Saturday, August 17, 2019
Advertising and Public Relations Portfolio Essay
1.Write a report on experience with regards to approaching the organisation First contact was via telephone where I set up an interview time with Mr. Solly Khuthama. The contact was very positive and he was supportive and understanding with the need for this campaign. Once at the Tumelo Children’s Home, I met with Miss Mpho who was also very helpful with fully answering all my questions about the organisation, as well as professional. How did the organisation respond to the request They were both very positive and looked forward to the finished communication campaign. Any information I needed was fully provided through open communication channels. Establishing a working relationship with the organisation It was decided in the interview that all further communication would be done telephonically and via e-mails between either Mr. Solly or Miss Mpho. As all questions were answered during the interview period, only the letters to and from the organisation, as required, were to be followed up on. Please refer to APPENDIX A and C. Identifying the communicator for the campaign The communicators of Tumelo Children’s Home are both Mr Solly and Miss Mpho on behalf of the entire organisation as Mr. Solly is the manager and Miss Mpho is the admin clerk/receptionist and they both oversee the entire running of the centre. 1.2 Identify the target audience (According to Integrated Organisational Communication text book, 2013:459) 1.2.1 Problem statement for the research To establish financial support and raise awareness about the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children. 1.2.2 Sub-problems a) To raise awareness amongst potential sponsors in Pretoria who are business owners. It contributes to solving the main problem as most of the business in Pretoria do not know about this organisation and cannot help without any previous knowledge of its needs. b) To find out the potential business owners’ needs (in the Pretoria area) and communication expectations of the organisation- if willing to deal with Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children. This will help solve the main problem as when the businesses have all the information about the home, then further steps can be taken to ensure that all funding and support offered is used as desired. c) To educate potential donors’ in the Pretoria area through the use of different medias about the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children. This will contribute positively due to increased awareness through a larger media coverage than previously, and inform the potential Pretoria donors about the organisation in its entirety. 1.2.3 Research questions a) Research question 1: What is the current awareness of the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children, with Pretoria based business owners? b) Research question 2: If willing to deal with the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children, what would the potential business owners needs’ be? c) Research question 3: What media could be used to educate potential donors about the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children? 1.2.4 Unit of analysis Since the focus of the communication campaign is on business owners in the Pretoria area, the unit of analysis will be on these individuals, as they will be the receivers of the questionnaires. 1.2.5 Population(s) The target population identified for this study is of various Pretoria based businesses, while the accessible population is only the business owners that agree to meet up to take the questionnaire. 1.2.6 Sampling procedures Random sampling: questionnaires were sent out to various business owners via online methods, such as Facebook and e-mails, as well as telephonically through references given by employees, in a cross sectional manner of industry. 1.2.7 Methodology and measuring instrument Quantitative methodology is used as it more focused on the quantity of answers rather than the quality of the answers received. The measuring instrument used are questionnaires which answer specific questions of the desired target audience that are easy to complete and non-confusing. Please see APPENDIX B for questionnaire. Percentages of companies willing to support a non-profit organisation: 5 of the 9 participants indicated willingness to consider supporting (if more information could be obtained), leaving a total of 35.7% willing. Awareness of Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children: 85% had indeed not heard of this home, leaving 14.3% (2 persons) having prior knowledge before the questionnaire. Information heard: The first person indicated that the information previously heard was abstract, while the other said that the information shared about the home sounded negative as the children need so much still. Preferred communication medium: 100% stated E-mail as their preferred communication medium. Preferred media medium Please note for the preferred medium: Many participants chose more than one option with preferred media mediums. 6 of the 14 participants indicated that they would prefer the website as a media medium, yet as the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children has a website already, I changed their selection to a newspaper advertisement as I want to create broader knowledge through media mediums not yet explored before. 