sight. 3. Tris-borate-EDTA and Tris acetate-EDTA are the basic buffing compounds that are used to characterize the DNA molecules. Tris acetate-EDTA is to characterize smaller molecules of DNA whereas Tris-borate-EDTA is taken to analyze the portions of DNA. In order to maintain the pH of the DNA fragments, DC voltages of about 4-10V per centimetre is applied. On the other hand, it also enhances the DNA fingerprinting by lowering the movement of portions of DNA. In this way, bands with enhanced visibility and broad view can be created. On the other hand, as the concentration of gel increases the movement of fragments also decreases. Molecular biologists use DNA electrophoresis and find it a better method to differentiate different DNA fragments, as different segments of the DNA molecule show different characteristic when charge is applied. The DNA matrix is first into a solution that has higher concentration of buffer and DC voltages are then passed. As the presence of phosphate groups makes the DNA molecules to have negative polarity, it attracts the positive terminal. The ratio of the mobility depends on the strand size of the DNA molecule. If the strand size of the DNA is smaller it will move easily and faster after applying electric current as compared to the longer stands DNA. In order to make the DNA samples more visible a florescent compound like ethidium bromide is added to make the
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Work-Related Project Analysis Essay Example for Free
Work-Related Project Analysis Essay Note: Usethe same project addressed in the Work-Related Project Analysis, Part II. Consider this as a follow-up, incorporating the transition from design to implementation for selected business system at the department or division level. Write a 1,400- to 2,100-wordpaper describing the development and implementation stages for the situation specified in previous weeks.Include the following:  · A discussion of major activities, including coding, testing, installation, documentation, training, and support.Include specific descriptions of how each activity would be planned for the individual project. Provide reasonable assumptions where needed.  · A discussion of benefits of using defined and repeatable processes for accomplishing these activities for implementation Include 3 to 4 references relevant to the assignment, in addition to the assigned readings. These should relate to the best practices in the area being discussed this week. References should not only provide definitions to the words used, but also validate your discussion in the paper. Format your paperconsistent with APA guidelines. AS you already know, there are as many ways to succeed in college as their are to fail. The important thing is to know yourself and create a college plan that works for your lifestyle, your learning style and work ethic. Us the tips from the article above to create your own winning c To download this tutorial follow the link AS you already know, there are as many ways to succeed in college as their are to fail. The important thing is to know yourself and create a college plan that works for your lifestyle, your learning style and work ethic. Us the tips from the article above to create your own winning college strategy. Business General Business Individual Work-Related Project Analysis, Part III Resources: Work-Related Project Analysis, Parts I and II Note: Usethe same project addressed in the Work-Related Project Analysis, Part II. Consider this as a follow-up, incorporating the transition from design to implementation for selected business system at the department or division level. Write a 1,400- to 2,100-wordpaper describing the development and implementation stages for the situation specified in previous weeks.Include the following:  · A discussion of major activities, including coding, testing, installation, documentation, training, and support.Include specific descriptions of how each activity would be planned for the individual project. Provide reasonable assumptions where needed.  · A discussion of benefits of using defined and repeatable processes for accomplishing these activities for implementation Include 3 to 4 references relevant to the assignment, in addition to the assigned readings. These should relate to the best practices in the area being discussed this week. References should not only provide definitions to the words used, but also validate your discussion in the paper.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Geography Assignment- Globalisation of sport Essay Example for Free
Geography Assignment- Globalisation of sport Essay Basketball: A. When and where did the game originate? Basketball was first invented in 1891. But the first formal rules were devised in 1982. Basketball was first originated in America at a school called Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) by a group of boys. B. When and where the game was first played in Australia? The game was first played in 1905. It was first played also at YMCA but in Melbourne. C. How is this sport played? What are the basic rules? The game is played with a round ball and two teams with five players each. (Two guards, two forwards, and a centre.) The referee starts the game by tossing the ball in the air between the two opposing centre players, standing at the centre of the circle of the playing arc. The player who hits the ball may then pass, throw, tap or dribble the ball in any direction. The aim of this game is throwing the ball in the opponent’s basket while preventing the other team from getting the ball and scoring goals. The basic rules are: If you run or walk with the ball that is called travelling, which means the other team gets the ball. If the ball is thrown over the basket it is considered out of bounds, which means the team who had it loses position of the ball, if you stop dribbling and start dribbling again it is known as double dribble, each team can only have up to 5 substitutes, two points given for a field goal, the games go for 40 minutes broken into halves, one point is rewarded for a free throw and you can not do any contact. D.Where is the sport played overseas? Map on the back E.Adaptions i. How has the game been adapted for different contexts/localities It has been adapted by different forms. This means different ways of playing basketball. ii. Why has the game been adapted? A reason it has been adapted is: So all participants can be involved. E.G: people who can’t do anything with their legs, wheelchair basketball was invented. F.For your sport list five Australia players who play overseas and who they play for, and five overseas players who play in Australia and who they play for. Present this information in a table.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Health and Safety Regulations in Hotels