1.2.9 Audience segmentation Demographics was provided for as one question asked for the situation of the company, as the questionnaire was specifically aimed at the Pretoria area, yet provision was provided for other areas. Another question was to find out whether or not the company would be willing to invest in the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children, to know the percentages that the communication campaign should be aimed at, and what their specific needs would be for this to occur. 1.2.10 Self-reflection (a) I discovered that the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children lacks coverage as most of the audience members had never heard of them before. (b) The extent that I predicted the results was a surprise as I believed that other forms of media mediums would be chosen, yet were not. (c) It was worthwhile in conducting the research as now the communication campaign manager knows that there is a dire need of this awareness campaign and what media to use to get the word out as indicated by personal preferences of the random audiences. (d) The research could influence the way in which this communication campaign is planned due to the results indicating an exact percentage of awareness in which demographic areas, as well as showing that while the communications manager would prefer to use a Twitter handle for example, the audience prefers Facebook as an online means of marketing. Page 8 1.3 Analyse the situation and identify campaign aims 1.3.1 Historical review and forecast The historical background of Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children: the home was opened in 1996 by Dr. Moses and Mrs. Orina Thindisa when Mr. Moses saw the many difficulties faced by the parents and families of these handicapped children. Driven by a love for the children in need, the facility was open in Ivory Park, Midrand. While it was originally opened as a centre for the children during daytime working hours, many of the parents abandoned their children and were never heard from again, leaving the two founders in a difficult situation, yet they persevered and the home operates on a 24 hour basis ever since. It now houses 32 children from which about seventy per cent are either orphaned, abandoned and previously abused. Since this is the old home for children with special needs, the waiting list contains around 250 applicants, coming from further afield than Ivory Park. Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children’s forecast is to therefore gain enough fun ds to expand the home to cater for the many needs of so many special children that still need the attention, facilities and activities that they do not receive unless admitted. 1.3.2 Social, political and economic environment (a) The social environment is very supportive on the home as the community volunteers, looks after the security of the facility and helps out when possible. (b) The political environment affects the home as the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children is funded by grants from the government currently. Parents of the children residing within the home’s walls are asked to pay R500.00- which is given to them by the government as children’s grants. (c) The economic environment does affect Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children as shortage of jobs results in that some of the parents neglect to pay their fee and rather use the government grants for themselves, leaving the home at a loss, whilst facing food and other cost increases. 1.3.3 Competitors Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children does not have any competitors and have children from afar as Alexandria and Soweto needing space due to this lack of competition. 1.3.4 Describe the organization and its culture Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children is extremely clean and the interior is cheerful and bright. It is clearly a place well taken care of and the caretakers truly have a passion for the well-being of the children. Culturally, the community has committed to the centre and looks out for the security of the grounds, are regular volunteers and help out where they can, leaving an impression that this facility is very family and community orientated. Please refer to APPENDIXES D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, and M for photographs of the organisation. 1.3.5 Identify three issues based on the research results and situation analysis that are relevant for the campaign (a) There is not broad awareness about Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children, leaving the home in dire need of financial sponsorship with no feasible way of gaining it. (b) Businesses that are interested in supporting a non-profit organisation all indicated that they required more information about the organisation to investigate whether or not it is worth while. (c) Local media coverage does not extend out the community, leaving the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children as another non-profit organisation that hardly anyone pays attention to. 1.3.6 Three broad general aims for the campaign (a) The first phase of this communication campaign would therefore be to raise awareness about the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children. Time frame: throughout the campaign- April 2013 to December 2013. (b) The second phase would then be to revamp all previous internal advertising and marketing to ensure that the corporate image is the same throughout in order for credible businesses to take an active interest and hopeful partnership. Time limit would be 4 months. (c) As the third and final phase of this campaign, this aim would be to do viral marketing about Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children where all media coverage would go further afield than just locally in Ivory Park by the end of 2013. 