Health and Safety Regulations in Hotels As the facilities Manager of our hotel that I am very concerned about the lack of awareness of safe working practices amongst our employees. Therefore, this presentation will help them to understand and practice health and safety regulations at workplace. This presentation helps to ensure that our hotel operation run well and meet our customers expectations as well. But I should keep our hotel functioning at its best and want to assure that you work safe and healthy at the hotel. It can be seen that all legislation regarding to health and safety regulations have been developed since 1970s to ensure that management responsible for providing and maintenance of adequate policies and standards. Under the common law assure that employers have a duty of care about their employees who work at workplace. It is very important of having health and safety regulations at workplace. Because, employer fails to take care of an employee means that employee may have a number of claims. It would include the ability to resign and claim constructive unfair dismissal and claiming personal injury as well. The necessity of Health and Safety regulations This chapter draws the attention of the necessity of health and safety regulations. Health and Safety regulation may help various ways to business. It can be highlighted that the one of the main reasons of the necessity of health and safety regulations is to ensure that the work premises is running safely thus reducing accidents at workplace. One of the biggest risks for hotel workers is ergonomic injury from strains, sprains, and repetitive work. It helps to protect workers back and limbs by practicing safety regulations when performing your job functions. On the other hand every persons objective should be to maintain the maximum level of health and safety in the hotel. There are regulations and rules that manage this issue. Each employee of the hotel should be made aware of these rules and regulations. It is to say that once the hotel workers read through the health and safety regulations they realize that most of those are common sense. The knowledge about these regulations would help them to know how to react if there is a crisis. As the hotel management, that would not enough to give our employees to read down the health and safety regulations. We should encourage them to practice it. The best way is to practice this by example. If this practice starts right from the top level of the hotel it spreads down to the entire employee. It should be mentioned that this is vital for the well being of the hotel workers. Once hotel employees make understand that these health and safety regulations are for their wellbeing and benefit them will be more willing to act in accordance with hotel management. All these health and safety regulations are a must in the workplace which is required by law. Importance of health and safety within the hotel environment It should be mentioned that health and safety is one of the most important part within the hotel premises. Keeping poor level of health and safety leads to accidents and illness and significant costs for our hotel. Successful health and safety regulations practice means that improve our hotel reputation with hotel customers, regulators and our own hotel staff. We have both legal and moral obligation to ensure that our employees work in healthy and safely at the hotel. Hotel management cannot force workers to work in an environment where their wellbeing is risk. On the other hand those hotel workers are both healthy and safe during their working hours. Injured or sick hotel workers lead to drop in service and a subsequent loss of profits. Good health and safety practices successfully pay for themselves as service keep remain from minimising insurance costs, disruption, the hotel workforce remains contended and customers also are happy with hotel service. The hotel workers need training in specific areas. For example, workers may need to learn how to handle and dispose of cleaning liquids. On the other hand all supervisors also may need to deliver health and safety policies towards our hotel employees. Key health and safety issues in the hotel Safety Audit Safety audit is able to identify the possible problems before they have an impact on hotel safety. Its object is to reveal the strengths and weakness, to determine areas of non tolerable risk and devise rectification measures. Safety audit is able to ensure compliance with all current regulations related to safety and health at workplace. The main object of safety audit is to collect information, using a predetermined protocol or a checklist, whether how workplace safety services are currently going on. The safety audit can cover the particular aspects or whole system. It is important to hold this safety audits that helps to highlight all positive and negative aspects of safety in the workplace. Safety audit may include the current system in workplace to control hazards, the record of incidents at the workplace and a physical inspection of the premises. Finally, that would help to report findings, as well as suggestions to improve the current safety policy and system. Benefits of safety audit at the Hotel Safety audit mainly evaluate hotels safety services. On the other hand it can cause to great cost savings by injuries at work. According to Roger regular safety audits are very important to minimizing risks and safety hazards in the workplace. Process of the safety auditing Method Review of documentation Interviews with staff Observations by the audit team. Outcome Benefits Observations and recommendation Conclusions substantiated with references Minimising risk and hazards Cost savings HASAWA and its importance for our hotel service HASAWA Health and safety at work act considers both physical and mental well being of employees, and freedom from risk of injury. Main object of the act can be outlined as health, safety and welfare of persons at work.It is clear that this act mainly focuses on employees at workplace. Not only workers, it protects persons other that persons at work, against risks to health or safety arising out of or in connection with the activities of persons at work. The act refers to control the keeping and using of explosive or highly flammable or otherwise dangerous substances, and generally preventing the unlawful acquisition, possession and use of such substances. On the other hand HASAWA control the emission into the atmosphere of noxious or offensive substances. I would disclose the duties of employers at workplace. The act provides that employer has duty of care about their employees. It can be clearly understood according to the chart below. Duties of Employer On the other hand it should be cited that employees also have to follow the duties and responsibilities which is under Health and Safety at Work Act. It is clearly cited below table. Responsibility of employee Hazard Spotting Hazard spotting is one of the most important things in the hotel. It will be of benefit to our hotel, staff and our guests as well. Therefore, I would like present and suggest action to be taken to resolve hazard spotting in our workplace. This would cover as many hazards as possible. To get reduce hazards in our hotel you will need to walk through our hotel, speak to employees. It is important that paperwork alone will not prevent injuries. It is very important to take action once a hazard has been identified. Therefore, I suggest taking action to prevent any hazards in many areas in the hotel premises. It is easily identify hazards that you may have not been previously identified once you work through the hotel. Hazard spotting involves looking for possible issues such as changes in working processes, temporary trip hazards, make sure only approved chemicals are used, etc. Any new hazards that you are found can then be dealt with either immediately or, if this is not possible, brought to the attention of the hotel administration. It is to be mentioned that there should be specify Hazard spotting exercises to conduct throughout the hotel regularly. Therefore, Nominate few persons who should be responsible for conducting the Hazard Spotting exercise Each one should be familiar with the area which the carry out the Hazard Spotting exercises Each Hazard Spotting need to be noted down with any new hazards as well Keeping a hazard spotting records which can be accessed by online. Use a checklist and make hazards list that you can see Accident reporting It is legal requirement that keeps a record of injuries in the hotel using an accident book. Employer must report certain serious workplace incidents to the hotel authorities. Accident reporting records must keep for at three years. As we employer that we have to provide an accident book for our staff and that should easily be understood. As you are the employer of work premises you are required to report some types of work-related diseases, accidents, and dangerous occurrences. Reporting ill health and accidents at workplace is a legal requirement under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences. Gathering information helps to Health and Executive and the Local Authority to recognize how and where risks arise and to prevent reoccurrence and prevent further suffering and pain to employees. Legal requirements ask to report a death, a major injury, an over three day injury, a work related disease, a dangerous occurrence and where a member of the public is taken directly to the hospital. Reporting accidents are required in time limit and it is vary depending on the severity. A major injury or where the accident has resulted in someones death need to be reported immediately. Over three day injuries need to be informed within ten days. It is noted that a work related diseases must report after the doctor diagnosis it. I have provided a sample of accident report form that would be getting clear picture about reporting accident. ACCIDENT REPORT FORM Details of person injured: Surname                      Forenames                                   Age                  DOB Department                                                           Position Held Date of Accident       Time        Was Accident Reported in Accident Record Book? How did Accident Occur? Nature of Injuries Was First Aid given?                       By Whom? Was Injured Person sent to Doctor, Medical Centre or Hospital? (Give Details) If so, accompanied by whom? Name(s) of Witness(es) of the Accident Any Previous Accident which may have been due to same cause Was Accident caused or contributed to by any defect in working conditions or premises or the conditions of the furniture, equipment or tools used? Signature of person reporting the accident                                                  Date The Health Safety Policy I would like explain about safety policy. It is to mention that we must have a written policy of safety. We are a hotel who has employees more than four. It is to say that health and safety policy should be available for our staff. On the other hand safety policy must be reviewed regularly. (eg: annually) meaning of policy in place in order to establish who is responsible for what aspects of safety in our hotel. It is an important duty of this hotel to ensure that our employees work under a safe and healthy environment. An effective health and safety policy requires the full co-operation and collaboration of all employees. I suggest all the hotel staff read this policy and accept their own personal responsibilities for safety at work. I would like to write down some responsibilities both hotel management and its employees. Responsibilities of management of the hotel; to maintain the principles of relevant legislation to ensure the safest systems of work and a safe, healthy working environment by consultation and joint involvement of management and employees, to enlist the active interest, participation and support of employees in promoting good standards. Responsibilities of the hotel employees; to take all reasonable care for the health and safety of him/herself and of fellow employees and to report any hazard which cannot be controlled personally to co-operate with the organisation by observing safety rules and complying with any measures designed to ensure a safe and healthy working environment. The role of safety co-ordinator is of vital importance for maintaining a continuous and critical scrutiny of working conditions throughout the workplace, reviewing safety performance and promoting safer working. The managing director accepts ultimate responsibility for health and safety within the organisation as a whole. All managers and employees generally are expected to support and implement this policy wholeheartedly. HACCP HACCP refers to prevent any kind of hazards that would be caused for food-borne illness by applying science based controls. It enables you to show your commitment to food and customer satisfaction. HACCP is an international principle defining the requirements for effective control of food safety. HACCP is built on seven key principles: hazard analysis, critical control points identification, establishing critical limits, monitoring procedures, corrective actions, verification procedures and record-keeping and documentation. Hazard analysis analysis of chemical, physical and biological food hazards Critical control points identify the critical points at the raw materials, processing, storage, distribution and consumption steps Establishing critical limits establishment of critical preventive measures and control limits, eg: minimum cooking time and temperature Monitoring procedures observing of these control points Corrective actions establishment of corrective actions Verification procedures Record keeping record; and Record-keeping and documentation Systematic and regular auditing of the systems in place by independent third party certification bodies. All those measurement can be maintain HACCP in workplace easily. Summary It can be seen that health and safety is good for hotel employees and the hotel as well. If employees are getting sick or injured that could result in time and money being wasted. We have planned to place the health and safety regulations in a variety of areas where the hotel employees can read them easily. Once you realize that these regulations are for your well being and benefit you will be more willing to comply with the hotel. It means we have been successful in cultivating a culture of health and safety at the hotel. It is to be advised to practice safe ergonomic principles when performing your job functions. Furthermore, keep your body and back straight and neutral while you work. Read the safety data sheets and labels to know the hazards and safe work practices for the chemicals products you use. It is important that you get training and inspect your cleaning and maintenance tools before use. The above recommendation and evaluations are general guidance only and should not be relied upon for legal compliance purposes. Therefore, you have an obligation to practice them for benefit of the hotel, customers and yourself.