2 PHASE 2: CREATE 2.1 Stipulate the communication problem or opportunity (According to Angelopulo and Barker, 2013: 461-469) 2.1.1 Formulate the main communication problem or opportunity As there is not a large awareness about the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children, fundraising is difficult and needs to be addressed. 2.1.2 The need to conduct this campaign Without funding, the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children will fail, leaving thirty-two children disadvantaged and hundreds of other challenged children on the waiting list without hope for a better life. 2.1.3 What the campaign aims to achieve To raise awareness amongst Pretoria business owners that are potential sponsors and donors. 2.2 Define strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats 2.2.1 Describe three audience characteristics The audiences’ needs are to have an understanding of what the non-profit organisation does so that they can decide whether their company will be a suitable match. The audiences’ perceptions of Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children will influence whether or not they are willing to donate based on previous knowledge. Attitudes of the audience in terms of donating to non-profit organisations depend on any dealing in the past with charities and how their money was used. 2.2.2 Define the needs of the audience The audience needs to know more about Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children. They need to know what their money will be used for specifically. They need to have an open, two-way communication channel with the organisation. They need to be constantly updated and reminded about these children’s needs through the media. 2.2.3 SWOT analysis According to Angelopulo and Barker, (2013:322), the SWOT analysis is of the â€Å"organisation†itself- where the â€Å"strengths and weaknesses are internal factors†, with â€Å"external categories being the opportunities and threats†. (a) Strengths Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children has access to basic services namely: electricity, water sanitation and a doctor’s room/surgery next door. They are fully supported by the surrounding community of Ivory Park. Their facilities contains two fully equipped dormitories, stimulation area, equipped kitchen and office, an inviting reception area, playground for the children, as well as a large hall that can be used multi-purposively. (b) Weaknesses The home needs more physio equipment for needed stimulation for the children. They do not have sufficient rehabilitation and medical equipment. They need to develop an adequate stimulation programme that meets the needs of the various age groups. Need a trained physiotherapist and speech therapist. (c) Opportunities The facility contains a large enough area for care-giver training for current employees as well as trainees. They can develop their service centre into a training centre for young people with mental and physical disabilities. (d) Threats Some parents do not support their children, leaving the home struggling to cover the extra costs that should have been taken care of. As there is a low awareness level, people further afield from Ivory Park rarely donate. (e) Problem As the area has no other facility to help take in these children, Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children is the only safe place, leaving it in high demand, with too little space to accommodate such a high intake. 2.3 Determine the campaign topic The â€Å"help children that are abandoned, abused, orphaned and handicapped†campaign will promote awareness and raise funds amongst various target audiences. 2.4 Formulate strategic communication objectives 2.4.1 To raise awareness through various media about Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children throughout the campaign- April 2013 to December 2013. 2.4.2 To educate the target audience about the needs of Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children throughout the communication campaign running from April 2013 to December 2013. 2.4.3 To raise funds for the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children by spreading knowledge about their needs through different communication mediums. 2.5 Create the communication message 2.5.1 Formulate the â€Å"big idea†The â€Å"help children that are abandoned, abused, orphaned and handicapped†campaign is designed to raise awareness and increase funding for the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children by targeting mainly Pretoria based business owners who can donate significantly. 