Peace of Westphalia :: Ancient Rome Roman History
Peace of Westphalia The two treaties of Mà ¼nster and Osnabrà ¼ck, commonly known as the Peace of Westphalia, was the culminating element for the Holy Roman Empire in the Thirty Years' War. It established a final religious settlement and provided for new political boundaries for the German states of central Europe. The impact of the Peace of Westphalia was broad and long-standing, as it dictated the future of Germany and ex-territories of the Holy Roman Empire for some time to come. The Peace of Westphalia put down the Counter Reformation in Germany and instituted the final religious arrangement the German states had been crying for. It renewed the terms of the Peace of Augsburg, namely that each state of the Empire received the liberty to be either Lutheran or Catholic as it chose; no individual freedom of religion was permitted. If a ruler or a free city decided for Lutheranism, then all persons had to be Lutheran. Similarly in Catholic states all had to be Catholic. In addition to re-instituting the Peace of Augsburg in its traditional form, the Peace of Westphalia included Calvinism to Lutheranism and Catholicism as an acceptable faith. On the controversial issue of church territories secularized after 1552 the Protestants won a complete victory. With the advent of the Peace of Westphalia, the squabbling between Protestants and Catholics was finally put an end to. The Holy Roman Empire was officially dissolved with the Peace of Westphalia. This had been advanced with the drawing of internal religious frontiers in the days of Luther, although now it was confirmed. Borderlands of the Empire fell away. The Dutch and Swiss established themselves as independent, as did the United Provinces. The western frontier of the Empire was carved up among France, Sweden and the Dutch. France took control over three Lorraine bishoprics which they had occupied for a century. The Swedes received the bishoprics of Bremen and Verden and the western half of Pomerania, including the city of Stettin. Sweden enlarged its trans-Baltic possessions, and in addition claimed the mouths of the Oder, Elbe, and Weser rivers in Germany. The Dutch obtained only the mouths of the Rhine and the Scheldt. On the interior front of the Empire, both Brandenburg and Bavaria increased their statures. Brandenburg lay claim to eastern Pomerania, the large archbishopric of Magdeburg, and t wo smaller bishoprics. Bavaria received control of the Palatinate and a seat in the electoral college, increasing the Empire's electors to eight.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Rites of Passage in Australia :: essays research papers
Rituals act as signposts to assist us in recognizing the importance of particular passages in our lives. In an Australian context, the passage from childhood to adulthood is less formal, however, it mirrors the common structures found in rites of passage and ceremonial initiations in most cultures. The transition from secondary to tertiary education, a progression from one liminal space to another, is a process which also has structuralized social conventions; the rituals of high school graduation, the transitory period of liminality, the assimilation into university society. Society’s formal rituals serve to signpost the individual through the transitory process and to recognize the possible stressors associated with this period; to provide a path through the liminal state. The final year of secondary education, a period of life with mutual experiences for all graduates, is accompanied by a level of comradeship and recognition of common ambiguity of social role. All ‘nonliminal distinctions disappear[ed]’ (Schultz & Lavenda, 2005, p.167) as we were unified by the common rite of passage we were undertaking. Arnold Van Gennep (1960) noted that any movement within the social structure involves a temporary separation from the individual’s role in that society (Schultz & Lavenda, 2005, p167). In !Kung culture, the formalized separation during the male initiation ceremony of Choma, demonstrates the structure found universally in most rituals of social movement, as well as the necessity for a period of separation from social role (Shostak 2002, p.215). Separation from the social position of boys under the authority of the academic institution, was a process principally marked by liberation from the restraints and regulations of high school life, and an introduction to the responsibilities of manhood. The ritual of the graduation ceremony symbolizes this comradeship through the celebration of the ‘essential and genetic human bond[s]’ (Turner 1969, p.97). This bond was the social transition common to all graduates, and provided personal comfort in the knowledge that this process was natural and therefore, nobody was alone on that path to adulthood. The period of time after graduation, and the rituals associated with that time result from the liminal state of social responsibility experienced by most after graduating; lack of social role, lack of structure and potential danger are all aspects of this phase. Australian culture has labeled this group high-school ‘Leavers’, as many behavioral traits are common to this entire group. As a ‘Leaver’, ritualized behaviors are associated with the individual using ritual and communitas to cope with a new paradox; freedom and liberation from previous social restraints brings greater social expectation and responsibility.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Essay --
INTRODUCTION For this assignment, I will be focusing on the unemployment situation in Greece. The reason why I choose unemployment in Greece is because the country is facing a    high unemployment rate of at least 27.8% in October 2013, the highest jobless rate in the entire area of Europe. Greece high unemployment started as early as 8.5% in 2009. This is the sixth year that Greece has seen its recession. Unemployment in Greece is also a major problem for the economy as this will decrease the production rate of the country therefore lowering the country’s GDP CAUSES OF UNEMPLOYMENT: The country now has 1.5 million of its population with no jobs. In the 27.8% of population being unemployed, 64.9% of the population are youth between the age of 15-24 years old. Greek youth unemployment has reached to the highest percentage of at least for the last six year, reaching the highest record for the last decade. Greece is in a debt crisis after the election on 2009 which resulted the opposition Pasok socialist party to win, making George Papandreou to takes over as new prime minister. On January – March 2010, the government announces of 2 more austerity measures. Austerity measures are official actions being taken by the government during the period of adverse economic situation. It is to reduce budget deficit by using a combination of spending cut or increasing the tax. However the austerity measures are resulted by facing a mass protests and strikes by the public. The strikes grew as big as 10 thousand people in early 2011. On the February of 2011, the protester s march on to parliament to counter government efforts to pass on the new austerity laws. Majority of the protesters are students between the ages of 15-24 who are lookin... ...vicious cycle ends in 2014. Greece will return to the markets, it will start to become a normal country again. The debt will be declared viable, without the need of loan agreements, without the need to borrow money," The government officials also mention that the country’s largest tax dodgers owe around â‚ ¬13 billion in unpaid tax. CONCLUSION In conclusion, I would assume that the economy crisis in Greek will not end quickly. The worst of Greek economy may probably be over, but the recovery will still need some years. The governments are still attempting to solve the economic crisis and the population are still attempting to seek for work. Greece debt issue and unemployment should start to fall in 2014, and may even have economic growth by the end of 2014. And if the tax dodger would not avoid paying their taxes, the economy condition may recover a lot faster.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Advertising and Public Relations Portfolio Essay
1.Write a report on experience with regards to approaching the organisation First contact was via telephone where I set up an interview time with Mr. Solly Khuthama. The contact was very positive and he was supportive and understanding with the need for this campaign. Once at the Tumelo Children’s Home, I met with Miss Mpho who was also very helpful with fully answering all my questions about the organisation, as well as professional. How did the organisation respond to the request They were both very positive and looked forward to the finished communication campaign. Any information I needed was fully provided through open communication channels. Establishing a working relationship with the organisation It was decided in the interview that all further communication would be done telephonically and via e-mails between either Mr. Solly or Miss Mpho. As all questions were answered during the interview period, only the letters to and from the organisation, as required, were to be followed up on. Please refer to APPENDIX A and C. Identifying the communicator for the campaign The communicators of Tumelo Children’s Home are both Mr Solly and Miss Mpho on behalf of the entire organisation as Mr. Solly is the manager and Miss Mpho is the admin clerk/receptionist and they both oversee the entire running of the centre. 1.2 Identify the target audience (According to Integrated Organisational Communication text book, 2013:459) 1.2.1 Problem statement for the research To establish financial support and raise awareness about the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children. 1.2.2 Sub-problems a) To raise awareness amongst potential sponsors in Pretoria who are business owners. It contributes to solving the main problem as most of the business in Pretoria do not know about this organisation and cannot help without any previous knowledge of its needs. b) To find out the potential business owners’ needs (in the Pretoria area) and communication expectations of the organisation- if willing to deal with Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children. This will help solve the main problem as when the businesses have all the information about the home, then further steps can be taken to ensure that all funding and support offered is used as desired. c) To educate potential donors’ in the Pretoria area through the use of different medias about the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children. This will contribute positively due to increased awareness through a larger media coverage than previously, and inform the potential Pretoria donors about the organisation in its entirety. 1.2.3 Research questions a) Research question 1: What is the current awareness of the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children, with Pretoria based business owners? b) Research question 2: If willing to deal with the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children, what would the potential business owners needs’ be? c) Research question 3: What media could be used to educate potential donors about the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children? 1.2.4 Unit of analysis Since the focus of the communication campaign is on business owners in the Pretoria area, the unit of analysis will be on these individuals, as they will be the receivers of the questionnaires. 1.2.5 Population(s) The target population identified for this study is of various Pretoria based businesses, while the accessible population is only the business owners that agree to meet up to take the questionnaire. 1.2.6 Sampling procedures Random sampling: questionnaires were sent out to various business owners via online methods, such as Facebook and e-mails, as well as telephonically through references given by employees, in a cross sectional manner of industry. 1.2.7 Methodology and measuring instrument Quantitative methodology is used as it more focused on the quantity of answers rather than the quality of the answers received. The measuring instrument used are questionnaires which answer specific questions of the desired target audience that are easy to complete and non-confusing. Please see APPENDIX B for questionnaire. Percentages of companies willing to support a non-profit organisation: 5 of the 9 participants indicated willingness to consider supporting (if more information could be obtained), leaving a total of 35.7% willing. Awareness of Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children: 85% had indeed not heard of this home, leaving 14.3% (2 persons) having prior knowledge before the questionnaire. Information heard: The first person indicated that the information previously heard was abstract, while the other said that the information shared about the home sounded negative as the children need so much still. Preferred communication medium: 100% stated E-mail as their preferred communication medium. Preferred media medium Please note for the preferred medium: Many participants chose more than one option with preferred media mediums. 6 of the 14 participants indicated that they would prefer the website as a media medium, yet as the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children has a website already, I changed their selection to a newspaper advertisement as I want to create broader knowledge through media mediums not yet explored before. 1.2.9 Audience segmentation Demographics was provided for as one question asked for the situation of the company, as the questionnaire was specifically aimed at the Pretoria area, yet provision was provided for other areas. Another question was to find out whether or not the company would be willing to invest in the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children, to know the percentages that the communication campaign should be aimed at, and what their specific needs would be for this to occur. 