2.5.2 Message approach The approach used is emotional as the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children are in need for care and support, and no rational reasoning can put a price limit on that. It will also appeal to the business’ public relations departments as they should want their community to perceive them as giving and caring for the children of the community, which will also benefit them. 2.5.3 Different ways of presenting your message Theoretically the information produced will be emotional yet contain factual, demonstrative and testimonial information about Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children. The billboard is a short message appealing emotionally to passers-by to put themselves in the children’s’ place, while he Facebook advert contains factual information about the children and their need for funding. The poster is eye-catching and more a demonstration on how would you feel if you had to rely on the support of others, leaving the newspaper advertisement as testimonial of the trials faced by these children and creates awareness of their funding dilemma. 2.5.4 Communication mix The use of the home’s own logo design is the most specific and best way to portray its internal communication as its marketing remains consistent in every form of media used. Billboard advertising is an excellent medium to portray an integrated internal communication of the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children. Page 14 Facebook adverts are an online communication tool specifically aimed at online users in a company. Posters integrate different element of emotional aspects that appeal to people, leaving them wanting to help in any way possible. Newspaper advertisements is a traditional marketing tool that also contains a link for further information online if wanted. 2.6 Select the media 2.6.1 Medium one: billboard (a) This medium was selected because it will reach a larger target audience subconsciously, and business owners who are looking to contribute to charities will remember the billboard. (b) It contributes to internal integration through: Reach: Hundreds of people driving daily. Frequency: Everyday on the N1 North. Impact: Passengers will read it and interest will be created, while drivers can glimpse it and hopeful awareness for later research to be done will result. 2.6.2 Medium two: Facebook advert (a) This medium was selected as many internet users have a Facebook accounts and adverts online will reach people all over the world who may pass it on to their employers seeking a non-profit organisation to donate to. (b) It contributes to internal integration through: Reach: Everyone online with Facebook will receive it. Frequency: Every 30 minutes to pop up. Impact: People will see this advert and greater awareness will be created and hopefully more interest will occur, resulting in a viral word of mouth spread over the internet, possibly reaching people who can help. 2.6.3 Medium three: posters (at universities) (a) This medium was selected as many university students are encouraged to be more actively involved in the community and in charities, as well as may raise further awareness in future projects. Page 15 (b) It contributes to internal integration through: Reach: All students on campus will see it. Frequency: Students to and fro from classes. Impact: Students who are caring will pay attention to these posters and will further raise awareness about the home and may even help themselves. 2.6.4 Medium four: newspaper advertisement (a) This medium was selected as many business owners based in Pretoria read these newspapers for general knowledge about the country and daily issues that may influence the running of their businesses. (b) It contributes to internal integration through: Reach: All Sunday Times and Pretoria News newspaper readers. Frequency: Every day and every Sunday. Impact: Readers will gain increased awareness to enable them to enact further. 2.7 Produce the communication material (For the purpose of seeing the media activities as a whole, they will start on the next page.) Page 16 2.7.1 Design the four activities Billboard HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU WERE APART OF THE Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children Abandoned, Abused, Orphaned, Handicapped HELP THEM, HELP YOURSELF Facebook Advert The Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children is a place of safety for disabled and abused children. They need support from the South African community to ensure that these abandoned, abused, orphaned and handicapped children carry on receiving the supportive lifestyle they need and deserve. Help now through donating for this great cause of keeping our children safe. YOU can be that difference in THEIR lives Poster Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children Awareness Campaign: Fundraising for CHILDREN in need. How would YOU feel- ABANDONED†¦ ORPHENED†¦ ABUSED†¦ HANDICAPPED†¦ YOU would also want a place of refuge†¦ HELP NOW- contact: Mr.Solly Khuthama on: (011) 261 1868 Newspaper Advertisement Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children is a non-profit organisation that is in ever constant need of support from the South African community. Will YOU be the difference in the lives of these abandoned, abused, orphaned and handicapped children? 2.7.2 Explain how each activity contributes to the â€Å"big idea†Each media contains the phrase â€Å"help children that are abandoned, abused, orphaned and handicapped†which is the ‘big idea’ for this communication campaign. 