1.2.10 Self-reflection (a) I discovered that the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children lacks coverage as most of the audience members had never heard of them before. (b) The extent that I predicted the results was a surprise as I believed that other forms of media mediums would be chosen, yet were not. (c) It was worthwhile in conducting the research as now the communication campaign manager knows that there is a dire need of this awareness campaign and what media to use to get the word out as indicated by personal preferences of the random audiences. (d) The research could influence the way in which this communication campaign is planned due to the results indicating an exact percentage of awareness in which demographic areas, as well as showing that while the communications manager would prefer to use a Twitter handle for example, the audience prefers Facebook as an online means of marketing. Page 8 1.3 Analyse the situation and identify campaign aims 1.3.1 Historical review and forecast The historical background of Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children: the home was opened in 1996 by Dr. Moses and Mrs. Orina Thindisa when Mr. Moses saw the many difficulties faced by the parents and families of these handicapped children. Driven by a love for the children in need, the facility was open in Ivory Park, Midrand. While it was originally opened as a centre for the children during daytime working hours, many of the parents abandoned their children and were never heard from again, leaving the two founders in a difficult situation, yet they persevered and the home operates on a 24 hour basis ever since. It now houses 32 children from which about seventy per cent are either orphaned, abandoned and previously abused. Since this is the old home for children with special needs, the waiting list contains around 250 applicants, coming from further afield than Ivory Park. Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children’s forecast is to therefore gain enough fun ds to expand the home to cater for the many needs of so many special children that still need the attention, facilities and activities that they do not receive unless admitted. 1.3.2 Social, political and economic environment (a) The social environment is very supportive on the home as the community volunteers, looks after the security of the facility and helps out when possible. (b) The political environment affects the home as the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children is funded by grants from the government currently. Parents of the children residing within the home’s walls are asked to pay R500.00- which is given to them by the government as children’s grants. (c) The economic environment does affect Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children as shortage of jobs results in that some of the parents neglect to pay their fee and rather use the government grants for themselves, leaving the home at a loss, whilst facing food and other cost increases. 1.3.3 Competitors Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children does not have any competitors and have children from afar as Alexandria and Soweto needing space due to this lack of competition. 1.3.4 Describe the organization and its culture Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children is extremely clean and the interior is cheerful and bright. It is clearly a place well taken care of and the caretakers truly have a passion for the well-being of the children. Culturally, the community has committed to the centre and looks out for the security of the grounds, are regular volunteers and help out where they can, leaving an impression that this facility is very family and community orientated. Please refer to APPENDIXES D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, and M for photographs of the organisation. 1.3.5 Identify three issues based on the research results and situation analysis that are relevant for the campaign (a) There is not broad awareness about Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children, leaving the home in dire need of financial sponsorship with no feasible way of gaining it. (b) Businesses that are interested in supporting a non-profit organisation all indicated that they required more information about the organisation to investigate whether or not it is worth while. (c) Local media coverage does not extend out the community, leaving the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children as another non-profit organisation that hardly anyone pays attention to. 1.3.6 Three broad general aims for the campaign (a) The first phase of this communication campaign would therefore be to raise awareness about the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children. Time frame: throughout the campaign- April 2013 to December 2013. (b) The second phase would then be to revamp all previous internal advertising and marketing to ensure that the corporate image is the same throughout in order for credible businesses to take an active interest and hopeful partnership. Time limit would be 4 months. (c) As the third and final phase of this campaign, this aim would be to do viral marketing about Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children where all media coverage would go further afield than just locally in Ivory Park by the end of 2013. 2 PHASE 2: CREATE 2.1 Stipulate the communication problem or opportunity (According to Angelopulo and Barker, 2013: 461-469) 2.1.1 Formulate the main communication problem or opportunity As there is not a large awareness about the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children, fundraising is difficult and needs to be addressed. 2.1.2 The need to conduct this campaign Without funding, the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children will fail, leaving thirty-two children disadvantaged and hundreds of other challenged children on the waiting list without hope for a better life. 2.1.3 What the campaign aims to achieve To raise awareness amongst Pretoria business owners that are potential sponsors and donors. 2.2 Define strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats 2.2.1 Describe three audience characteristics The audiences’ needs are to have an understanding of what the non-profit organisation does so that they can decide whether their company will be a suitable match. The audiences’ perceptions of Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children will influence whether or not they are willing to donate based on previous knowledge. Attitudes of the audience in terms of donating to non-profit organisations depend on any dealing in the past with charities and how their money was used. 2.2.2 Define the needs of the audience The audience needs to know more about Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children. They need to know what their money will be used for specifically. They need to have an open, two-way communication channel with the organisation. They need to be constantly updated and reminded about these children’s needs through the media. 2.2.3 SWOT analysis According to Angelopulo and Barker, (2013:322), the SWOT analysis is of the â€Å"organisation†itself- where the â€Å"strengths and weaknesses are internal factors†, with â€Å"external categories being the opportunities and threats†. (a) Strengths Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children has access to basic services namely: electricity, water sanitation and a doctor’s room/surgery next door. They are fully supported by the surrounding community of Ivory Park. Their facilities contains two fully equipped dormitories, stimulation area, equipped kitchen and office, an inviting reception area, playground for the children, as well as a large hall that can be used multi-purposively. (b) Weaknesses The home needs more physio equipment for needed stimulation for the children. They do not have sufficient rehabilitation and medical equipment. They need to develop an adequate stimulation programme that meets the needs of the various age groups. Need a trained physiotherapist and speech therapist. (c) Opportunities The facility contains a large enough area for care-giver training for current employees as well as trainees. They can develop their service centre into a training centre for young people with mental and physical disabilities. (d) Threats Some parents do not support their children, leaving the home struggling to cover the extra costs that should have been taken care of. As there is a low awareness level, people further afield from Ivory Park rarely donate. (e) Problem As the area has no other facility to help take in these children, Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children is the only safe place, leaving it in high demand, with too little space to accommodate such a high intake. 2.3 Determine the campaign topic The â€Å"help children that are abandoned, abused, orphaned and handicapped†campaign will promote awareness and raise funds amongst various target audiences. 2.4 Formulate strategic communication objectives 2.4.1 To raise awareness through various media about Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children throughout the campaign- April 2013 to December 2013. 2.4.2 To educate the target audience about the needs of Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children throughout the communication campaign running from April 2013 to December 2013. 2.4.3 To raise funds for the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children by spreading knowledge about their needs through different communication mediums. 2.5 Create the communication message 2.5.1 Formulate the â€Å"big idea†The â€Å"help children that are abandoned, abused, orphaned and handicapped†campaign is designed to raise awareness and increase funding for the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children by targeting mainly Pretoria based business owners who can donate significantly. 2.5.2 Message approach The approach used is emotional as the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children are in need for care and support, and no rational reasoning can put a price limit on that. It will also appeal to the business’ public relations departments as they should want their community to perceive them as giving and caring for the children of the community, which will also benefit them. 2.5.3 Different ways of presenting your message Theoretically the information produced will be emotional yet contain factual, demonstrative and testimonial information about Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children. The billboard is a short message appealing emotionally to passers-by to put themselves in the children’s’ place, while he Facebook advert contains factual information about the children and their need for funding. The poster is eye-catching and more a demonstration on how would you feel if you had to rely on the support of others, leaving the newspaper advertisement as testimonial of the trials faced by these children and creates awareness of their funding dilemma. 2.5.4 Communication mix The use of the home’s own logo design is the most specific and best way to portray its internal communication as its marketing remains consistent in every form of media used. Billboard advertising is an excellent medium to portray an integrated internal communication of the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children. Page 14 Facebook adverts are an online communication tool specifically aimed at online users in a company. Posters integrate different element of emotional aspects that appeal to people, leaving them wanting to help in any way possible. Newspaper advertisements is a traditional marketing tool that also contains a link for further information online if wanted. 2.6 Select the media 2.6.1 Medium one: billboard (a) This medium was selected because it will reach a larger target audience subconsciously, and business owners who are looking to contribute to charities will remember the billboard. (b) It contributes to internal integration through: Reach: Hundreds of people driving daily. Frequency: Everyday on the N1 North. Impact: Passengers will read it and interest will be created, while drivers can glimpse it and hopeful awareness for later research to be done will result. 2.6.2 Medium two: Facebook advert (a) This medium was selected as many internet users have a Facebook accounts and adverts online will reach people all over the world who may pass it on to their employers seeking a non-profit organisation to donate to. (b) It contributes to internal integration through: Reach: Everyone online with Facebook will receive it. Frequency: Every 30 minutes to pop up. Impact: People will see this advert and greater awareness will be created and hopefully more interest will occur, resulting in a viral word of mouth spread over the internet, possibly reaching people who can help. 2.6.3 Medium three: posters (at universities) (a) This medium was selected as many university students are encouraged to be more actively involved in the community and in charities, as well as may raise further awareness in future projects. Page 15 (b) It contributes to internal integration through: Reach: All students on campus will see it. Frequency: Students to and fro from classes. Impact: Students who are caring will pay attention to these posters and will further raise awareness about the home and may even help themselves. 2.6.4 Medium four: newspaper advertisement (a) This medium was selected as many business owners based in Pretoria read these newspapers for general knowledge about the country and daily issues that may influence the running of their businesses. (b) It contributes to internal integration through: Reach: All Sunday Times and Pretoria News newspaper readers. Frequency: Every day and every Sunday. Impact: Readers will gain increased awareness to enable them to enact further. 