1. The billboard’s meaning to catch passers-by’s attention to raise awareness for the children of Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children. By helping them, you help yourself be a better person by society’s standards. 2. The Facebook advert is aimed at creating awareness about funding needed for the Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children and how these special children need help for the readers. 3. The poster helps raise awareness and educates viewers of the ‘big idea’ through its catch phrases emboldened, catching attention to remind people of others’ needs other than their own. 4. The newspaper advertisement contributes to the ‘big idea’ as it appeals emot ionally through the catch phrase, asking people to help donate to ensure the children’s’ safety. 2.8 Proof of authenticity Please refer to APPENDIX C SOURCES CONSULTED Books Advertising and Public Relations. 2012. Only Study Guide for COM3708. Pretoria: UNISA Advertising and Public Relations, COM3708, Tutorial Letter 101/3/2013. Department of Communication Sciences. Pretoria: UNISA Angelopulo, GC & Barker, R. (eds). 2013. Integrated organisational communication. Lansdowne: Juta. CMNALLE Tutorial Letter 301/4/2013 APPENDIX A Dear Miss Mpho and Mr. Solly, I wish to confirm the telephonic conversation and the subsequent meeting that took place. During the interview which took place on Thursday, 4th April 2013, at your offices, the following was agreed upon:- The communication campaign will focus specifically on raising awareness about your organization and its need for urgent funding. This will be accomplished through the following proposed steps:- a Your organization and where this community is situated. b Creating the proposed campaign through identifying the different key issues faced by the Tumelo Children Home. c 4x media draft versions to create public awareness of your plight. As I am a student of UNISA, I will not be implementing my research unfortunately, yet your organization will receive exposure through the interviews and questionnaires I will conduct during this time, about peoples’ and companies’ awareness of your home, and its many needs associated with the care of handicapped children. You are welcome to use any of my planning and research to assist you in any way you deem fit. If you do decide to use any of my suggestions and recommendations, I would be grateful if you would let me know what section/s you have used and the outcomes thereof as this will help me with future work. Any photography used in this portfolio is strictly confidential and anonymous, with only the marker/s of UNISA, my internal lecturer and myself seeing them, and will in no way be used in any manner unbefitting and will be used only with your consent. Thank you again for your willingness to work together with me and the sharing of your information. I will send the finished product if you so wish. I look forward to working with you both and if you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please accept my grateful thanks for consenting to see me and for the time spend discussing my proposals. APPENDIX B N.P.O. 016 874 The following questionnaire is specifically for the use of a UNISA portfolio about an integrated communication campaign based on the ‘Tumelo Home for the Mentally Handicapped Children’. The recorded results are completely anonymous. Please circle the correct option where relevant. What is your position in your company? Owner Director APPENDIX C N.P.O. 016 874 PBO 930018541 08 April 2013 To Whom It May Concern Cara Grater Tumelo Home is situated in Ivory Park settlement .MIDRAND, it is a home for profound mentally and physically handicapped children, 75% of our children are either abandoned, orphaned or abused from home, at present Tumelo Home is catering for 100%, black and disadvantaged children with severe mental retardation and physical disabilities. TUMELO HOME has created 20 job opportunities to previously disadvantaged persons (amongst them is 17 women, 1 person with disability). We hereby authorise the above student to use our organisation to do her school project. She is a warm person and dedicated. During our interview, she was coming up with exciting ideas and she showed initiative. We were please to have met her and are very honoured to help her, so that she can help us. As an organisation, we feel that the communication campaign will be helpful because as an NGO we need exposure and for people to know about the kind of people we are taking care of, to learn about their condition and be able to appreciate them. So we feel like this project is going to be a great help to us. M.S. Khuthama[Manager] Rev. H.S. Mpshe [Chairman] Dr. G.M. Thindisa [Dep-chairman] T.M Malatji [Treasurer] E. shadung [Secretary] R. Madibogo[Dep-Secretary] B. Matlala, M.B. Lefophana Page 25 N.P.O. 016 874 PBO 930018541 For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours sincerely, Mr. Solly. M .Khuthama TUMELO HOME MANAGER M.S. Khuthama[Manager] Rev. H.S. Mpshe [Chairman] Dr. G.M. Thindisa [Dep-chairman] T.M Malatji [Treasurer] E. shadung [Secretary] R. Madibogo[Dep-Secretary] B. Matlala, M.B. Lefophana Page 26 APPENDIX D; E Above: View of Ivory Park- Midrand Below: Close up of Ivory Park- Midrand
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