2.7 Produce the communication material (For the purpose of seeing the media activities as a whole, they will start on the next page.) Page 16 2.7.1 Design the four activities Billboard HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU WERE APART OF THE Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children Abandoned, Abused, Orphaned, Handicapped HELP THEM, HELP YOURSELF Facebook Advert The Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children is a place of safety for disabled and abused children. They need support from the South African community to ensure that these abandoned, abused, orphaned and handicapped children carry on receiving the supportive lifestyle they need and deserve. Help now through donating for this great cause of keeping our children safe. YOU can be that difference in THEIR lives Poster Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children Awareness Campaign: Fundraising for CHILDREN in need. How would YOU feel- ABANDONED†¦ ORPHENED†¦ ABUSED†¦ HANDICAPPED†¦ YOU would also want a place of refuge†¦ HELP NOW- contact: Mr.Solly Khuthama on: (011) 261 1868 Newspaper Advertisement Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children is a non-profit organisation that is in ever constant need of support from the South African community. Will YOU be the difference in the lives of these abandoned, abused, orphaned and handicapped children? 2.7.2 Explain how each activity contributes to the â€Å"big idea†Each media contains the phrase â€Å"help children that are abandoned, abused, orphaned and handicapped†which is the ‘big idea’ for this communication campaign. 1. The billboard’s meaning to catch passers-by’s attention to raise awareness for the children of Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children. By helping them, you help yourself be a better person by society’s standards. 2. The Facebook advert is aimed at creating awareness about funding needed for the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children and how these special children need help for the readers. 3. The poster helps raise awareness and educates viewers of the ‘big idea’ through its catch phrases emboldened, catching attention to remind people of others’ needs other than their own. 4. The newspaper advertisement contributes to the ‘big idea’ as it appeals emot ionally through the catch phrase, asking people to help donate to ensure the children’s’ safety. 2.8 Proof of authenticity Please refer to APPENDIX C SOURCES CONSULTED Books Advertising and Public Relations. 2012. Only Study Guide for COM3708. Pretoria: UNISA Advertising and Public Relations, COM3708, Tutorial Letter 101/3/2013. Department of Communication Sciences. Pretoria: UNISA Angelopulo, GC & Barker, R. (eds). 2013. Integrated organisational communication. Lansdowne: Juta. CMNALLE Tutorial Letter 301/4/2013 APPENDIX A Dear Miss Mpho and Mr. Solly, I wish to confirm the telephonic conversation and the subsequent meeting that took place. During the interview which took place on Thursday, 4th April 2013, at your offices, the following was agreed upon:- The communication campaign will focus specifically on raising awareness about your organization and its need for urgent funding. This will be accomplished through the following proposed steps:- a Your organization and where this community is situated. b Creating the proposed campaign through identifying the different key issues faced by the Tumelo Children Home. c 4x media draft versions to create public awareness of your plight. As I am a student of UNISA, I will not be implementing my research unfortunately, yet your organization will receive exposure through the interviews and questionnaires I will conduct during this time, about peoples’ and companies’ awareness of your home, and its many needs associated with the care of handicapped children. You are welcome to use any of my planning and research to assist you in any way you deem fit. If you do decide to use any of my suggestions and recommendations, I would be grateful if you would let me know what section/s you have used and the outcomes thereof as this will help me with future work. Any photography used in this portfolio is strictly confidential and anonymous, with only the marker/s of UNISA, my internal lecturer and myself seeing them, and will in no way be used in any manner unbefitting and will be used only with your consent. Thank you again for your willingness to work together with me and the sharing of your information. I will send the finished product if you so wish. I look forward to working with you both and if you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please accept my grateful thanks for consenting to see me and for the time spend discussing my proposals. APPENDIX B N.P.O. 016 874 The following questionnaire is specifically for the use of a UNISA portfolio about an integrated communication campaign based on the ‘Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children’. The recorded results are completely anonymous. Please circle the correct option where relevant. What is your position in your company? Owner Director APPENDIX C N.P.O. 016 874 PBO 930018541 08 April 2013 To Whom It May Concern Cara Grater Tumelo Home is situated in Ivory Park settlement .MIDRAND, it is a home for profound mentally and physically handicapped children, 75% of our children are either abandoned, orphaned or abused from home, at present Tumelo Home is catering for 100%, black and disadvantaged children with severe mental retardation and physical disabilities. TUMELO HOME has created 20 job opportunities to previously disadvantaged persons (amongst them is 17 women, 1 person with disability). We hereby authorise the above student to use our organisation to do her school project. She is a warm person and dedicated. During our interview, she was coming up with exciting ideas and she showed initiative. We were please to have met her and are very honoured to help her, so that she can help us. As an organisation, we feel that the communication campaign will be helpful because as an NGO we need exposure and for people to know about the kind of people we are taking care of, to learn about their condition and be able to appreciate them. So we feel like this project is going to be a great help to us. M.S. Khuthama[Manager] Rev. H.S. Mpshe [Chairman] Dr. G.M. Thindisa [Dep-chairman] T.M Malatji [Treasurer] E. shadung [Secretary] R. Madibogo[Dep-Secretary] B. Matlala, M.B. Lefophana Page 25 N.P.O. 016 874 PBO 930018541 For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours sincerely, Mr. Solly. M .Khuthama TUMELO HOME MANAGER M.S. Khuthama[Manager] Rev. H.S. Mpshe [Chairman] Dr. G.M. Thindisa [Dep-chairman] T.M Malatji [Treasurer] E. shadung [Secretary] R. Madibogo[Dep-Secretary] B. Matlala, M.B. Lefophana Page 26 APPENDIX D; E Above: View of Ivory Park- Midrand Below: Close up of Ivory Park- Midrand
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